Miamisburg Baseball & Softball League
America's Pas�me right here, in your hometown. Whether its your li�le one's first �me on the field, or they're a seasoned all-star, the Miamisburg Baseball & So�ball League is a great way to learn the game, and enjoy recrea�onal baseball & so�ball at its best. Our mission is to provide the community an opportunity for recrea�onal youth baseball, so�ball and t-ball, join us this season as we bring ball back to Miamisburg.
4 years old 5-6 years old 5-6 years old
7-8 years old 9-10 years old 11-12 years old 13-14 years old
7-8 years old 9-10 years old 11-12 years old 13-14 years old
Join MBSL for a parade of teams and day-�me game at Day Air Ballpark. Tickets are just $5 for ou�ield sea�ng. Teams will align and parade across the major league field! Be on the lookout for an emailed link to purchase a�er your registra�on to MBSL for 2022.
Teams wi l l p l ay a fu l l season end i ng wi th a s i ng l e e l imi na�on tournament . P l ayers fees i nc l ude a j ersey, baseba l l hat and socks . Teams wi l l star t prac�ces i n Apr i l . Parent s wi l l be no�fied of team rosters i n ear l y Apr i l . Coach i ng a youth spor t program i s a pr i v i l ege that i s not to be taken for granted . As a vo l unteer coach or as s i stant coach , you have an impor tant ro l e i n the deve l opment of the young ch i l dren i n our commun i t y. We st r i ve to teach each ch i l d the pos i �ve va l ues of t rust , good spor t smansh i p , good c i �zensh i p , respons i b i l i t y, respec t , fa i r p l ay, and teamwor k – va l ues they can use throughout the i r l i ves . Ema i l today to beg i n shap i ng the future of Mi ami sburg at MBSL@c i tyofmi ami sburg . com
Join MBSL for a homerun derby, cook-out and cele - bra�on. MBSL pl ayers wi l l be el i g ible to enter age- spec ific derbies and enjoy pass i ve games and amusements around Ri ce F ield. Be on the look out for an RSVP ema i l in May!
9131 Dayton Cincinna� Pike, Miamisburg, OH 45342 MBSL@c i t yofmi ami sburg . com
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