King's Business - 1950-03

Prayer Is the Doorway To Godly Living Psa. 139:23 As we draw near to God in prayer, the heart realizes that we are unfit for His presence and must have the cleans­ ing which Christ’s blood provides. As we come in prayer we are made con­ scious of the holiness of God and the brightness of His presence. He dwells in light unapproachable and this re­ veals every defect in the heart and life. Since by prayer we enter into the holy of holies there is impressed upon our hearts the need of being more holy, more righteous, and more true. We cannot feel at home with God unless we are conscious of His cleansing power. We must abide under the shelter of the blood and this' is brought about by prayer. Prayer Is the Doorway To Peace Phil. 4:7 By prayer we lay our burdens at Jesus’ feet. By prayer we see mountains of difficulty removed and impediments disappear. By prayer enmity is taken out of the heart and evil attitudes of the spirit are removed. By prayer we see the burden lifted and the light scatter the shadows. In prayer we find a Friend who is such a Friend that He bears both the load and the Christian. Prayer enables us to unburden the heart. Prayer gives wings to the spirit and lifts us from the dungeon to the mountain top. By prayer we see the way grow brighter and the problems be­ come more easily solved. By the Word of God we are able to know God and to find His will for our lives. God’s thoughts are revealed by God’s Word. God’s plans are unfolded in the sacred pages. God’s ways with men are understood by the examples and the precepts described in the Scripture. We can only have light in life as it shines forth from the pages of truth. This Book promotes all that is good. It condemns all that is evil. God’s Word will make us godly. We Should Read the Bible To Know Christ Luke 24:27 If we did not have the New Testa­ ment we still could be well informed about our Saviour by the Scriptures in the Old. The events of His birth, His life, and His death are foretold by the prophets of old. The New Testament explains the Old more fully. It brings to our heart’s attention the need of trusting fully in the Saviour and of yielding wholly to Him. As we turn the sacred pages, we find the Rock of Ages. Thus the Scripture feeds our hearts and inspires our souls. By means of the Word of God we may become intelligent servants of God. April 23, 1950 I WILL USE MY BIBLE REGULARLY Psa. 119:9-16; 2 Tim. 3:15

We Should Read the Bible To Under­ stand God’s Ways Psa. 119:9 The Word of God leads us in the paths that have God’s approval. As we read the stories recorded in the Old Testament in regard to God’s dealings with Israel, and with the nations as well as with, individuals, we learn God’s method of handling both His enemies and His friends. Our God is a just and righteous God, full of tenderness and mercy, but He is also very severe in dealing with those who. oppose Him. We should know what kind of a God our God is. We may know as we read these inspired accounts of the past history. We Should Read the Bible To Enjoy God’s Promises Heb. 10:23 The promises of God are certain of fulfillment. Some of His promises are conditional, but others are unconditional. The promise made to Abraham was un­ conditional. It was not based on any act of obedience or merit on the part of Abraham. The promise made to David was also unconditional. It was not based on any merit in David’s life. Let us remember that the promises con­ cerning salvation, eternal life, redemp­ tion, and gaining Heaven are always unconditional. The promises concerning rewards for faithful service are con­ ditional. We Should Read the Bible for the Soul’s Enjoyment Jer. 15:16 The Christian loves his Bible. He revels in it as sheep in clover or cows in the corn. The Bible is the meat and drink of the saved soul. Somehow the words of Scripture enrich the life, en­ lighten the mind, and fill the soul with 1

joy. The believer reads the whole Bible. Each book contains some precious mes­ sage dear to his heart. Each chapter contains choice fruits of Heaven to satisfy the soul. In the Bible the troubled heart finds rest, the tired spirit finds refreshment, and life is filled with sunshine. April 30, 1950 I WILL BE ACTIVE IN MY CHURCH Neh. 4:6; Rom. 12:4-13 Activity in Christian service should be done in a scriptural manner and ac­ cording to the will of God. When the DON'T BUY THAT BIBLE Until you have seen THE INSTANT INDEX All books of Bible and New Testament chapters visible by Index. Locate passages with mere flick of finger. Nine prices $6.75 to $14.25. Large print King James. Write. Instant Bible Index Co., Flora, 111. Christian Faculty Builds Christian Lives The men and women of Multnomah faculty are consecrated to their task. As living ex­ amples of devotion to the Bible and Christian Service their teaching carries conviction which students sense and. accept, FREE tuition. Three-Year Bible Course. Ask for catalog. Interesting M onthly Sent Free to A ll Inquirers M John 632 N.E. ULTNOMAH School of the BIBLE Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President G. Mitchell, D. D. Vice-President Holladay St. Portland 14, Oregon w h e r e a

you want to know where we stand today on the prophetic clock, read this book. The author has been a student of prophecy for many years, during which time he composed a chart to obtain a better understanding of the world situation and its relationship to God's prophecies. That chart has become five in this book, dealing particularly with The Jew, Russia, Palestine and World Dictatorship. "The Great World Crisis" is a down-to- earth, practical portrayal of what we may expect in the end- times and for this reason should be positively thrilling to the believer in that it indicates there is so little yet to be fulfilled of prophetic Scriptures. $2.00

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