
8B — December 12 - 18, 2014 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


N orthern N ew J ersey

By Beverly Blum, DesignWorkBuild Consider retaining a project manager rather than running yourself ragged

I n the beginning, there were projects and people. There were people who

agram for others to follow. We know this is the case, as there are cave drawings depicting the evolution. Of course project management isn’t as simple as the wheel, but just as there was trial and error inventing the wheel, there was trial and error managing projects and developing a course of action for others to follow. At the very start, we need to recognize that there are no dif- ferences between project man- agement and project control. These two terms are synony- mous because they both take whatever actions are required

to plan and build a project on time and within the budget, while satisfying the owner’s

ganizing, staffing, directing, and controlling of resources to achieve a company’s objec-

jectives. Additionally, the best project managers have to think clearly on their feet in the field when situations arise that re- quire immediate solutions. DesignWorkBuild offers proj- ect management services, but there are skeptics in the con- struction industry that feel all this management and paper- work is not really necessary. They think a GC can monitor a job effectively just by walking around the site to ensure on-time completion and a profit. While that may be effective for the GC, there is a lack of representation for the company paying for the construction. Who then looks out for their best interests? DesignWorkBuild represents developers, owners and lessee’s using best methods, practices and procedures. The recent history of some construction projects is sadly one of the reasons old methods of project control are no longer effective and why our services are much needed. Today’s construction proj- ects are complex and very dif- ferent than those of the past. For example, building environ- mental control systems have replaced simple heating sys- tems. Windows have become complete exterior enclosure systems. Architects and own- ers have a much wider range of materials and systems to choose from; thus no two proj- ects are the same, requiring even more controls and details than can be managed by one individual. Determining the resources necessary for the project to be successful again falls to the project manager. They must coordinate spe- cialized subcontractors and specialty designers. When we manage the de- sign and installation of a Network Operations Center for example, there are IT spe- cialists, electrical specialists, HVAC specialists, furniture manufacturing specialists, flooring specialists, etc. The total management workload has increased to the point that a team (such as DesignWork- Build offers) and comprehen- sive, well documented systems of controls are essential. Contractors who attempt to deal with this new situation in the same old ways are doomed to fail. So the question is -why take the chance? Beverly Blum is presi- dent of DesignWorkBuild. n

had experi- ence manag- ing projects through trial and error and people who had no expe- rience at all floundering around.

“So what is project management? It is the planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling of resources to achieve a company’s objectives.”

objectives. Certainly, people who succeed in satisfying these objectives will remain in busi- ness and are likely to prosper through recommendations due to their success. So what is project manage- ment? It is the planning, or-

tives. It is the implementation of those resources for the best solutions. It is controlling and directing human resources toward their goals. And most importantly it is the rational, systematic process of decision making, to achieve specific ob-

Beverly Blum

Consider the invention of the wheel. After several attempts, probably deciding it should be round rather than oval or square, the inventor drew a di-

End the wear and tear of running yourself ragged managing commercial design, construction & installation

We are your money-saving, time-saving single source for it all, no matter how you size it! Our name says it all. We hold ourselves to the highest standards be it design, construction or installation. And we’ve been doing it successfully for over 25 years. The results have been incomparable quality and service you just won’t find anywhere else! Our 3 step Design/Work/Build process allows for seamless consolidations, relocations and transitions because of our superior project management. Our commercial clients include: Large & small property managers, commercial realtors, developers, financial institutions, major banks, telecommunications companies, law firms, insurance companies, hotels, and television networks. We don’t stand on our reputation alone. Contact us today about our “Test to Fit” and “Restacking” programs and we’ll prove it.

201-681-7161 • www.designworkbuild.com

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