King's Business - 1950-03

they came to Bethphage, the Saviour sent two of the disciples into a nearby village and told them to bring to Him an ass and her colt they would find tied there. If they were questioned about their actions, they were to say, “ The Lord hath need of them,” and the owner would let the animals go at once. This was done that Zechariah’s prophecy (9:9) in the Old Testament might be fulfilled. The disciples placed their outer gar­ ments upon the donkey’s back and then set the Saviour upon her. As the Lord Jesus rode into the streets of Jerusalem, the multitudes spread their garments in the road, cut down branches from the palm trees, paving the way with them, and singing songs of praise. When Jesus entered the main part of the city, peo­ ple asked, “ Who is this?” The multitudes replied, “ This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.” God’s Son entered the temple and for the second time cast out all of those who bought and sold in His Father’s house. After the temple was cleansed,, the blind and the lame came to the Saviour and were healed. When the chief priests saw the miracles and heard the children singing in the temple, “ Hosanna to the son of David,” they were greatly displeased. When they asked the Lord Jesus if He heard what the children were saying, He replied, “Yea [yes]; have ye never read, Out of the mouth -of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (Psa. 8:2). Can you think of some ways in which boys and girls who love the Lord Jesus Christ may honor Him today? There were those in the days of Christ who denied the reality of a bodily resur­ rection. The Sadducees were among this number. They have their followers today. In order to meet the error of such as these who deny the fact of physical res­ urrection, the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians was included in the inspired Scriptures. Not only is the fact of the survival of man’s spirit taught in this chapter; it is also made clear that in due time his body shall come forth from the grave. First Corinthians fifteen is in­ deed one of the mountain peaks of New Testament revelation. The Easter Fact vv. 1-8 In the first four verses of this section, the Apostle Paul gives one of the clear­ est definitions of the gospel to be found in all the Scriptures. In short, it is the good news of salvation founded upon the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In verse one, Paul mentions three things with respect to the gospel, namely, (1) it had been preached; (2) it had been received by T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S April 9, 1950 THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION 1 Cor. 15:1-8, 20, 21, 57, 58 Pointers on the Lesson

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