Outcomes Report (2017-18)

Outcomes Report 2017-2018

Outputs % that report a decrease in intent to die by suicide: 75% % that report an increase in desire to live: 100% # of children/youth who attended a workshop: 455 # of external service providers who attended a workshop: 291 # of workshops: 19 # of crisis calls received: we don't collect this data # OF UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS SERVED: 98

SEXUAL ABUSE COUNSELLING CENTRE (SAC) The SAC program provides both short-term and long-term (up to 2 years) counselling to children and youth from Surrey where sexual abuse has either been disclosed or is suspected. Support and psycho-educational information is also offered to non-offending family members.

Outcomes: a) To maintain the child safely in the home; b) To improve the social emotional and behavioural functioning of children and youth who have been sexually abused; c) To stop re-victimization of sexually abused children and youth; d) To improve the ability of non-offending family members to cope with the stressors related to the disclosure of child sexual abuse in the family; e) To increase each non-offending family member’s knowledge of sexual abuse and related systems issues; f) And to increase the community’s awareness of sexual abuse and related social issues

“I couldn’t have asked for a better counsellor. They have been a huge help in

my life. Thank you!” (Family Counselling)

“Excellent program. We are so grateful! Our counsellor is very kind and knowledgeable!” (SPEAC)

100% of children report an increased ability to think clearly and make healthy decisions.

Outputs # of clients served: 142 % that report improved social, emotional and behavioural functioning: 100% % that report an increased ability to think clearly and make healthy decisions: 100% # OF UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS SERVED: 142


Special Services to Children and their Families is a goal-based program designed for children from 3 – 18 years who have a developmental disability and/or autism. There are three different components to this program: one-to-one service and group services, both funded Ministry of Children and Family Development (hereafter MCFD), and a one-to-one private intervention contract service. The Special Services Program has been operating since 1981.

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