Harrison Law Group - June 2021

... continued from Front

The situation, as it was presented via email, was diffused, and it helped preserve our relationship as colleagues. We could hear one another’s voice, so tone and meaning were clear.

It’s entirely possible that a phone call can alleviate the misunderstanding and no lawsuit will be filed.

If you find yourself in a situation when email or text isn’t enough, like if you need details to diffuse a situation or to reach a resolution quickly, pick up the phone and make that call. With that, I’ll leave you with my phone number: 410-842-0145 . I specialize in construction and business disputes, and I’m here to help you get your matter resolved.


A phone call has the power to prevent misunderstanding. In an email or text, all information may not be present or properly conveyed. I’ve run into this situation with construction clients. They receive a written notice that someone is threatening to file a lawsuit against them. However, they don’t call the person or the counsel of the person threatening to sue, and the situation has the opportunity to escalate.



(410) 832-0000

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