Leadership in Action - English - 202301

confidently build a business if you weren’t sold on the products yourself. Who in your life is someone who you trust, who you do everything with, and who would try the products with you so you have their feedback? And if you all love the products as much as I’m pretty sure you’re going to, then you’ve already got a couple people who might want to team up with you and get started.”

relationship and learning what’s important to the newest member of your team. That means identifying their why , setting expectations , creating their contact list , and discussing ways to approach those on the list . Now they have a system and a plan of action! It’s all about making commitments, focusing, and executing. Rafael Rojas takes a similarly strategic approach. He helps new business builders quickly advance to Director by breaking up customer enrolments into two parts. “First, enrol 10 customers,” he says. “You can do this quickly in the first month or take your time. Just do it! Next, enrol another 10 customers. Out of those 20 customers, you will likely have at least 3 people who want to build a business. Then guide those new business builders through the same steps you took to enrol 20 customers.” Wash, rinse, repeat. Simple, right?

Be present Don’t think that because you’ve laid the foundation for a new builder that you’re free to leave them on their own (especially in the first

“This is not about a business – it’s about the products. It’s about those products helping others. The best builders are product enthusiasts who are excited to share what they love.” – Erin Clark

Corporate Director 8 Rafael Rojas

few months)! It’s important to check in regularly, practice approaches and Melaleuca Overviews, and build shoulder to shoulder for as long as necessary. “As the enrolment process is facilitated, the fast-and-easy element can override the heart of it, which is one-on-one involvement when a customer enrols,” says Erin Clark. Even if you have a fast-moving organisation, it’s important to personalize the enrolment process and follow through with every new member of your team. “I make it a priority to be present and available throughout the enrolment process,” says Erin, “because when the new customer has a question (and they always have a question), I can answer it and they can continue the process.” Even if you’re just texting your new customer or builder through the enrolment process because you’re stuck in a meeting (a worst-case scenario if ever there was one), you must be present and ready to help whether you’re sitting beside them, on speaker, or on a screen.

Promote the packs The fastest way to expose a potential business builder to a wide variety of Melaleuca products is to introduce them to the Value Pack. Helping new

The importance of developing Directors Tips from four of Melaleuca’s most successful Marketing Executives.

Corporate Director 6 Erin Clark

business builders convert their homes to Melaleuca products also gives them a more solid foundation for introducing others to Melaleuca! “ Sometimes a new Marketing Executive will hesitate because they want to try all the products first,” says Mark Atha. “They’ll say, ‘I can’t tell anybody about this if I don’t like the products.’” Mark and his wife, Myrna, have found that the easiest way to quell a new builder’s doubts and get them moving toward Director status is to respond, “Absolutely! There’s no way that you could

Start with a strategy Create some urgency! Use Strategy

Corporate Directors 4 Myrna & Mark Atha

“Have a plan. Follow a plan.” – Rafael Rojas

Sessions with a new Marketing Executive as a way to build excitement and make them feel confident about partnering with you. If possible, schedule the first Strategy Session quickly. In that session, you are developing the

Start with a strategy

Promote the packs

Be present



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