Messner Ranch - 64th Annual Production Sale [2/1/25]

HERD HEALTH Individual health papers for interstate shipment will be IXUQLVKHGIRUHDFKORW$OOKHLIHUFDOYHVKDYHEHHQR൶FLDOO\ calfhood vaccinated. Estimate calving dates on heifers will be available sale day. Scrotal measurements and actual weights on bulls will be available sale day. NOTE: All bulls over 18 months of age will be tested for trichomoniasis with the PCR test prior to sale day. If your state required further testing, tests will be performed prior to delivery. NOTE: Each bull will have been fertility tested prior to sale day. All animals are fertility guaranteed. All cattle have been vaccinated 3 times by 14 months of age with Titanium 5 L5.

GENERAL SALE INFORMATION Sale Location: At the ranch, located 6 miles south and 11 miles West of Laverne, Oklahoma, to sign: 2 miles east and 1 mile south of Slapout, Oklahoma. From Follet, Texas, 1 mile east, 11 miles north and 2 miles east. Motel Accommodations: Motels are located in Woodward, Laverne, Oklahoma and Canadian, Texas. We will be glad to help you with reservations. Air Travel: There is an airstrip at Follett. Please notify us in advance and we will glad to meet your plane. Phone Numbers: Van - (Cell) 580-552-1555 580-837-5532 Milton - (Cell) 580-273-9494 (Home) 580-837-5384 Auctioneer: Ron Cunningham - 918-629-9382 Special Representatives: Oklahoma Cowman - Colton Pratz - 405-385-1054 Hereford World - Cord Weinheimer - 830-456-3749 $QJXV-RXUQDO-H൵0D¿ Stock Exchange - Doug Paul - 405-820-3982 Delivery of Purchase: :HZLOOR൵HUIUHHGHOLYHU\XSWR 300 miles to the ranch or a central location on purchases of $5000 or more. Arrangements can be made for delivery over 300 miles. OCA President - Troy Shelby OHA President - Rindy Bacon OAA President - Roger Wann Announcements: All announcements at the sale by the owners or the auctioneer concerning the cattle will take precedence over statements in the sale catalog. We reserve the right to withdraw any sale lot not meeting our VSHFL¿FDWLRQVSULRUWRVDOHWLPH Note: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk, and neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assume liability, legal or otherwise, of any accidents which may occur. SALE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS: CASH: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. The auctioneer shall settle any disputes as to bids. All cattle are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately after the sale and will not be released until after settlement has been made unless other arrangements have been made with the owners prior to the sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. Each animal will be at the purchaser’s risk immediately after it is sold. All cattle will be fed and cared for, free of charge, for a reasonable length of time after the sale but at the purchaser’s risk.


BW - Birth Weight; WW - Weaning Weight: YW - Yearling Weight (3'([SHFWHG3URJHQ\'L൵HUHQFH IMF - Marbling Fat; REA - Rib Eye Area $W - Weaned Value

$F - Feedlot Value $B - Beef Value

$G - Grid Value

&+%&HUWL¿HG+HUHIRUG%HHI 0(&0RVW(൶FLHQW&RZ '2''DPRI'LVWLQFWLRQ Attention: How can you rely on EPD’s? An EPD is an estimate of a bull or a cow’s future progeny performance as compared to the progeny of a breed average sire or dam. The combined information of the American Hereford Association has created many changes. This data changes twice during the year, therefore, what we print today PD\EHGL൵HUHQWE\VDOHWLPH:HIHHODUHOLDEOHEUHHGHULVDV important as the EPD’s. BREED AVERAGE ANGUS EPD CED BW WW YW SC Milk Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +6 +1.3 +54 +96 +.76 25 +.54 +.55 +.011 +56 +83 +46 +129 BREED AVERAGE HEREFORD EPD CED BW WW YW SC Milk Fat REA IMF BMI BII CHB +2.2 +3 +51 +83 +.09 +23 +.01 +.36 +.09 320 386 99 Watch and bid online...

It is recommended that you register by Friday - January 24, 2025 for online bidding. Every attempt will be made to complete your application even if it is on sale day. Note: NO BUYER PREMIUM will be assessed on any online purchases Phone 402-316-5460 DVAuction Broadcasting Real-time Auctions


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