Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

The Power of Your Story

• The economy • Lack of time • Your boss • Your employees • Your unsupportive spouse • Your education • Your lack of capital • Your health • Your relationships

Many other possibilities exist; I list these just to get you started thinking about what stands in the way of your dreams. Focus on what comes to mind immediately when you think of why you haven’t reached the point in life that you desire? What is the story you have in your head? In most cases, when you want growth in any of these areas but can’t seem to find it, it means there is a story standing between you and your next level, kind of like a wall that you can break down (but only once you realize it is actually there). Now think about the stories that popped into your head and complete the “Negative Story” exercise sheet at www.thebetter- under the “Book Resources” tab. Can you see now how the factors from the previous chapter—the internal villain, the lack of a deeper why—fuel these limiting stories and make them real as heck in your subconscious? Consider, too, how your story became a part of you. Maybe the negative news reports you re- ceived daily supported your negative story? Maybe hearing that you need to work on your weaknesses helped create your story? Or maybe friends’ bad advice anchored your negative story until it became your truth and your belief? Did some stories come to mind? If they did, write them down. If not, stop reading for a moment and think of what you are holding back. Perhaps you’re resisting this exercise, telling your- self, “Well, I don’t have a story; this is reality.” If that’s what you


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