Spotlight on affordability
Affordability focus intensifies following House of Lords Select Committee report Peter Higgins, Gaming Sector Business Development Manager at LendingMetrics, discusses the recent report by the House of Lords Select Committee and the spotlight it shines on affordability.
The House of Lords Select Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry recently pro- duced its long-awaited report, marking the conclusion of its inquiry into the social and economic impact of the gam- bling industry. It was the third major report on the UK’s gambling industry in the space of three weeks and DCMS, UK Gambling Commission and Gam - bling Operators all received criticism in various guises. Affordability featured prominently throughout the report. Whatever the ulti- mate legislative outcomes, this report is likely to be given serious weight during the anticipated forthcoming govern- ment review of the Gambling Act 2005.
At LendingMetrics, we know that affordability plays an essential part in understanding the net amount a cus- tomer can afford to spend. We have integrated data feeds from an array of sources to currently enable over 200 business to run automated affordabili- ty decisions based on each company’s own preferred affordability decisioning criteria. We have worked alongside our custom- ers to help build their affordability rules to enable an automated led decision in seconds as opposed to a manual review of bank statements and other data which can take hours. Our Auto Decision Platform (ADP) has revolution- ised the industry, allowing our clients to build, edit and deploy their own
Commenting on the Select Committee’s
report and with specific reference to affordability, Neil McArthur (Chief Executive of the Gambling Commission) has said: In the weeks ahead, we will be publishing plans to remove potentially addic- tive features in games, further improve customer interaction and strengthen affordability checks.
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