We-Fix-U: Neck Pain & Stress

showers, or pools. Athletes and people who wear tight fitti shoes or hosiery, which can irritate the nails and retain moisture around them, are at a higher risk. Diabetics and people with other chronic conditions also have a higher ris getting toenail fungus. As toenail fungus grows and spreads deeper into the nail, i can cause the nail to swell and become discolored-dependi on the type of fungus, the color of the toenail can vary between brown, yellow or white. The fungus can also caus the nail to thicken and to crumble, and in some cases, it wil cause the nail to completely detach. Toenail fungus also ca be painful, causing irritation and burning in the infected ar sometimes, even wearing shoes becomes a painful ordeal the person affected. In addition to the physical effects of toenail fungus, it also interfere with person’s social life. Some people, for exampl avoid wearing toeless shoes or taking their shoes off arou others because they are embarrassed about the appearan In some cases, a person’s toenail fungus will also produce foul odor, which can heighten the social stigma. What is toenail fungus? Toenail fungus is a very problematic condition that can cause both physical an emotional effects. It is a type of fungal infection, kn medically as onychomycos that affects about half of al Canadians by age 70. More great news about our laser thera It works it’s magic for warts as well! Facts about ou laser therapy


Neck pain, fortunately, can be alleviated with physiotherapy, massage and chiropractic programs. Because neck pain is often caused by activity, different activity can cure it. Sometimes, this “activity” means “no activity.” Before you contact a professional, try reducing your neck movements. Sometimes, simply letting your neck muscles relax is enough. If you don’t see relief within two weeks, contact a professional. Physiotherapists, Reg. massage therapists or Chiropractors can target your pain’s source by examining your symptoms. Then, they can offer exercises that stress, flex and relax your neck muscles. In time, your neck will become more resilient — giving you the comfort you deserve. Where after-care treatment is considered, custom-tailored neck exercises will assure your neck stays loose, limber and healthy. If you’re dealing with neck pain, you’re not alone. Call our office today, and schedule an assessment. Even if your neck pain is caused by stress, it still needs attention. We’ll work side by side with your goals, creating the proactive, effective programs you need to achieve mobility once more.

Sources: https://www.spine-health.com/blog/how-relieve-neck-pain-caused-stress https://www.everydayhealth.com/neck-pain/neck-pain-reduce-stress.aspx

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0027055/ https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000802.htm

https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/most-neck-pain-improves-with-self-care-time/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditi ns/neck-pain/s mptoms-causes/syc-20375581

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Veggie Hummus Rolls Recipe

INGREDIENTS • 2 vegan whole wheat wraps • 1/2 cup diced red peppers • 1/2 cup diced yellow pepper • 1/2 cup diced red cabbage

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• 2 large carrots, peeled • 6 - 8 tbsp. no-oil, low-salt hummus • 2 tbsp. raw sunflower seeds (or your choice of raw seeds)

INSTRUCTIONS Heat wraps for 10 to 20 seconds in the microwave. Spread each wrap with 3 to 4 tbsp of no-oil hummus (depending on the diameter of your wrap). Divide veggies and sprinkle on top of the hummus on each wrap. Make sure to stop your veggies about 2 inches down from the edge of the tortillas (this will help the wraps seal up better). Starting on the opposite end, roll upwards tightly and press down to seal. Eat as whole wraps or cut into 1 1/2 to 2 inch pieces to make sushi-like rolls.


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