P.E. P.E. this term is on Thursday and Friday for 3V and a Friday for 3B and 3K. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school, including a jumper and trainers as it starts to get colder. Pupils to have their hair tied back in a bobble and earrings to be removed the night before. Classes will be taking part in invasion games and/or gymnas- tics this term. Computing Children will build on their experiences in Computing this year, and we will be learning a lot about e-safety, e-Mailing and developing keyboard skills. R.E. This term will explore what it means to be a good citizen in our community and finding out about the values of different religions.
‘All About Me’ In the Autumn Term, Year 3 will be exploring their own growth and development, and the history of the local area, starting from the Industrial Revolution and 1910, when Abbey Junior School was opened. Throughout the term we will be looking at how times have changed in school life and the High Street, including shopping. As part of the topic, you will be invited into school to create a timeline with the children as part of our Inspire workshop. ‘ Festival of Light’ In the second half term, Year 3 will present a ‘Festival of Light’ at St Hilda’s Church, which will be a celebration of art, music and poetry. Parents and carers are warmly welcomed to attend this end of topic celebration on Tuesday 27th November. Design Technology We will be combining our scientific knowledge with design and technology to create decorations for our ‘Festival of Light’. This will be done by using, and experimenting with, a range of mediums. Art In Art we will be focusing on using a range of techniques, including sketching and painting, to create pieces of art based around ourselves. We will also be exploring the Cubism movement. History and Geography We will be studying the history of people in our local area, spanning the timeline of the school up to the present day. Additionally, we will develop geographical understanding of the children’s place in the UK, Europe and the World.
English in Year 3 is based around the topics we are studying. Character description and a newspaper report will have links to our topic ‘All About Me’, which focuses on the local area and themselves. Letter writing and an adventure story will be inspired by our second topic of the term; Light. Children will continue to understand various sentence types, grammar and punctuation. We will be consolidating the Year 2 written methods from the National Curriculum for addition and subtraction, as well as the mental strategies for addition and multiplication. Another key focus this term will be ensuring that times tables are learnt by heart! It is expected that children will know their 2x, 5x and 10x tables, and these will be consolidated in the Autumn Term. 4x and 8x tables will also be taught during the Autumn Term. Other topics to be covered will include shape and properties of number. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different, problem solving contexts. Maths
Science .
The focus for this term will be learning about our ‘Amazing Bodies’ (including skeleton and organs) and what we need to be healthy.
The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.
Our topic of ‘Light’ will develop an understanding of how light travels, sources of light and reflections. Investigations will run throughout the term.
Phone: 0121-429-2700 Fax: 0121-434-4643 E-mail: office@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk
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