King's Business - 1950-03

not believe the word of the prophets that judgment was near. Luxurious self- indulgence was common among them (v. 4). People who are too prosperous are liable to become soft and lacking in sterling worth. It is a good thing that the Lord does not let most of us have much wealth! He does not wish to sub­ ject us to the attendant temptations. These people were also given over to music of various kinds (v. 5). It is well- known what part music of the wrong kind has in degrading character. We see, furthermore, that these people were given to excessive drinking and vanity (v. 6). And saddest of all they seemed to have no concern for “the affliction of Joseph.” They were as little concerned about the national calamity that was about to fall as the sons of Jacob were for Joseph in the pit and in bondage. Woe, sooner or later, must fall upon such as these. The Consequence of Love of Money Amos 8:4-7 The picture here is of those who are bored by the restrictions of the days of worship when they are not permitted to make money. They consider time spent in God’s service as wasted. They are al­ ways thinking of business and its in­ come. God says He will not forget such an attitude (v. 7). Do you love God’s day and God’s house? Helps for the Children Amos Stands for Justice (Right Doing) Amos 2:6; 5:7-15; 8:4-6 Memory Verse: “Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment [justice] in the gate” (Amos 5:15). Had Amos, the shepherd preacher, been a coward he would have left Bethel at the command of the high priest. Amos did not leave, though, until he had brought all of God’s message to sinning Israel. Bravely Amos listed the sins of Israel’s religious and political leaders. For a small bribe the judges were unfairly condemning the righteous and the poor. They hated those who spoke uprightly and those who con­ demned their sins. They cheated the poor in their business dealings. Because of their sins, God said that they should not live in their houses nor drink of their vineyards. Amos pleaded with them to “ seek good and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you . . . Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment [justice] in the gate.” If they would do these things, Amos prom­ ised that God would be gracious and would forgive them. Today, as in the day of Amos, preachers and teachers who point out sin are often unpopular with many of their listeners. Some so-called preachers will say only those things which they know will please their audience. Those whose lips are yielded to God will bring His message no matter what others may think about them or do to them. M A R C H , I 9 5 0

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