King's Business - 1950-04

2:2-4). In the testimony of these two prophets the prophecy is sure. (2) It shall be exalted, (v. 1). The kingdom shall be (3) attractive, (v. 2 ); (4) Christ-centered, (v. 2) ; (5) just, (v. 3) ; (6) peaceful, (v. 3 ); (7) prosperous, (v. 4) and (8) devout, (v. 5). Messiah’s Birth and Rejection 5:2-4 Verse 2 presents a remarkable proph­ ecy of ; the coming in humiliation of the Son of God. He was to be born in a small place. Bethlehem Ephratah is fully named so that there can be no confusion with Bethlehem in Zebulun. Though Christ was from eternity, yet He was to be born in time. But, though He was re­ ceived by a few when He came, the mass of men had nothing to do with Him. “He is despised and rejected of men.” During all this dispensation, God’s people Israel have been dispersed among the nations of the world. But a time is coming when a remnant shall look upon Him whom they have pierced and a na­ tion shall be born as in a day (v. 3). In that day Israel shall be great and live under the blessing of the One whom formerly they had rejected. In the mean­ time it is the privilege of anyone, Jew or Gentile, to accept this Christ as Saviour and so become a part of the body of Christ, the church. Messiah’s Final Acceptance 7:18-20 In this wonderful passage the saved remnant, now established in the kingdom prepared for them, realize as never be­ fore the marvelous grace of God in bringing them to their glorious position. He had pardoned all their iniquity. He was performing all His good' promises which He had made to their fathers. What the saved remnant will do in some future day, in recognition of God’s par­ doning grace it is the privilege of every born-again soul to do again and again. Our sins have been cast into the deep sea of God’s forgetfulness. We have been justified, considered as though we had never sinned at all. Truly, “Who is a God like unto thee?” Let us continually thank Him for His grace. Helps for the Children Micah Writes About God’s Plan Micah 4:1-4; 5:2-4 Memory Verse: (God) “will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his paths” (Micah 4:2). God revealed to the prophet Micah that in the future He would send the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, to bring the Jews back to Him. God tells Micah what sort of life He would like His people to have and how the Messiah would make such a life possible in the future. Micah shows, the Jews that God’s kingdom will be supreme, universal, peaceful, and prosperous. In that day God will teach His people His ways, and they shall gladly walk in His paths. There shall be no more war, for people shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into ■ pruninghooks. APRIL, I 950

“Nation shall not lift up . . . sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” No one shall make them afraid. How the news of such a wonderful time must have thrilled the heart of the prophet; how he wanted his people to return to God and to look forward ea­ gerly to that day! The Holy.;Spirit re­ vealed to Micah several hundred years before the birth of tfie Lord Jesus that the Saviour would come, the exact place of His birth, and something of His ministry while He was upon the earth! Surely those who scoff at the Bible be­

ing God’s Word cannot explain this fact! God had a plan for His people, a plan that no one can change or do away with. God has a plan for your life, too! Until you find His plan and yield your­ self to Him that He may work it out in your life, you can never have real peace nor true joy. Pleasure, riches, popular­ ity, success, etc., may satisfy you for a time, but only His plan will bring to you a life that is really satisfying and worth living. Do you know His plan for you, are you following it? Ask Him to teach you His ways that you may walk in His paths.

“Opportunities ... Simply Overwhelmingf reports our Executive Director, Alfred A . JKunz, from Japan. Meetings everywhere are crowded to the doors— 2 to 4 a day for each of our three evangelistic teams. Thousands are seek* ing the way of salvation, as a nation gropes for a new spiritual anchorage. W ill you share with us, in prayer and stewardship, that Japan may be speedily evangelized. Write Dept, K


WHEN CHILDREN ARE HAPPY” From behind the Iron Curtain in. Poland. comes a pathetic message written in a childish scrawl. This little boy, his baby sister, and his widowed mother were res­ cued. by us from a cruel fate of hunger and despair. He writes: “Today I am very happy, and the Lord is pleased, because He is ¿lad when children are happy. My little sister and I enjoyed your presents very much. Mother received an, other two parcels and this, makes four in all. "What a wonderful doll you sent Betty. She looks like a real baby and has soft legs and they are even warm. Her little eyes shine as if she had a soul. She is so beautiful, just like Betty, only a little more polite— she never cries and never asks for food. My football too is just wonderful. “ We are so glad we came to know- you through the Lord Jesus Christ who never stayed ip. the grave—which I know for sure.” These children are representative of a great multitude of the Lord's little ones in Europe, in the Holy Land, and at home. Only your own love can interpret to their hearts' the love of Christ. Here is your God-given opportunity and your privi­ lege at this Easier Season to bring joy and thé message of God's love to those who still are homeless, destitute, and uncomforted. We need your prayerful fellowship ..urgently and your generous gifts to support this ministry. Please write: The Friendsof IsraelMisionary andReliefSociety,Inc.


Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa.

arterly Publication

General Secretary ' Rev. Victor Buksbazen

President Joseph M. Steele

Treasurer Dr. Joseph T* Britan

ISRAEL MY GLORY Informative, Scriptural sent to all contributors and also on request

Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D.

1066 Avenue Road Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada

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