PE P.E this term is on the following days. 1D Thursday 1P Thursday 1CP Either Monday or Wednesday Please make sure PE Kits are available on both days. Please ensure that your child has the cor- rect kit in school including pumps (all named please). This term, we will be focusing on gymnastics and games. Computing We will be looking at basic ICT skills and developing our programming skills using pro- grammable toys. RE During Autumn 1 Year 1 will be thinking about what puzzles us and life’s big ques- tions. We will give the children the oppor- tunity to answer questions and explore oth- ers’ points of view. In Autumn 2 we learn from the stories of Jesus.
In Year 1 we will start by writing a short piece about our summer holidays. Through our Talk for Write we will be looking at the features of traditional tales such as The Little Red Hen and will be teaching the children the importance of capital letters, full stops and the use of adjectives in their writing. We will also spend time looking at Christmas poetry and will use our trip to the Black Country Museum as an opportunity to complete a cross-curricular recount. We will be looking at number, with a focus on counting forwards and backwards, number recognition and formation. Time will be spent ensuring that the children have a secure understanding of numbers to 10/20 and the different ways in which these numbers can be represented. The children will be encouraged to use equipment when adding and subtracting to support their learning such as number lines, 100 squares, counters and Numicon. This term we will be focusing on our 2 and 10 times tables, making sure we know them by heart. We will also be learning about 2d shapes. Science Year 1 will be looking at materials and observing their similarities and differences. They will investigate why certain materials are chosen for their purposes. Throughout the year, Year 1 will also be tracking the weather during the four seasons using weather charts in their classrooms. Maths
The Victorians This topic is all about comparing our present lives with those of the Victorians, looking at schools, work and homes. We will be using drama, books, the Internet and a visit to The Black Country Living Museum to learn more about the topic and to explore Victorian toys. Design Technology We will be making a Victorian Doll as part of the Victorians topic. This involves designing and making the toy, collecting materials, attaching materials and evaluating the end product. Art This term we will be looking at developing our mark marking skills. We will be looking at different grades of pencils and the effects that can be created using them. History We will be studying the people, schools, jobs and homes of the Victorians and comparing them with the present day equivalents. We will visit the Black Country Living Museum to explore shops, houses and the school. We will also enjoy time playing with Victorian toys!
The Federation of Abbey Infant and Junior School.
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