penis or vagina. You can use your imagination to see the direc- tion he takes those words. When he gets to the more colorful word that describes the same body part, you see people in the audience cringe or smile widely. Tony asks, “What’s the differ- ence? All the words I said mean exactly the same thing. You just associated a different meaning to them.” He is so right, and the audience immediately gets it. Tony uses what some people may think of as foul language, but I love this example because it conveys how people give certain words power they don’t deserve. It’s only the negative context that gives words their power. You gave them the power they possess, and you can take that power away. Try writing some words that have tremendous power in your life. For instance: “sloppy work” or “I’m disappointed” or “do it again.” It can be any word or group of words. Your assignment is to think about why these words have so much power in your life, and then recognize that you’ve given them the power to create crippling anxiety and other negative emotions. Recognize that they are just words and that they’re no more powerful than you allow them to be. Now let’s switch from the negative effect of words spoken to us to the power of the words we use daily. Think about what happens when you say to someone, “I’m so stressed and over- whelmed.” Once you start using these words it triggers the spo- ken emotions. Even if you weren’t stressed, now you are, because you are telling your subconscious that you are. Everyone has a trigger word or 10 or 20! Think about when you get a phone call that doesn’t go well, and afterward you say, “I’m pissed!” What happens af- ter that? You walk around pissed off! You say, “I can’t han- dle this,” and pretty soon you’ve locked in those emotions and you’re stuck with them all day. Each of us has different words that are strong triggers that lock in negative emotions in our life. What are yours? Right now is a perfect time to stop reading and write down what trigger words you sometimes say that put you in a negative state. (You can find an easy “Trigger Words” cheat sheet at under
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