2022 Recruitment
Averaging 10-28 hours per week, this posi�on is responsible for assis�ng the overall management of the golf course; including supervision of all seasonal staff and volunteers, management of the clubhouse equipment, cleanliness, concessions, sales desk and customer service. Averaging 24-28 hours per week, this posi�on will be working on cleaning shelters, parks, green spaces, opera�ng mowers and small engine equipment, assist in special event setup and tear down, tree removal, string trimming and other du�es as assigned. The posi�on requires staff to work in all weather condi�ons and can use physical labor for long periods of �me.
Averaging 20 hours per week, this posi�on plans, organizes, schedules coordinates and implements recrea�onal ac�vi�es, programs, events and classes in city parks and facili�es. Knowledge of a variety of ac�ve and passive games, ac�vi�es as well as the ability to teach and lead programs in various recrea�onal categories preferred. Averaging 10-28 hours per week, This posi�on is possible for assis�ng in the overall implementa�on of the Miamisburg Baseball So�ball League; including the supervision of prac�ces and games, field and facility prepara�ons and customer service.
Plan, organize and supervise the full array of day camps in Miamisburg which includes two tradi�onal full-day camps and mul�ple specialty camps. Posi�on also assists with a variety of youth programs.
Ensures a safe and cleanly environment for aqua�c facility patrons and provides basic life saving measures as needed. Lifeguards are cer�fied in-house, no previous cer�fica�on needed. Assists in overseeing pool deck and/or cashier opera�ons. Acts as first line of supervision for seasonal staff and customer service. Tasks and ac�ve roles in the training and development of seasonal staff through regular in-service trainings, coaching and evalua�on. Responsible for the overall management of the aqua�c facility; including supervision of all seasonal facility staff, management and care of desk equipment, management & care of all equipment, cleanliness and orderliness of facility entrance, bath houses and sand volleyball areas. Responsible for STAC employees and more.
Oversee the daily opera�ons and camp staff of a tradi�onal day camp or specialty camp. Camp staff typically work for 10-12 weeks, including 8-10 weeks of camp plus training.
Implement the day to day opera�on of the Camp & Recrea�on Programs, which includes small and large group games, cra�s, field trips, nature hikes and more. Camp staff typically work 10-12 weeks including 8-10 weeks of camp plus training.
Assists with general facility opera�ons including tee �me reserva�on & processing, food & beverage prepara�on and sales and overall patron enjoyment. Provides excellent customer service to golf course patrons.
Assists with general facility opera�ons, rule enforcement and patron enjoyment. Provides excellent customer service to aqua�c facility patrons.
For the Parks & Recrea�on Department, Mound Golf Course and/or Hillgrove Union Cemetery. Up to 40 hours a week of work. • Equipment opera�ons and maintenance • Facility maintenance: general, turf, irriga�on, athle�c field & playgrounds • Communica�ons, professionalism and pride • Perform related du�es assigned or as the situa�on dictates
App l y by v i s i �ng P l aymi ami sburg . com or by scann i ng the QR code be l ow for the seasona l app l i ca�on on page 4 . Di sc l a imer : The C i t y of Mi ami sburg cons i der s a l l app l i cant s for a l l pos i tions wi thout regard to race , co l or, re l i g i on , gender, nationa l or i g i n , age , d i sab i l i t y, veteran status , or any other l ega l l y protec ted status .
• Park facility maintenance • Athle�c field prepara�on
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