

Gary Barton begins new year as warden of the counties

region, responsible financial management, and increased economic development and tourism opportunities. “I want to ensure a smooth continuity from this past year, and more than ever, this includes solutions that affect both the Counties and the local municipalities. Council must absolutely continue working together, from a regional perspective, and move forward with a united voice in order to advance the priorities of Prescott and Russell,” stated Warden Barton. Warden Barton has been involved in municipal politics since 1972, having ser- ved as Mayor of Champlain Township since 2002, and prior to that, as Deputy Reeve and councillor for the former Town of Vankleek Hill.This coming year represents his second term as the head of the regional council, having previously held the position in 2006. Warden Barton’s candidacy was proposed by East Hawkesbury Mayor Robert Kirby and seconded by Alfred-Plantagenet Mayor Fernand Dicaire. It is a privilege for me to take on this lea- dership role. I also look forward to advoca- ting on behalf of all of Eastern Ontario in my role as amember of the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus.Themore our message will be united, constant and consistent, themore we will be listened to and heard.” During the ceremony, outgoing Warden Guy Desjardins took the opportunity to pres- ent a cheque of $20,000 to the Clarence- Rockland Mayor’s Golf Tournament Fund.

Gary J. Barton, maire du canton de Champlain, est devenu le nouveau président des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) pour 2017. Lors de la cérémonie d’assermentation traditionnelle qui avait lieu mercredi soir dans la salle du conseil, le président Barton s’est exprimé sur les priorités de son année de présidence, dont le chemin de comté 17, le Collège d’Alfred, les logements sociaux, le financement des infrastructures, l’expansion du réseau de gaz naturel à travers la région, la saine gestion financière et l’accroissement des possibilités de développement économique et de tourisme. « Je veux assurer une continuité sans heurts des dernières années et, plus que jamais, cela comprend des solutions touchant tant les comtés que les municipalités locales. Notre conseil doit absolument continuer à travailler ensemble, d’un point de vue régional, afin d’aller de l’avant avec harmonie et faire avancer les priorités de Prescott et Russell », a déclaré M. Barton. —photo CUPR

During the traditional swearing-in ce- remony held this evening in the County Council chambers, Warden Barton ad-

dressed the priorities of his upcoming presidency, including continued advocacy on County Road 17, Alfred College, social

housing, infrastructure funding, emergency services, relief on hydroelectricity costs, the expansion of natural gas throughout the

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