(3 & younger ) Todd l er
FREE $5 . 00 $6 . 00 $5 . 00 -$1 . 00/ rate $4 . 50
FREE $8 . 00 $9 . 00 $8 . 00 -$1 . 00/ rate $6 . 50
Youth Adu l t Sen i or Twi l i ght Group
(55 & o l der )
( a�er 5pm)
(20+ peop l e )
Sat-M: 12-7pm Sa - Su : 12-7pm
Pr i vate renta l s at the Aqua�c Center are ava i l ab l e to fami l i es , bus i nes ses , churches , and commun i t y organ i za�ons . The l i ghted outdoor env i ronment i s a great l oca�on for any ce l ebra�on or gather i ng . Renters can u� l i ze the poo l and l arge deck area per fec t for games , danc i ng and more . For added enter ta i nment the fac i l i t y can accommodate DJ s or recommend cater i ng . Renta l s are ava i l ab l e Fr i day, Saturday and Sunday star�ng at 7 : 00pm. for two or three hours .
100 peop l e or l es s - $325/hour 101-249 peop l e - $375/hour 250+ peop l e- $450/hour
Explore the real world of Lifeguarding with Sycamore Trails Staff! Begin the day training on in-water scenarios and honing swim skills to increase strength, endurance, and water safety knowledge. Enjoy lunch as a team and spend a�ernoons prac�cing CPR and First Aid scenarios. Successful candidates will become cer�fied in layperson CPR, AED and First Aid. These are excellent creden�als to help find a first job or show emergency readiness. This camp is the perfect mix of readying for a future job and having all the fun of summer camp!
• Un l imi ted da i l y ent r y • Ear l y ent r y at 11 : 30am • Reusab l e water bo�l e • Sunday swim i s reser ved for Res i dent s , Season Pas sho l ders and the i r guest s on l y
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