decision strategy in real time. What’s more, the automated process can also work alongside manual reviews where required. Linked customer betting data can be integrated with the affordabili- ty decisioning, along with responsible gambling related triggers such as bet frequency and unusual betting spend or volumes. Whilst the regulatory requirements being placed on operators are becom- ing more stringent, if past experience is anything to go by in other sectors, this phase of new regulation will simply be the first of many. Over time, regula - tors look at how effective their meas- ures have been and how operators have either complied with or “worked around” the rules. As was the case in the PayDay lending market, the regula- tions were revised and tightened many times over several years. In such a fluid environment it is important for oper- ators to be able to evolve and adapt quickly and seamlessly to new regula- tory requirements. Providers are rushing to market with
novel solutions to individual operator challenges, however the truth is, no one data source, affordability score or KYC check will be sufficient in isolation, they need to be orchestrated as part of a joined-up approach. We would even go so far as to say that some of the solu- tions have yet to be created, not least because the first phase of regulations are yet to be fully defined. That is why having an openly connected multi-dis- cipline decisioning platform capable of pulling data from multiple sources now and in the future, is the only true basis upon which to build a solid foun- dation for regulatory compliance over the coming years. ADP delivers exactly that. We can assist with these operational and regulatory challenges so you can focus on managing the core compo- nents of your business. With decades of credit lending experi- ence and an in-depth understanding of the gambling industry, LendingMetrics are able to support you with regulato- ry requirements whilst still maintaining
your business model. If you are a gam- bling operator and are trialling various affordability possibilities, are wanting to discuss how best to approach afforda- bility or have yet to automate your affordability process, then get in touch with us today on +44 (0) 2394 211010 or email The full report can be viewed here.
Above: LendingMetrics Gaming Sector Business Development Manager Peter Higgins
+61 (0) 8946 79555 |
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