Updates from Parks & Recreation
The C i t y of Mi ami sburg Par ks and Rec rea�on Depar tment ’s mi s s i on i s to prov i de par ks & rec rea�on exper i ences that pos i �ve l y impac t the commun i t y.
Letter from the Director
Happy Ho l i days Mi ami sburg!
As th i s program gu i de i s ar r i v i ng i n homes i n l ate December, we find ourse l ves i n the mi dd l e of the wi nter ho l i day season . A �me when we o�en spend �me wi th f r i ends , fami l y and a �me when we are i n a “new year ” mi ndset . What are your goa l s for the new year? What sk i l l s do you want to l earn?
Andy Ke i th Megan Ga i l Adr i enne L i l l y Ke l l y Shannon Jeff
Al ford Bas i nger Co l e F i nk Gor reta Keesee Lee Marker Rupper t Thompson
Over the past year, th i s depar tment has wor ked to refocus on our mi s s i on of prov i d i ng exper i ences that pos i �ve l y impac t s the commun i t y. Our new year mi ndset i s about tak i ng what we ’ve l earned and pu�ng that i nto ac�on . We have so l i d i fied the v i s i on for the depar tment as a imi ng to l i sten to and respond to the needs and des i res of those we ser ve . We a im to p l ant , grow and mature a h i gh-qua l i t y of l i fe , and we want to be the source i n the commun i t y of p l aces , memor i es , exper i ences , sk i l l s & oppor tun i �es . Throughout th i s program gu i de you wi l l find many examp l es of our st rong des i re to prov i de a l l of these th i ngs . The past year has con�nued to be a d ifficu l t year, we have a l l faced cha l l enges i n numerous areas . At the same �me , the depar tment has brought on some new faces and wi th that comes a renewed energy and exc i tement about where the depar tment i s headed . Over the nex t year, you wi l l see s i gn i ficant i nvestment and improvement i n our par ks , f rom an update to the tenn i s & basketba l l cour t s at Sycamore Tra i l s Par k ( south ent rance off Maue Rd . ) and the i nsta l l a�on of a new Sp l ash Pad wi th i n the Sycamore Tra i l s Aqua�c Center. Throughout ear l y 2022 , we wi l l be do i ng some p l an updates to the Depar tment Master P l an ( l ast updated i n 2006) . Th i s proces s wi l l be ver y i nst rumenta l i n shap i ng the future of our par ks , fac i l i �es and ser v i ces mov i ng forward . I f you ’d l i ke to be i nvo l ved i n shap i ng that future , scan the QR Code be l ow and j o i n our ma i l i ng l i st to get updates about how and when your vo i ce can be heard i n th i s proces s . We are exc i ted to be head i ng i nto 2022 focused , i nten�ona l i n our pursu i t of ser v i ng th i s commun i t y i n a pos i �ve way !
Mi ke Dus�n
Tu�l e St ru�on
President Vice President
Al l individuals and fami l ies are welcome to enjoy our programs and faci l i�es, regardless of race, color, rel igion, sex, na�onal or igin or abi l i ty. The Ci ty of Miamisburg offers recrea�onal opportuni�es in the most integrated se�ng and wi l l provide reasonable accommoda�ons for al l abi l i�es. Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on encourages people of al l abi l i�es to explore al l ac�vi�es and special events offered in the Program Guide. For more informa�on and support wi th accessibi l i ty for al l other programs and faci l i�es, please cal l 937-866-8999.
I n Hope , Hea l th and Happ i nes s ,
Ryan Dav i s Di rec tor, Par ks & Rec rea�on
Welcome Rachel!
Welcome Kevin!
Rachel Goforth was promoted from part-�me to ful l -�me and wi l l focus on planning and execu�ng recrea�on and communi ty wide events. Rachel has a Bachelor of Science in Tour ism and Event Management from IUPUI and wi l l u�l ize her educa�on and program
Kevin Evers has a Bachelor of Science in Recrea�on Studies from Ohio Universi ty. He most recent ly worked wi th the Ci ty of Ke�er ing Parks, Recrea�on and Cul tural Arts Department and the Centervi l le
and event exper ience wi th The Salva�on Army and the YMCA to provide a wide-range of fun & engaging events in Miamisburg!
Washington Park Distr ict . U�l izing his educa�on, recrea�on exper ience and passion for our field, he wi l l coordinate our preschool , youth, adul t , fami ly, and senior programming. We look forward to the impact Kevin wi l l have in our recrea�on program offer ings!
n a g e
r s !
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