Senior Adult Club
Things are star�ng to feel normal at the Miamisburg Community Center Senior Adult Club! Since the grand re-opening in June, at �me of publica�on, we’ve served 420 meals, hosted 38 bingo games, and prepped 190 pots of coffee! It feels good to be back! A�er a year of free trial memberships, the regular Senior Adult Club memberships will begin in January of 2022. A Miamisburg resident’s annual membership fee is $15 per year. A non-resident’s fee is $20 per year.
This membership gives you:
Interested in signing up or have a question? Let us know! Stop by the front desk or call us at: 937-866-8999 • Meet new people ! You never know who you will meet at the Miamisburg Community Center, maybe your next best friend! • Access the Miami sburg Communi ty Center dur ing bus iness hours . You may ut i l i ze any of the fol lowing features whenever you would l ike, no pre - regi st rat ion requi red. Fitness Equipment Coffee all day Billiards Puzzles • Par t i c ipat ion in spec ial senior adul t c lub - onl y programs . Friday Meals at the Center (pre-registration required) Bingo, Card Games & more! (check out our drop-in calendar on page 29)
COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday Friday | 8 : 30am-7 : 00pm | 8 : 30am-5 : 00pm
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