Natural Solutions - June 2021

Composting is an excellent way to cut down on landfill waste while making your garden and yard look even better. However, it can often require a little TLC, and it’s easy to throw off the “balance” of the compost, potentially leading to disaster. Here are a few common mistakes people make with their compost and how you can avoid (or fix) them! FOOD SCRAPS ON TOP OF THE PILE Accessible food waste is a fast way to attract animals and insects. If left on the top of the pile, it also generates a very unpleasant odor as it breaks down. That makes tending to the compost an unwelcome chore. The best way to avoid this is to have enough other material (preexisting compost, leaves, grass, or a mix of all) to layer on top of the pile. As Good Housekeeping points out, this is a great way to avoid critters and smells — and it keeps the compost healthier! TOO MUCH OF ANY ONE THING A big part of a successful compost pile is diversity. Excess grass, for example, can inhibit healthy compositing. It may limit airflow to lower parts of the pile, choking the microbes below. It can also introduce too much nitrogen to the mix, which can elevate certain bacteria levels and make the pile smell awful. If you notice too much of one type of material like grass, food waste, or leaves, hold back on that material for a few weeks. TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE MOISTURE Related to the second point, too much water can also limit proper airflow and end up killing essential bacteria. If the moisture is because of rain, you can cover 3 Composting Mistakes That Are Easy to Make

the compost for short periods of time. Using a tarp is a great option, and you can divert sprinklers away from the compost to avoid other water sources. However, during the summer heat, it’s possible for the compost to dry out. The material will then decompose at a very slow rate, as many of the microbes either die out or can’t function properly. Fixing this is as simple as watering it. Just keep a close eye out!

3 Signs That You Have a Bad Relationship With Food


Maybe you panic at the thought of attending a family holiday celebration because you know there will be treats you will “have to avoid.” Or, maybe you’re someone who tends to fixate on the food and can’t be attentive in a social setting. Either way, constantly thinking about food — especially at a gathering — is unhealthy. By doing so, you create a fixation that can ultimately lead to feelings of guilt, bad eating habits, and unhealthy choices.

Food fuels our bodies, but diet culture and misinformation has infiltrated how we approach nutrition. Far too many people have an unhealthy mindset when it comes to their diet, and that can limit our ability to reach our goals and live full, happy lives. If you relate to any of the following habits, your relationship with food could be unhealthy. YOU FEEL ASHAMEDWHEN YOU EAT SOMETHING ‘OFF-LIMITS.’ There are two issues with this. First of all, having food that is “off- limits” can be very dangerous. Unless you have a food allergy, you shouldn’t categorize foods as good or bad. It may make you want the “bad” food more, and when you do indulge in that craving, you will face a guilt or shame spiral. Eating a single serving-size bag of chips or enjoying a slice of birthday cake is not bad. Of course, a balanced meal with lean protein and fiber-rich vegetables is usually healthier, but that doesn’t make pizza or cake bad. These are just types of food you should enjoy in moderation — not avoid.


We all eat too much sometimes or snack on a food item that we know will make our gut feel bad — and that’s perfectly normal! Our appetites fluctuate, and we can make mistakes sometimes. Punishing your body by trying to burn off all those calories or starving yourself to make up for it will only cause more harm to your body. Accept that it happened, and move on. Tomorrow, continue with your healthy routine and make smart choices. Your relationship with food can set the foundation for your lifestyle. If you need help creating a meal plan that benefits your body and your mindset, call Dr. Sladic at 877-861-5927. You deserve to be healthy and happy.



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