Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


Sr., Walt Disney—the list goes on and on. I researched the topic many years ago and found out that the story I was telling myself was total nonsense. And then I proved to myself that the story was wrong and a lie. Maybe you can tell by my writing style that I don’t always express myself with the best grammar and that I haven’t read as many of the great books as I should have. When I was younger, I convinced myself that I had no chance of doing anything in life that required reading or writing skills. I couldn’t conceive of writing a book, let alone multiple New York Times bestsellers. Am I an exception to the rule? Or are there other people who have written New York Times bestsellers who aren’t good at grammar or reading? Of course there are! So clearly, my old story was completely false. With a little research, I was able to figure out that the story didn’t hold water. Have other people with no money and horrible childhoods gone on to do great things, be great dads, enjoy rewarding re- lationships, have amazing friends, and be massively successful financially? Yes! The chances are that the old story you’ve been dragging around is wrong; you just need to prove that it is a bunch of crap. It’s nonsense to think you are the only one with certain issues holding you back. Get the proof that those limit- ing stories and beliefs are nothing more than fiction. HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD Here is an exercise that will elicit true disgust for your old stories. Pretend that you’re having a conversation with God, the universe, or whomever you believe your creator is. Imagine God saying to you, “Why are you not living up to your full poten- tial that I wanted for you? I put you in this amazing world and gave you limitless possibilities in your life. What’s stopping you from being your best you?” Sit in silence and contemplate that question. Then imagine yourself responding to God with the story you may have uncovered recently, or, should I say, the ex- cuse: “I’m not living up to my full potential because my dad was


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