Full Year curriculum overview 2018-19

This term 6V and 6M will have P.E on Tuesdays and 6J will have P.E on Thursdays. All classes will take part in athletics during this term. Could you please ensure that children have appropriate kit in school.

We shall be looking at the history and development of ca- nals in the Birmingham area . The work of James Brindley will be studied. We intend to look at the adventures of “sea explorers” eg James Cook and the discovery of new lands.

In English we will be writing in a variety of genre this term, includ- ing story telling, biog- raphy, persuasive bro-

chures and playscripts. Children will be given the op- portunity to write in both formal and informal styles and an emphasis will be put on adding interest, style and complexity to their writing. Additionally, we will continue to work on the spelling, punctuation, grammar and reading comprehension skills.

We will be focusing on Christianity this term ; looking at the notion of Jesus as a leader. The children will also be encouraged to make links with mod- ern day life in both Sandwell and Britain.

Much of this topic will be geographical based around the Water Cycle , river, canals and human settlements.

The children will build upon the knowledge of French taught throughout the school including vocabulary, spo- ken and written French

In readiness for the Year 6 Leaver’s Production, the chil- dren will be heavily involved in prop and set design and con- struction, costume choices and other backstage considera- tions. Rehearsals for the production, involving acting, singing, dancing and backstage commitments will take up an increas- ing amount of time as the Summer Term draws to a close, so watch this space!

Our focus Maths will be on reasoning and problem solving


— tackling questions which may require a number of mathematical skills and the application of a wide range of learning from throughout the year. We will also be working on units designed to ensure a smooth transi- tion into Year 7, focussing on using a variety of dif- ferent mathematical skills when problem solving, iden- tifying number patterns & sequences and using ele- ments of maths to inspire art work.

This term we are looking at notation, rhythmic pattern, playing instruments and singing and performing for our Year6 Leaver's Show.


In our wellbeing assemblies we are looking at how chil- dren can be confident, healthy and lead independent lives. It helps them to develop personally and socially.

In art , we will be focussing on adding detail to sculptures, working with an artist, exploring perspectives and linking it to canals.

The focus for this term will shift to ‘Light’ and ‘Electricity’, where the children will be exploring how electricity is generated and creating circuits practically. Our topic on light will give oppor- tunities for experimenting with how light travels and how obstacles change this, as well as how shadows are formed.

The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.

This term, in computing the children will continue with cod- ing and modelling with spreadsheets.

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