Outcomes Report 2017-2018
clients, wage subsidy support, job development, customized employment services, job coaching, funding for short-term occupational certificates, financial supports for work clothing, bus tickets, and job start supports specified by the employer.
It opened a new opportunity for me to get back to work again, gives me a lot of inspiration and hopes. Gave me a sense that I can and will be a good contributor to society.
1257 individuals found employment 2354 individuals received 1 on 1 support 3242 individuals attended workshops 371 workshops were held (3 SOV clients received workshop services on a 1:1 basis) 11,668 visits to the resource room were recorded 95 % of needs and goals were addressed as per Client Survey Questionnaires 1374 new client files were opened
Early Years Services
HEALTHIEST BABIES POSSIBLE (HBP) Healthiest Babies Possible (HBP) is a pre and postnatal outreach program supporting women of all ages who live in Surrey, Delta and White Rock. Since 1988 we have provided education, information, support and connections for women who experience health and lifestyle challenges during pregnancy, birth and the transition to parenting. Working with women in the context of their families, the aim is improved maternal and infant health.
Long-term Goals of Healthiest Babies Possible To reduce the incidences of: Low and high birth weight and premature babies Prenatal substance use
Healthiest Babies Possible Participant Outcomes Participants engage in positive nutrition practices for self and baby. Participants engage in positive health practices for self and baby. Participants engage in practices that support emotional wellbeing of self and baby. Participants engage in positive infant feeding practices. Participants engage in positive infant care practices. Participants connect with community and resources as needed for self and baby.
Options Community Services
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