King's Business - 1950-03

FREE PLASTIC POCKET CALENDAR The LORD ’ S PRAYER on One Side No Obligation Robt. E. Pfaeffle 45 Guerrero St. San Francisco 3, Calif. MUSICAL COWBELLS 33 TONES, 440 pitch. Steel construction. Case for carrying furnished. Price $99.00. Picture avail­ able. Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana CHRISTIANS SHOULD buy Bibles, Commentaries, Christian Books, Devotional Books, Bookmarks, Cards, and some good Christian gifts for their friends. Write us for one of our catalogs. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Introducing VIS-U-FOLD FLANNEL BOARD

you speak of Jesus. I thought if you loved Him very much, sometimes I’d hear you say so.” — Sel. When you have nothing left but God, you become aware that He is enough. Warning from Charles Lamb Charles Lamb, one of the brightest spirits extinguished by drink, wrote mournfully, looking back upon his child­ hood: “ Could the youth, to whom the flavor of his first glass was delicious, look into my desolation and be made to understand what a dreary thing it is when a man feels himself going down a precipice with open eye and passive will, to see his destruction and not to have the power of will to stop it, and yet to feel it all the way emanating from himself, to perceive all goodness emptied out of him, and yet not to be able to forget the time when it was otherwise— how he would avoid that first glass. —National Voice Two sisters, absent from each other for some years, met. One had come under the influence of the Bible and had become a Christian. The other said, after a few days, “I do not know what is the matter with you, but you are a great deal easier to live with than you used to be.” We should not demand things of God, regardless of His will. The proper atti­ tude of faith is to submit one’s self unto Him, knowing that His will is best. Bodily healing is not on the same basis as salvation. If it were so, we should not have to wait for Christ to return to re­ deem the body. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. —George Washington

Just Everyday Faithfulness The greatest need of the present day in churches is plain everyday faithful­ ness on the part of our membership. We do not need race horses, but work horses. It is marvelous how much earnest, honest, humble men and women can accomplish by keeping everlastingly at it. An eminent pastor says. “ Faithful­ ness is a tremendous word for the Chris­ tian. We are not required to be rich, nor are we required to be famous, nor are we required to be handsome or beauti­ ful, but it is required in a steward that he be found faithful. Christ put the most emphasis there, “ If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments.” The dis­ tinguishing quality in all great Chris­ tians is faithfulness to Christ—in belief, in word, in deed—the basis of truly great living. The weakest and poorest may be great in His sight... —From an old scrap book The resurrection of Christ is men­ tioned 108 times in the New Testament. — Dr. Keith L. Brooks When Failure Is Success A Moravian missionary named George Smith went to Africa. He had been there only a short time and had only one con­ vert, a poor woman, when he was driven from the country. He died shortly after­ ward, on his knees, praying for Africa. He was considered a failure. But a company of men stumbled onto the place where he had prayed and found a copy of the Scriptures he had left. Presently, they met the poor woman who was his convert. One hundred years later, his mission counted more than 30,000 living con­ verts who had sprung from the ministry of George Smith. Sometimes it would be easier to die at your post than to sacrifice self and to live at your post. God needs those who are ready to live for Him, and prove His all-sufficiency under all circum­ stances. — A. L. Mcisinger Speak Of Him “ Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy” (Psa. 107:2). A little girl once said to her mother, who was a Christian: “Mamma, do you love Jesus?” “ Yes, my child, but why do you ask?” “ Well, Mamma, you speak of brother, of papa, of auntie, but I never heard

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