King's Business - 1950-04

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THE H k f ï


Mormonism Your article on Mormonism is the best thing I have ever seen on the subject. Many writers are so unkind in their treatment of false religions that the prospective convert is offended, but you have documented your facts and pre­ sented them inoffensively. —H arold L. P atterson Oceanside, Calif. I teach a course on Cults and should like to have your excellent presentation on Mormonism for reference. It is excel­ lent. —W illiam M ac D onald Emmaus Bible School Chicago, 111. Your splendid article relative to Mor­ monism ought to be convincing to any honest Mormon who will read your mes­ sage. While in a Christian Service Cen­ ter during the war, I was asked by a G. I. if I could prove the Book of Mor­ mon was false. What I needed was your article to take up with him. —B. L. M atthews Richland, Wash. Your, approach to this subject is dif­ ferent from other literature which I have on this cult and I would like some copies. —A. C. L ittle Los Angeles, Calif. Your article on Mormonism interested me very much. I admire your lucid logic. I am convinced that it does no good to try and get a Mormon to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and be born again until they lose faith in the Book of Mormon and accept the Bible as the infallible Word of God. — S ydney E. A llen Arlington, Calif. I have been so helped by your articles on Mormonism. I am teaching a Bible class and need to know how we should answer those who go from house to house with their doctrine. I would like to help, these Mormon people that God might open their blinded eyes. —M rs . D. M c C utcheon Portland, Ore. I have just read your article and it has been very helpful. Just a few days ago two very sweet-looking young girls came to my door and tried to interest me in Mormonism. I tried just as hard to give them the true gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I accepted the book of Mormon they left as I thought mean­ time I could find some good material to show them what darkness they were in. —E dna B. O akes Eureka, Calif. This article proved very interesting. I had altogether a different view of the Mormons until you so cleverly showed me the truth. Send me all the informa­ tion you have. —R. L. S tebbing Grants Pass, Ore. APRIL. 1950

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Orr, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1950, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 41 APRIL 1950 No. 4


Reader Reaction 3 Editorially Speaking .................................................................................. 4 Poem, The Cross, John N ew to n ............................................................... 5 Poem, One Little Hour .............................................................................. 5 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box ........................................................................ 6 Resurrection Pyramid, R. R. Brown ..................................................... -7 Evangelicals in China Unite, Charles A. Roberts ................................ 8 Have We Failed Again? Robert K n ig h t ...................................... 9 The Bible in the News, William W. O rr ........................................ 10 The Mystery o f Suffering, Louis T. Talbot .................................. 11 Poem, One Lost Soul, Charlotte E. Arnold ............................................ 13 Poem, Grace All-Sufficient, Albert Simpson Reitz ................................ 13 Hymn, O Sacred Head Now Wounded, Bernard of Clairvaux ......... 13 Not So Silly, Theresa W orm an ........................... .................................. 14 Biola Family Circle ..............................................................................••• 1«* Poem, The Risen One, A. B. Simpson .................................... 16 Miscellanea ................... ...... .. i ^ ■ ••••••;«j£ Bible Quiz, Vernon H ow a rd ...................................................................... 19 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 20 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ........... 23 A Letter from Dr. Torrey to Young Converts...................................... 28 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................. 29 Picture Credits : Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. Va. ; Page 8, J. Rus­ sell Davis; Pages 7 and 13, Philip Gendreau, N. Y. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business’* is published monthy; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six month; 20 cent», single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot aceept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for. mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St,., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

February 28, after an illness of about six months. Dr. MacArthur, greatly beloved in Southern California, was for many years associated with the ministry of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. In the early days of Biola, Dr. Mac­ Arthur was greatly interested in boys work and organized scores of boys clubs in the Southern California area. Later, he became pastor of the Fountain Ave­ nue Baptist Church in Los Angeles and more recently of the Eagle Rock Baptist church. Dr. MacArthur’s influence in the past five or six years has been greatly widened as he with his son, Dr. John MacArthur, broadcast a widely heard radio program called “ The Voice of Calvary.” Mercy Killing A S this issue of the King’s Business goes to press the newspapers are reporting the euthanian trial in New England. Euthana is a transliterated word from the Greek meaning a good or easy death and has been applied to cases where hopelessly ill people have been painlessly delivered from their sufferings. There is quite a divergence of opinion on this matter, as one would naturally expect, due to the fact that suffering is not only hard to endure but hard to behold. Oftentimes it seems not only the humane thing to do, but also the blameless thing to relieve a sufferer from his agony. However, this is not, nor can it ever be a subject for debate. God himself is the master of life and death, and while it is true that in order to preserve society God has delegated to organized government the right to take life for crime (Genesis 9:6) it is not true that God has given to either society or the individual the right to terminate life because of pain or suffer­ ing. By very little stretch of imagina­ tion one could conceive the limits to which such permission would go. Before life could be taken who would be the judge of the incurability of the disease, and who is there to say that God could not step in at any time and by His almighty power touch the broken body and make it every whit whole? The depth of human suffering may scream for the release of death, but such death can never be anything else than murder. Sickness, sufferings, pain and tears all stem from the common root of sin and unrighteousness. Thank God, those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour can look forward to the time when all these things shall be at an end, for Heaven will know none of these things. Rather, in God’s pres­ ence there will be fullness of joy, and at His right hand pleasures for ever­ more. New Testament Giving T HERE is a noticeable lack of under­ standing on the part of many of God’s children with reference to prin­ ciples of giving under the Dispensation of Grace. Far too many Christian people are still laboring under the old cove- TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

overwhelming evidence, both circum­ stantial and logical. Many explanatory theories have been adduced to detract from the point of the story, but each of these theories is shown both to be false and untenable in the light of the sane evidence presented. The lives of Christian people would be stronger and their testimony more powerful if they followed the angel’s dual message, and both came and beheld and went forth to tell. May we suggest at this glad sea­ son a prayerful, unhurried review of the four-fold account of the resurrection story. Dr. Talbot’s Itinerary R EADERS of these columns will remember that Dr. Louis T. Talbot, who is the President of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, returned early in January from a four-months trip round-the-world in which he visited the various mission fields where Bible Insti­ tute students are now serving Christ. Dr. Talbot brought back with him some 15,000 feet of colored motion pictures which have subsequently been made into 45-minute films such as, “ I Saw Japan,” “ I Saw Borneo,” “ I Saw India” and others, portraying his visit to the vari­ ous countries. At the request of literally hundreds of churches and pastors, Dr. Talbot, begins a three-months itinerary to Northern California, Oregon and Wash­ ington on April 15. Some of the cities which Dr. Talbot will visit first include Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Jose, San Mateo. Later on in the summer he will speak and show pictures in the Bay Area and then move on into the cities of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. It is suggested that pastors who are interested in having Dr. Talbot come to their communities endeavor to promote a united meeting, securing an adequate auditorium. Meetings which have been held in Southern California have demonstrated the interest of Christian people in present-day missions. All inquiries should be addressed to the Extension Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. Dr. Harry H. MacArthur A NOTHER one of God’s choice serv­ ants, Dr. Harry H. MacArthur, went to be with his Lord on Tuesday,

Coming Prophetic Series W E are very happy to announce that our good friend and brother, Dr. Louis S. Bauman, for many years the beloved pastor of the First Brethren Church of Long Beach and now pastor of the First Brethren Church of Wash­ ington, D. C., will present a series of timely studies on prophecy in relation to present-day events. Dr. Bauman has long been recognized as a foremost teacher of the prophetic Word, and God has given to him special insight into the relationship of world happenings with the prophetic portions of the Scriptures; We count ourselves indeed fortunate to have this series of opportune articles from the pen of Dr. Bauman. Beginning with the June issue and continuing through the December issue the following subjects will be pre­ sented: “ The Hydrogen Bomb” , “ The Death Rattle of Our Age” , “ The Rus­ sian Bear Prowls Forth to His Doom” , “ Israel Lives Again”, “ The Harlot Mounts the Beast” , “ The Nations Ma­ neuvering for Armageddon” , “ The Im­ pending World-State”. Easter’s Two-Fold, Message N EVER underestimate the value of the resurrection message. As God’s standard for power in the Old Testa­ ment was His ability to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt and to the prom­ ised land (Ex. 20:2), so His standard of power in the New Testament is His ability to raise Christ from the dead (Eph. 1:20). It is a real blow to the spiritual health and well-being of God’s children that in many churches there is but one resur­ rection sermon preached each year, whereas God has intended that every Lord’s Day should be a joyful reminder that this same Jesus who died for us on Calvary’s tree, after three days rose gloriously from the tomb. God has desired that we examine minutely to our entire satisfaction the amount of factual material that sur­ rounds this unique event. You will remember that on the first Easter morning the angels were chosen to present the glad news. Their message was two-fold. First, “ Come and see” , then, “ Go and tell.” The story of the resurrection in itself being a most amaz­ ing phenomenon, instead of fearing in­ vestigation, welcomes it. At every point in the story God seems to have placed Page Four



nant method and finding it difficult, if not impossible, to harmonize the law of the tithe with the principles under grace. It should be clearly taught that as we have new principles of life and conduct under grace, so we also have new principles of giving under grace. The central New Testament passages about giving are to be found in Second Corinthians 8 and 9, and First Corin­ thians 16, the first few verses of that chapter. Briefly stated, the New Testa­ ment system of giving is not that one- tenth of the Christian’s wealth belongs to Christ, but ten-tenths of his wealth, and the Christian belongs to Christ too, and Christ belongs to the Christian. What a marvelous exchange this is! But God is practical too, and for the purpose of carrying on His testimony in this world, the Holy Spirit suggests that the Christian give as God has first pros­ pered him (1 Cor. 16:2). In other words, when the Christian is especially blessed with this world’s goods he should give abundantly to God’s enterprises. There are some of God’s children who can easily live on one-tenth of their income, thus leaving nine-tenths free for the propagation of the gospel. But of course most of God’s children have, smaller incomes. These incomes are to be divided proportion­ ately, but with a willing, cheerful heart. However, God desires that we should be systematic and on the first day of the week make a reckoning with Him, put­ ting aside some of the income for the work of Christ. More than that, God offers us a chal­ lenge in this matter of giving and sug­ gests in Second Corinthians 9:6 that giving is somewhat like sowing seed. If we sow bountifully we reap bounti­ fully, whereas if we sow sparingly or grudgingly, that is the type of harvest we will have. Here then is opportunity— here is .advancement in the matter of dollars and cents. God challenges us to test Him and sow abundantly, promising an abundant harvest. Not that the har­ vest must needs be abundant in material wealth which may become a curse, but abundant in the true riches of peace, satisfaction, health, and genuine accom­ plishments. What an advance this is on the kindergarten method of Old Testa­ ment giving! What a challenge to the spiritual life of mature Christians! Let us go forth and work a work for God by sowing bountifully in His vineyard. May God Deliver Us T HE curse of Christian service is professionalism. When one who is engaged in full time ministry for God becomes so adept and so trained and clever that he may attempt to meet the problems of other people by his own ability, that is tragedy indeed. The first lesson of the true servant of God is to learn to walk humbly. The supply of the spiritual grace and wisdom is never given in large doses. The pastor or Christian worker must come daily, yea, hourly before the throne of grace and seek the necessary wisdom and A P R I L , 19 50

In evil long I took delight.

Unawed by shame or fear, Till a new Object struck my sight, And stopped my wild career. I saw One hanging on a tree, In agonies and blood, Who fixed His languid eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. Sure, never till my latest breath Can I forget that look, It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. My conscience felt and owned the guilt, And plunged me in despair; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. Alas, I knew not what I did: But now my tears are vain; Where shall my trembling soul be hid? For I the Lord have slain. A second look He gave, which said, "I freely all forgive: This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou mayst live." Thus while His death my sin displays in all its blackest hue; Such is the mystery of grace, It seals my pardon, too. With pleasing grief and mournful joy My spirit now is filled, That I should such a life destroy, Yet live by Him I killed. —John Newton. strength for the task at hand. Never does the Christian worker reach a plateau of spiritual accomplishments where he no longer needs to bow his head and his heart and prayerfully seek favor from on high. We must also sorrowfully add that it is all too true that a great deal of Christian service is carried on profes­ sionally. Sermons are preached in the power of natural oratory. Seeking souls are dealt with according to the laws of psychiatry. Men and women are given directions taken from books written by leading educators and emphasis is made on wisdom attained through experience. Consequently Christians are ofttimes wrongly led, sermons are dry of spirit­ ual content, and advice is given which is not from God at all, simply because the Christian servant or worker has depended upon his own professional experience. May we learn the lesson that we will only be able to be of genuine service to others as we are daily in contact with the source of true strength. While not disparaging experience or education, still let our reliance be not upon any of these things, but upon the living God who daily giveth us the manna of true wisdom and strength from on high.

One little hour for watching with the Master, Eternal years to walk with Him in white; One little hour to bravely meet disaster, Eternal years to walk with Him in light. One little hour to suffer scorn and losses, Eternal years beyond earth's cruel frowns; One little hour to carry heavy crosses, Eternal years to wear unfading crowns. One little hour for weary toils and trials, Eternal years for calm and peaceful rest; One little hour for patient self-denials, Eternal years where life is ever blest. Then, souls, be brave, and watch until tomorrow, Awake, arise, your lamps of purpose trim; Your Saviour speaks across the night of sorrow; Can ye not then watch one brief hour with Him? DWELL DEEP The diver goes down into the depths of the ocean for pearls—the miner into the heart of the earth for coal and gold. Much risk and time are necessary if men would win the mineral wealth of the world. That is an infallible law in ac­ quisition of worthwhile things in this life. Yet we find many Christians who seem to think that they can live shallow super­ ficial lives and still become strong, wise, rich and holy in spiritual things. The watchword for full orbed Christian life is —Dwell Deep. — Old, Paths Page Five

What is the difference between “Hades” in Luke 16:23 and “Gehenna” in Revelation 20:11-15? Hades is the abode of the Christless dead, where they await the great white throne judgment. It is not purgatory; nor is it a place of second chance. It is a waiting place. “ Gehenna” is the lake of fire, the “ second death,” the final doom of the lost. Will the heathen be lost? Will there not be, at least, a probation for them after death, since they have died in ig­ norance and superstition? There is nothing in the Word of God to justify even the slightest inference that there will be probation after death for anyone; on the contrary, there is very positive teaching to the effect that what one does with the Lord Jesus Christ in this life determines forever his eter­ nal state. All must stand before Him; for He is the Judge of all the earth, and the Father has committed all judgment unto Him (John 5:22, 25, 27-29). The best answer to your question about the heathen is found in Romans 1:18-32. Read this terrible indictment of sinful man, “ without Christ.” It is one of the darkest pictures in the Bible. God is saying here that, because the nations which we .call heathen, refuse to have God in their knowledge, and because they deliberately and persistenly turned their backs upon His truth, He gave them up. That is why our responsibility is so great, why we are impelled by the grace of God to take the message of sal­ vation to the heathen world. Let no man dare question the justice or the wis­ dom of God in this matter. He is ever the God of love who died for sinners, and what our finite minds cannot grasp concerning His ways with men, we do well to leave with Him who “ doeth all things well,” and whose wisdom, justice and mercy are infinite! What does the Bible teach about the fallen angels? Two New Testament passages speak plainly: “ God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment” (2 Pet. 2:4). “ The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day” (Jude 6). It has been conjectured that perhaps the fallen angels sinned when Satan ex­ alted himself as God, and wanted to be worshiped as God. He evidently had a following in these now fallen angels. We do not know, because the Bible does not tell us. Therefore, we dare not go beyond the revealed truth of God’s Word. Mat­ thew 25:41 would lead us to associate these fallen angels with Satan: “ Then shall he say, also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Continued on Page 18)

Dr. L. T. Talbot

The Church began on the day of Pen­ tecost (Acts 2), and is now in the proc­ ess of being formed. One day, perhaps sooner than men realize, the last member will be added to the body of Christ, which is His Church. This is called by Paul in Romans 11:25 “ the fulness of the Gentiles,” which expression may be freely translated, “ the full number of the Gentiles.” When the Church is com­ plete, then God will call it home to Heaven; and not until then will the seventieth week of Daniel begin to run its course. Please explain Jesus’ words, “I never knew you” (Matt. 7:23). Is it possible that some of those addressed were for­ merly sincere Christians who were at this time in a backslidden condition? These words of our Lord’s were the outcome of the conditions referred to in the two preceding verses (vs. 21, 22), and show the futility of profession of Christ without faith in Him. We cannot believe that those for whom these words were meant could ever have been sincere Christians. One of the tests of belonging to Christ is one’s endeavor to do the will of the Father, and accord­ ing to Christ’s words, “ ye that work iniquity” (v. 23), those to whom He was speaking were not performing the Fath­ er’s will. Their service was no doubt glamorous—prophecy, miracles, “many wonderful works” all done in Christ’s name (v. 22) ; but it was not motivated by the Spirit of God, neither did it emanate as the expression of saving faith in Christ. The Lord knew the condition of their hearts and minds for He “ needed not that any should testify of man . . . he knew what was in man” (John 2:25). Again, from His words “ I . . . know my sheep, and am known of mine” (John 10:14), we learn that He knows all who belong to Him. Christ has promised, “ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). The person who establishes the right relationship between himself and the Lord may be confident that it will be recognized by Him, and that it will be an everlasting bond.

I have accepted, Christ as my personal Saviour; but I often sin, particularly in losing my temper. Am I truly born again? The assurance with which you speak of having accepted Christ as your Saviour is a good testimony. Since you are confident of having performed that act, you may be sure of having been born again: the latter is an immediate result of the former. The Holy Spirit graci­ ously enters the heart of the redeemed one the moment that person says “ yes” to Christ. “ After that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” are the words of Paul to the Ephesians (1:13; cf. 2 Cor. 1:21, 22). The entrance of the Holy Spirit into the Christian’s heart is instantaneous, and not progressive. His presence there is a divine provision for the believer, but the scope of His influence is limited to the permission and submission of the one in whose heart He dwells. In this truth may lie the secret of your occasional anger. Have you submitted your “tem­ per” to the rulership of the One who is willing to keep you at all times the poised Christian you would like to be? Every Christian can join you in that regrettable admission, “ I often sin.” Vic­ torious living is gloriously possible as we yield completely to Him, our divine Com­ forter, Companion, and Guide. (Read John 14:16, 17; 16:13; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19). Some say that the Church will be translated at the end of the first three and one-half years of the seventieth week of Daniel, which is just before the tribulation period. Others say that the Church will not be translated until after the tribulation, but will go through it. Please explain. The Church will be raptured before the seventieth week of Daniel begins. Second Thessalonians 2:7, 8 is one of the clearest passages that proves this fact. The Antichrist will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit’s restraining influence in the Church is taken “ out of the way.” And, of course, the Antichrist is to be the ruling personage of the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy.

Page Six

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

l ^ e ó u r r e c t i o n

R t ^ r c t m i d

By R. R. Brown, D.D.*

C HRIST Is Risen! What a glorious Easter song! Not only at Easter time, but daily it should be the song of our hearts for the two essential truths in the Gospel of Christ are that He died and He rose again. His death was made effective as a redemptive quan­ tity because of His resurrection. The resurrection is not speculative. It is the • most thoroughly authenticated fact in history. Its spiritual significance can not be expressed in a single truth, for it is the foundation of all truth. We would ask you to think of resurrection truths in the form of a pyramid. We must, nat­ urally, begin with the base and proceed until we reach the apex—the ultimate goal and glory of all redemption. We, therefore, begin at the base. Faith Faith for salvation. The apostle re­ minds us, “ If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable" (1 Cor. 15:19). All that Christ accomplished in His death became legally and spiritually effective for us by His resurrection. He not only died for our sins, but He was raised for our justification (Rom. 4:25). Therefore, it is the ground of our faith for salva­ tion. Christian faith implies not only a present possession, but a glorious hope. Life The second stone is realization—reali­ zation of the fullness of His risen life. The seed of His Word is sown in the soil of our souls and it springs up unto life everlasting. So when Christ was put to death, He rose again to make us par­ takers of His divine nature. Jesus did not come to improve our old life, but to give us new life. Resurrection means life,

A Heart-Warming Reminder of Resurrection Blessings

His service. Christ never promised ease and comfort to His own. This is not the day of our rest. There is a tendency tot day to glamorize the Christian life, There is an attempt to take out of it the spikes, the spit and the spear. We must hear Him say as He did to the mother who was ambitious for her chil­ dren, “Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of?” (Matt. 20:22). The grace of God is a stewardship. Because of it we should henceforth not live unto ourselves, but unto Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. Fel­ lowship and stewardship of life and service are essential if we would develop a full faith and complete Christian char­ acter. Christian Perfection “Wherefore he, is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them” (Heb. 7:25). In the chemistry of nature we find that carbon was once coal. The glistening dia­ mond was once the unpromising carbon. The sinner, in differing degrees of moral character and conduct, is transformed by this living Christ in heart and life. Cleansing from and victory over sin is an act of God in answer to our faith. The perfection of our spiritual life in all of its aspects is a process. Because of His intercession, He is not only saving us to a life of victory moment by moment, and a future glory, but this makes pos­ sible the work of His Spirit by means of His truth to perfect us in Christ. His ultimate joy in His resurrection will be realized when He brings many sons unto glory (Heb. 2:10). Praise God for the day when He shall see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. (Continued on Page 28)

liberty and abundant living through His indwelling by His Spirit. Not only are we declared just, but we become the children of God by the birth of His Spirit. Furthermore, we must recognize that since we were raised with Him, we are now made free from the law and from the power of sin, so that sin shall not have dominion over us. Have you reckoned yourself dead? Then recognize your place in Christ and realize the full­ ness of His resurrection life. Inheritance Next in our pyramid we have rights and realities. We have the right to be­ come the sons of God (John 1:12). We have been seated together with Christ in the heavenlies (Eph. 2 :6). This not only suggests family relationship, but it also means that we have the rights of sonship. Jesus said. “ Henceforth I call you not servants.” This truth must be comprehended if we are to be victorious in our living and effective in our prayer life. Because we are in Christ, God is able to do for us all that He has pur­ posed in Christ, so that Jesus Christ could teach His disciples, “Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (Jphn 16::23). Many are defeated in prayer because they have a sense of unworthiness. Others aré limited by temerity. We must learn to come boldly and remember that God an­ swers prayer always because of Christ who alone makes us worthy. Fellowship and Stewardship We now have fellowship with Christ. “ And truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3b). Furthermore, He wants us to know the fellowship of His suf­ ferings and be partners with Him in,

* Dr. Brown is pastor of the Omaha Gospel Tabernacle and Radio Minister for WOW.

A P R I L , 1 9 5 0


C t ia n y e l ic a U ÿ n C h in a U n i t e

By Charles A . Roberts, D.D.*

archenemy Communism. Ex-premier, ex-governor, ex-university president— all are to be found here, with hundreds of lesser lights. Not a day goes by but that someone of importance does not call at the writer’s small flat, just to have a little chat. Interspersed with sighs, a con­ versation beginning with the question, “What news from Hunan?” will be fol­ lowed with such self-justifying remarks, as “ America has failed to understand us.” To all of which we reply: “ Do not put your trust in men, but in Jesus Christ.” Missionary opportunities in this great city are unlimited. This week (February 15) seventy-five representatives of twenty-three evangeli­ cal missions from inland China and Hong Kong met in a full day’s conference to discuss the formation of what may well become a new, strong evangelical fellowship of the Far East. Cataclysmic changes have taken place in China in one year. The leadership of the Chinese church, suddenly, and with sinister sig­ nificance, having fallen into the hands of liberals and modernists, evangelicals find themselves in a corner. Recently a small group of missionaries and Chinese pas­ tors met for prayer and consultation to see what could be done to meet the situ­ ation. There was an immediate response to a proposal that a day of prayer and conference for all evangelical missions be held. Meeting at the Bethel Seminary auditorium in Kowloon across the bay from Hong Kong, the conference opened with an introduction by a prominent lawyer and Christian layman. He ex­ pressed his pleasure at the calling of a meeting of so many missionaries and Chinese pastors for the purpose of forg­ ing a fellowship to meet the present crit­ ical situation as it exists in the Far East, and in special relation to church lead­ ership. Devotional exercises were led by the writer. Then followed four periods, lasting through the whole day, given to reports on China, and prayer. By the end of the day, the over-all picture, al­

though difficult to discover because of varying conditions in different parts of the country, was pieced together. Six­ teen main reports were given, covering all parts of the country. These reports came from interdenominational missions like the China Inland Mission, the Chris­ tian and Missionary Alliance Mission, the Inter-Varsity Fellowship, the South China Boat Mission, Hunan Bible Insti­ tute, Youth for Christ, China Evange­ listic Society, and other organizations such as the Mennonites of North China, the Evangelical Free Church, the South­ ern Baptist and the Lutheran Church of North America. Here, is a brief summary of our find­ ings: 1. The over-all picture is very dark, but not entirely without its bright spots. In general, all church services are con­ tinuing unhindered, and in many places congregations are increasing. The ex­ odus of large numbers of missionaries has placed great responsibility upon Chinese pastors, who in most cases are standing firm and preaching the gospel fearlessly. Street preaching in most places is forbidden. Student work has fallen off. Bible schools and seminaries, except for one or two with peculiar cir­ cumstances, are carrying on a full pro­ gram, although adjustments in curricula are being made to prepare the student “ to work with his own hands.” 2. Direct persecution of the church has tapered off. However, in some cases, Chinese pastors have been imprisoned and a few are still confined. Embarrass­ ment to missionaries is increasing. This takes the form of not permitting them to move from one place to another and to delay the granting of travel permits to leave the country. Public preaching by the missionary is also not allowed in most places. Missionary teachers in schools may have their places filled by Chinese teachers of the New Democ­ racy, and will not be asked to return. (Continued on Page 18)

Dr. Roberts W AVES of unrest are rolling over Southeast Asia, with Commu­ nism riding on the crest. The so­ cial upheaval which for so long threat­ ened this continent is now an accom­ plished fact. The remaining spots on the fringe of Asia, like Hong Kong, where “ foreign imperialism” is supposedly the only hindrance to complete the overthrow of the white man’s rule, carry on with smug complacency and a prosperity that astonishes the European visitor and still makes the East the American tourist’s delight. No port in Asia has such free trade and is so full of goods of all kinds as this mixed Oriental city of two mil­ lion souls. From inland China to this British colony come thousands of refu­ gees, most of them wealthy, fleeing their

^Superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China, now residing in Hong Kong.

Park and Governor’s Palace

A heathen idol in Hong Kong

Chinese refugees from Hong Kong ’age Eight

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


By Robert Knight, Biola ’51

T O underestimate one’s enemies is to invite disaster! How often this state­ ment has been proven true in the last ten years! As related to Japan, I fear that we have been guilty of underesti­ mating the strength of the opposing forces in regard to the preaching of the gospel. I am no pessimist and I hope that I throw no shadow of doubt on any­ one, but let us face reality in realizing just what we are going to have to over­ come in order to fulfill our missionary task in Japan. Let us first admit that we have been too late with too little! The years 1946- 1949 were golden years and precious in their opportunity. They are gone! In three years We have managed to get less than eighty evangelical missionar­ ies into Japan. Rome has sent her thou­ sand and more . .'. Why have we failed? We have failed to reach the masses. Most missionary activity has been cen­ tered around great cities, while the rural areas and out-of-the-way places have barely been touched. Millions of souls in thousands of villages have never heard the name of Jesus. Why? We have not accurately estimated the 1 opposition and as a result have not put forth a concerted effort worthy of our calling. For every convert to Christ there are several times that number going into some other program that has promised something to cling to. We have left “ the house clean and swept” and the enemy, finding it vacant, has brought back “ sev­ en demons” more powerful and wicked than himself. The history of Christian missions in Japan is unique. There have been many glorious victories, but some records that are not too pleasant, the shadows of which are beginning to fall on present- day activities. Meddling in politics re­ sulted in the first “closed door” policy. Capitalist exploiters pried them open at gun point and the church was al­ lowed to go back in. Then the swing in Christian mission circles to the “ social gospel” resulted in a religious exodus and near collapse of all the work accom­ plished up to that time. This happened at the time when conservative leaders were saying “ another generation, and Japan will be Christian!” The early 1900s found the doors open as never be­ fore, but still only a trickle of mission­ ary labor. Then the armored fist of the militarist behind the guise of the most incredible myth and fantastic hoax ever perpetrated took over. Plans for world conquest were carried out by a people longing for security and hope. As a result of our failure to give that which satisfies, World War II came down upon us in all its fury and destruction! . The end came more quickly than we thought. Man’s inhumanity to man knew no limits in that conflict. Our third, and I sincerely believe, A P R I L , 1 9 5 0

JAPAN with an estimated population of 80,500,000 is one of the most challenging missionary fields of the present day. General MacArthur is pleading for missionaries and for Bibles for this needy land.

our LAST chance to reach Japan with the gospel is at hand. What are we do­ ing? Are we fulfilling our Christian duty? No! We have miserably failed thus far! Oh yes, there has been much accomplished in some sections through various agencies and we do not mini­ mize their efforts, but if the tremen­ dous field now open is to be evangelized, it must be done NOW. Why? Let us look at a few things that are clouding up the horizon. More than one million Communists in Japan and the number growing daily; thousands being converted to Roman Catholicism each year; more Catholic churches being erected all the time; modernism, and its counter-part, neo-orthodoxy, spreading rapidly with their faith-shattering teach­ ings. Nearly four- times as many liberal as conservative missionaries are enter­ ing the country. Shintoism is being revived and fanned into flame again. It is being resurrected out of the ashes, and'is creeping back into its old place. At a recent New Year’s Day at Ise Shrine, 11,000 people came to pay their respects to the deities. One shrine . . . one day! Buddhism is making an all- out effort to regain its former popu­ larity. Last, but not least, and perhaps most dangerous, we find that the spirit of Bushindo and the “ Divine Right” are far from dead! They are latent . . . only waiting! On August 16, 1945, we heard broadcast over the J.B.C. Kusuo Oya . . . “We have bowed . . . how­ ever . . . we have not lost yet. We do not think that the way we have thought has been wrong . . . we have lost, BUT this is temporary!” Another broadcast over the Tokyo Broadcasting Station, JOAK, AFTER the surrender, “ The light of the ideal enkindled by the war . . . will keep burning despite the tragic finale of the conflict!” Perhaps the saddest and most con­

demning fact is that some of the mis­ sionaries have failed to make their “ light shine.” “Man looketh upon the outward appearance” to be sure! Peo­ ple who do not know our language can read our lives! Being a “hakujin,” (Caucasian), I take full liberty in at­ tacking the superiority attitude taken by many white missionaries. Nothing can throw up barriers faster than a failure to FULLY identify and associate your­ self with the people you are to serve. Our beloved brother, Seiji Horiuchi, has strongly stressed that point, and right­ fully so. A recent remark was made by a Japanese national to a Caucasian missionary, “ If you people of the West were only as good as your Book, we would speedily accept your religion." What a shameful rebuke to any people! Again I repeat, this “ holier than thou” attitude cannot be too bitterly spoken against. Neither time nor space allow me to fully cover the subject. This has not been a polemic against anyone in par­ ticular, but a challenge to the Church as a whole. The - question remains, “ What are we going to do about it?” If we have faith to believe we can evangelize Japan, where are our works? At the rate we are going it will never be done! I believe that now even ten thousand missionaries could not evan­ gelize the country in this generation! I hope I am wrong! This is not a de7 featist attitude, but cold, clear facts show we have failed thus far and shall continue to fail in the future UNLESS . . . within the next several years the church of Christ starts a full-scale first century Christian offensive on a scale as yet not seen in any country in any generation! Christ has promised the power . . . His church must do the preaching! It’s up to us—NOW OR NEVER! We will Be held accountable if we fail! Page Nine

intensely interesting to know that our leaders are considering such a plan, all of which gives further confirmation to the accuracy of Bible prophecy. Destroy Civilization? It is being argued back and forth that an H-bomb war would mean death, devastation and the complete destruc­ tion of civilization. Dr. Linus Pauling, director of chemistry for Caltech believes that human, animal and plant life could never recover. f He believes that the atmosphere over the whole earth would be filled with radioactive products of nuclear reactions and no human being, no animal, no plant over the surface of the earth would in future years be safe from the insidious action of these materials. There is no doubt but that the danger that awaits the hydrogen bomb war would be the most horrible ever to be conceived. Yet, most Bible students will agree that the Scriptures do not portray any such' devastation to be caused by the hand of man. It does not seem that God will allow mankind to senselessly destroy himself although this might be man’s own intention. The scenes of destruction as portrayed by the book of Revelation come from the hand of God when He pours out His wrath upon a world that has spurned His love. Before that time, however, must come the calling away of the body of Christ—the true Church. The Main Trouble ■Jt The entire history of the human race shows plainly that envy and selfishness have been the underlying causes of most of the world’s trouble—so spoke Will B. Davis of Chicago, Christian Scientist, in a recent lecture. This is a surprising admission for the Scientists, who claim, of course, that all these things are im­ material and ethereal products of an evil mind. However, a man would have to be blind indeed not to reach this same conclusion were he to honestly study the world’s history. The ahswer, however, is not as Mr. Davis would suggest: the adoption of the principles of Scientist philosophy, but rather the new birth as taught in the Scriptures and provided by God’s own dear Son. Experimentation A Yale anthropologist predicted that within three generations society will condone premarital sex experimentation as a valuable means of choosing a satis­ factory husband or wife. Prof. George P. Murdock said that such experimenta­ tion would remove a major cause for divorce by permitting men and women to determine whether their married life would be- satisfactory. It is a strange thing how men who shout loudly enough can persist in claiming that black is white, and have some folks believe them. (Continued on Page 19)

all chance of getting, into Who’s Who is almost exactly 3-in-10,000. Only living Americans can appear on its pages and that appearance, of course, is determined by the degree of prominence and influ­ ence of the person listed. I might add .that God also keeps a book of Heaven’s Who’s Who, and entrance into its pages is attained by doing noth­ ing at all save to trust in the finished work of another, even Christ. Booze Ads Out •£ Recently the Pathfinder, which is America’s oldest news weekly, published a whole-page beer advertisement. Im­ mediately there went up such a protest from subscribers as was never before ex­ perienced in the history of that publica­ tion. Later at a stockholders’ meeting the matter of beer advertising was put up to the owners and the vote was unani­ mous to exclude henceforth all beer, liquor, or institutional advertising of these i n d u s t r i e s from Pathfinder’ s columns. This decision proved two things: first, that newspapers have respect for the expressed convictions of decent people and will not publish liquor advertising if the people tell them about it and, second, if the drys continue writing to newspaper publishers objecting to these ads, space given to such advertising will become less and less. New Eden In a recent issue of one of Chicago’s daily papers it was intimated that Presi­ dent Truman was interested in the plan to make several “ Edens” in the Near East, particularly one territory near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This, of course, is purely on a business basis with the rewards accruing to be counted in dollars and cents. However, students of prophecy have long believed that this desert part of the Near East would regain its former glory and that a new Babylon would come into being some day as a world city. It is

Portugal Revival For what may be the first time in history, a stirring revival is reported to be sweeping a city in Catholic-dominated Portugal. In one week, 332 people who were all Catholics came forward for salvation in the Marinah Grande Baptist Church in Portugal. The Portugal press, normally dominated by the Roman Catholics, has been publicizing these meetings while government spies have been present at every meeting vainly watching for any suggestion of a sub­ versive movement. One high official re­ ported that the priests never did what the Baptists are doing there. At the present writing the services are con­ tinuing. El Rio Miracle? Manuel Reyes had been in the army and had come back to take up drinking in a shanty suburb of Oxnard, Calif. He and his brother, Aurelio, were building a new house next to the basketball court. On Saturday morning Manuel saw on the boards of the room what he described as an outline of the Virgin Mary, and ran crying through the dirt streets like a man bedeviled. The news spread until by Sunday night an estimated 10,000 persons had gone tq, view the little frame building, although both priests and police declared the vision was a water stain on the shingles. Such is the amazing credulity bred by Roman Catholic superstition. On the other hand, we hold in our hands the overwhelmingly authentic Word of the living God whose pages point us to the living Christ. New W ho's Who Jf The 1950-51. volume of the famed publication, Who’s Who, tops all its predecessors in size, Containing 3200 pages and 46,729 listings. Educators are first with businessmen running a close second, and lawyers third, while religious leaders, medical men, public officers and scientists follow in that-order. The over­

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