CPhT CONNECT™ Magazine - Volume 5 Issue 1


New FDA Approved Drugs & Vaccines

Administration: Perfluorohexyloctane is adminis- tered as one drop in each affected eye four times a day. Contact lenses should be removed prior to and for at least 30 minutes after use. If more than one eye drop is being used, they should be sepa- rated by at least 5 minutes. Counsel patients to follow the administration instructions located in the accompanying medication guide (Figure 4). It is also important to advise patients not to touch the tip of the dropper to the eye.

Miebo (perfluorohexyloctane) Indication and Mechanism Action: Perfluorohexyloctane is an ophthalmic solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) in adults. It is the first and only prescription eye drop that directly targets the lead- ing cause of dry eye: tear evaporation. DED occurs when a patient’s tears do not provide sufficient eye lubrication which can lead to potential ocular inflam- mation and damage and can cause symptoms such as dryness and a scratchy, gritty feeling. of Perfluorohexyloctane was studied in two clinical trials: GOBE and MOJAVE. Patients were random- ized to receive either perfluorohexyloctane or saline eye drops. A statistically significant reduction in cor- neal fluorescein staining and patient-reported eye dryness scores were observed in the perfluorohexy- loctane groups.

Safety: The most common side effects that occurred (in less than 4% of individuals) were blurred vision and conjunctival redness. How Supplied: Perfluorohexyloctane is available as a clear, colorless liquid in a 5-mL multi-dose bottle with a dropper tip and screw cap. It is preser- vative and steroid free. It should be stored at room temperature. Once opened, it can be used until the expiration date printed on the bottle.


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