2022 Winter Program Guide


Our Swim Lesson Program is custom-tailored to fit the needs of the community. Small class sizes are used to ensure individual student needs are met. Our professional and seasoned instructors provide an inclusive, safe, and fun environment for learning. All of our classes offer a curriculum specific to various ages and stages of development, ensuring the effec�ve learning of how to remain safe in and around the water for a life�me. Check out our offerings at PlayMiamisburg.com or stop by our sales booth for more informa�on.  $30- Guppies, $40- All other age groups. $50- Private swim lessons.         




1-3 YRS

3-5 YRS

This class will offer introductory instruc�on on submerging, bobbing, gloa�ng, gliding, jumping in the water and beginning arm ac�on.

This class will offer instruc�on on water explora�on and basic water skills such as bobbing, floa�ng and gliding. One parent must accompany child in each class.





3-6 YRS

5-7 YRS

Students will expand learned skills to build confidence. Students will learn unsupported floa�ng and gliding.

Students will build on basic water skills with the support of their instructor. Students will learn gliding with kicks, front crawl, elementary backstroke and water safety skills.





5-8 YRS

6-12 YRS

Students will review previously learned strokes while increasing distance and proficiency. Scissor kick and sidestroke arm ac�on will be introduced.

Students will con�nue perfec�ng learned strokes in varying depths of water while emphasizing safety skills. Students will be introduced to diving and breaststroke.






7-15 YRS

Learn to swim at your own pace. Our pa�ent and knowledgeable instructors will help you gain basic water safety knowledge and prepare you to reach your individual goals. Small class sizes allow for customiza�on and skill development no ma�er your background.         

Students will review previous stokes with added emphasis on efficiency, distance, underwater swimming and water safety skills. Dolphin kick, bu�erfly and treading water will be introduced.




Each instructor will provide 30 minutes of personalized instruc�on. No previous swimming experience is required. Contact the Aqua�c Center to schedule private lessons. Lessons may occur before or a�er normal opera�ng hours depending on availability.


       • Teaches swim safety • Inc rease parenta l awarenes s around the water • Become comfor tab l e around water


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