Outcomes Report (2017-18)

Outcomes Report 2017-2018

 # of youth participants assisted in program. .................................................................... 8  # of youth who received housing subsidy. ....................................................................... 8  # of youth who graduated from the program and is living independently in the community........... 4  # of youth who transitioned to another housing program in another community. ....................... 1  # of youth who left the program. ................................................................................. 1 SERVICES TO ACCESS RESOURCES AND RECREATION (STARR) STARR is a program that is designed to assist Surrey children between the ages of 5-12 in being successful in their schools, homes, and their community. This year-long program is primarily hosted in three Inner City Schools and provides group and 1-1 support before school, during school, lunch and recess, after school, on the weekends, and during school breaks (spring and summer). A full program compliment is 4 staff (2 full- time and 2 casual) and the primary funding for the program comes from United Way (funds equivalent to 1 full-time staff) and MCFD (funds 2 full –time staff). This year the program received a one-time-only donation from Rogers Communication that assisted in enhancing our programming.

The program delivers the following programming:  Cooking Classes  Dance groups  Drama clubs  Recycling club  Arts class  Spirit Teams  Leadership Programs  Recreational programs 

1-1 support through Connect 20 – A new program that engages up to 20 children who are identified by the school or STARR staff to promote children with a positive school experience.  Summer and Spring Camps  Weekend events (Delivered with our partners Kids Up Front)


# of individual Children served to date (based on school year)


# of contacts with children to date


Ongoing support, children contacts


Before and after school programs offered


Options Community Services

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