King's Business - 1928-06



K M a c h i n e

June ; 1928

Volume 19—Number 6 25 cents a copy

nnouncing The Summer School Bible Institute o f Los Angeles June 18th to Ju ly 6th, 1928

“ The Teaching Values of the New Testament” by Rev! Albert E. Kelly. C r e d i t toward the Standard Teacher Training Course diploma will be granted by the International Council o f Religious Education, to those successfully completing one or more o f the above units. The Course in Music Classes will be conducted daily in Notation and Sight-Singing, Elementary and Advanced Harmony, Counterpoint, Conducting, Hymnology, Instrumen­ tation. Private lessons will be given by appointment in voice, piano, pipe organ, violin and other orches­ tral instruments, practical piano tuning. Credits for work done in the Music Course may apply on music credentials o f the State Board of Education. The Music Faculty o f the Summer School Prof. Herbert G. Tovey, Associate Director of the Music Department of the Bible Institute. Director Summer School Music. Teacher of Voice, Conducting and Ad­ vanced Harmony. Christian M. Books, Voice. Miss Louise Woodbridge, Piano. Raymond Conner, Band and Orchestral Instruments, and Instrumentation. Mrs. Lillian Robinson, Hymnology; Notation and' Sight- Singing. Miss Leota Claire Wood, Elementary Harmony and Coun­ terpoint. B. J. Bechtel, Practical Piano Tuning. Alma K. Moss,. Voice. Alfred A. Butler, Pipe Organ.

The Bible Message All courses offered in the SUMMER SCHOOL are, on the one hand, thoroughly evangelical and centered directly in the W ORD and, on the other, genuinely constructive, practical, and pedagogical. DR. JOHN MURDOCH MACINNIS , Dean of the Institute, 'will conduct a . series of studies of “ Epoch Makers in the Church,” June 18th to 22nd. DR. A . Z. CONRAD , long time pastor of the his­ toric Park Street Church, Boston, will give a series of five addresses on “ The Seven Finalities of Faith,” “ Comradeship with the Carpenter,” and other re­ lated themes, Monday to Friday, July 2nd to July 6th. DR. GERALD B. W INROD , editor -of “ The De­ fender,” lecturer, preacher, author, will present dis­ cussion of such themes as “ Science and Religion,” “ Scholarly Dangers,” “ Christ Within,” and others, June 25th to 29th. REV . JOHN A . HUBBARD , Bible Lecturer and Expositor, member of the Faculty of the Bible In­ stitute, will conduct a series of studies in the Epistle to the Romans, throughout the three weeks of the Summer School. Classes in Christian Education Throughout the school session there will be three classes each day: “ The Use of the Story in Christian Education” by Mrs. Laura Haugh, “ The Teaching Work of the Church” by Miss Florence Chaffee, and

A registration fee o f $1.00 will be required for the Summer School Course. Tuition free except private music lessons, charges for which are nominal. Rooms with hot and cold running water at $4.50 to $5.00 per week, in thirteen story fire-proof building. Combine a vacation trip o f recreation and Bible study in Southern California’s delightful summer climate!

Write for further information addressing Extension Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California



Immediately adjoin­ ing magnificent nev? Public Library Build­ ing. Running hot and co ld v?ater in eVery room. Rates $4.50 to $6.00 per xVeek.

TKe Bible Institute o f Los Angeles offers every facility for your com fort in 13 story Fire P ro o f Building in the keart o f Los Angeles.


Make the Bible Institute a rallying center for members o f TKe King’s Business family vtfho come to Los Angeles to attend the Institute Summer Sckool and the Tenth World Sunday School Convention.

Make reservations earlÿ E u l e I nstitute ce L ce A ngele / 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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In order to speed up the circulation o f this timely book, we are offering a copy A b s o lu te ly F r ee with every N ew sub­ scription to Th e K in g ’ s Bu sin ess. We have never made such an extraordinary offer, nor one which we believe will bring such delight to all new subscribers. THE K ING ’S BUSINESS ONE FULL Y E A R AN D THIS BOOK [$ 1.90 value] ONLY $ 1.25

The Author’s Expression: “ I have for some years felt I could not consider my written testimony complete until I had put into print an exaltation of Christ as Lord and King, that would be somewhat out of the ordindry. I have never written anything into which I have put so much o f earnest thought, nor anything that has brought so much blessing to my own soul. It is such a testimony as I should cut out __^ h\e t0 leave as my last effort if, in the providence o f God, n . I should not be permitted to write more."— Keith L. Brooks -CUT OUT

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Motto: “ I, theLord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: fest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3

PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume X IX June, 1928 Number 6



Table of Contents

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , ; Secretary of Faculty ; R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School • R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ :• D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C lain r C hristian M. B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler : : Miss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge

J. M. I rvine , President J. M. R ust , 1st Vice-President L eon V. S haw , 2nd Vice-President A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary M rs . L yman S tewart Asst. Secretary C. E. F uller N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett J. O. S mith


Let Jesus Alone.............. 3,33 Stayed Upon Jehovah................................................ 333 Contaminated Christianity ...... 334 The Milk Diet..................... :....... 334 Speaking o f “ Uncovenanted Mercies” ...................335 Why the Bible is “ Foolishness.” to Some.............. 335 “ I Am NOT to be Quoted!” ................. .*................ 336 Religious Respectability ................... 336 Heartfelt Thanks to Our Readers!........... ..337 Editorial Flashlights .....h.................................. 1.....338 * * * * ART ICLES The Prophetic Telescope—Rev. F. L. Brooks......340 Blind but Abundantly Blessed — Rev. Alexander R. Saunders......;.L— .......343 What Is Becoming of the Christian Home? J B -R e v . J. T. Larsen............................... .............. 346 The Land o f Strange Contradictions....................347 The Seeking o f Thrills^—Dr. Orrin P. Gifford....348 The Bear Story o f 2 Kings 2 :23-24 U ~ R e v . G. Reid, Ph.D........................................... 349 Hymns of Bishop Heber -—Prof. John Bissel Trowbridge........................ 363 * * * * DEPARTMENTS Passages That Perplex^By K. L. B............,........ 351 Stories of our Enduring Hymns........................... 352 Heart tb Heart With Our Young Readers — By K. L. B ........................ ....353 The B. B. B. B. Page...... ........... ........................;__354 Striking Stories of God’s Workings....’............... 356 Finest o f the W h e a t . . ............................ 359 The Junior King’s Business — By Mrs: Orah G. Brooks..................... .....361 International Lesson Commentary.........1.............. 364 Biola Table Chat.................................... .:..................375 Book Table ................................................................. 381 Illustrated Daily Text .......................................... ..386

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , E x e c u t i v e Secretary and Treasurer. Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs o f 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance: Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date o f expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts : T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change o f Address : Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

H. W . B oyd , M. D. M rs . A lma K. M oss P rof . R aymond C onner B G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D. Miss A lta D avis

Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ’ s B usiness , ad­ dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD . OF DIRECTORS OF THE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the Infallible W ord of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves fo r and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and com ing of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transform ing power of the H oly Spirit in our present practical life, ( f ) To emphas&e in strong, constructive messages the great BIBLE

foundations of Christian faith. 536-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

D r . J ohn M . M ac I nn is , Dean D r . R aleh A tk inson R ev . J ohn H. H unter R ev , W illiam H, P ike R e V. A lan S. P earce R ev . A lbert E. K elly D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C has . E. H urlburt R ev , A lva J. M c C lain

R ev J ohn A . H ubbard P rof . H . W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter R ev , II. C , T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge D r . H , W . B oyd M rs . A lma K . M oss P rof . R aymond C onner D r . B. G. P inkerton

C hristian M . B ooks R ev K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred .A . B utler M iss F lorence C haffee

D r , F. J ean H olt D r . R oss A . H arris D r . J oseph J acobs D r . M argaret M orris J


•IThe Sunday School Times in its issue o f May 5 says that the teachers o f Th e Bible Institute o f Los Angeles sign every year “ one o f the soundest and most carefully formulated doctrinal statements ever drawn up.” : ^ The Sunday School Times then calls upon all its readers to earn­ estly pray that the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles may be restored to the Faith. il Th is is an assault upon the moral integrity o f every member o f the faculty. H ow could Th e Sunday School Times have said more plainly— ‘ ‘ These men have compromised” ? •I Such an unjust and subtle attack will, we are sure, be deeply resented by hundreds who know the members o f our faculty inti­ mately, and we believe that those who stand for common honor among men, to say. nothing o f “ the victorious life,’ ’ will register, strong protests. •I The Sunday School Times in the same issue mentions the Man­ aging Editor o f this magazine by name as the author o f misrepre­ sentations. Th is is being construed as an attack upon his moral character and an apology is being asked by scores o f friends. *1Th e attack upon our Institute has resolved itself into a one-sided battle o f mud throwing. I f men must throw mud, they should remember that they cannot keep their own hands clean.

T h é

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June 1928


Let Jesus Alone ■ “I f w e let Hint alone, then all men will believe'. on Him’m (Jn. 11:48).

that letting Jesus alone Js . a big-brained, great-souled business.” ~ Let us not think, merely because some self-styled scholars will not have the Christ of the Scriptures who ished His blood for the remission of sins, that He will not be able to win His.;way through. He is “ the same yester r day, today and forever.” No preacher can make a worse mistake than to get to thinking more about how,his ser­ mon is going to “ take” than about presenting the Lord of glory just as He is revealed in the Word. Ball I Stayed Upon Jehovah “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace [lit. “peace, peace,” or double peace] whose M IND is stayed ‘on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee” (Isa. 26:3). “H IS HEART is fixed [able to stand its ground], trusting in the Lord” (Psa. 112:7). H ERE are two precious passages which we recommend to perplexed believers in these hectic days. The whole secret of a life ruled by divine.peace is here: the M IND " stayed upon” God, the H EART “fixed.” What more do we ask than to have this peace under all events and to be kept in possession of it at all times ? The mind o f man is too active. W e can’t “ stay upon” (lit. “ lean hard upon” ) anything of this present world’, not even our Christian friend's! All wè can expect from the world and men is confined within the limits of time and depends upon fluctuat­ ing conditions. Repose can be found

E were interested in reading recently a sermon by a London minister in which a rather unique use o f the above text was made. The preacher maintained that many with zeal for. ecclesiastical primacy, were guilty of presenting a distorted

Christ to the world. He charges preachers with the wrong o f not lëtting Jesus alone. He declares that Jesus would be much more winsome to men if some of those who-talk about Him would present Him simply as He is in the Scriptures., “ He is going to, win the hearts of men by ’what H e is, and not by what some men say H e is, and, certainly not by what somë represent Him to be.” “ On Monday morning,’’ says this preacher, “ multi­ tudes o f people say to their wretched little god— ‘Get thee behind me!” ’ In other words, the Jesus that their min­ ister has'presented is too little—utterly inadequate. Surely fio one could go away with such a feeling had the Christ o f thé Scriptures, in whom dwelleth the plenitude o f • deity, been presented. ' Ministers today are indeed sorely tempted not to leave'; Jesus alone. They are afraid He cannot take care of Himself. They are thinking o f that influential and well- to-do-brother who hasn’t much use for the faith o f his

fathers. They try to cut Jesus down to suit him. They remain awake at night trying to contrive a Jesus that will be acceptable to an unbeliever. They get up on Sunday and, after reading the Scripture lesson, start apologizing for Him. They make Him no more than a good man, the flower of hu­ manity. The people go out isaying it was an eloquent sermon, but wondering why their hearts are cold. They have had a' distorted view o f Christ. The preacher has tried to fix Him up, and in doing it has given his hear­ ers a stone in place of .bread. “ How o ften /’ asks the London preacher, “ d o e s Jesus hover over our assem­ blies saying in a whisper that will soon fade into the silence of His own dignified withdrawal if we do not listen : ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways’ ? I think you see what I mean :

nowhere but in the eternal and immutable God. “ In the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isa; 26 :4 ). Here is a rare combination of Hebrew words, the literal rendering of w h i c h is “ Rock o f Ages.” In thè Lord Jehovah is our Rock of Ages. The first thing that breaks peace is discord between the M IND and outward circumstances. A troubled M IND means a depressed spirit, and even physical ailment. 1 Distrust is sickness of the mind. The M IND must be taken away from the things that sufround, and stayed upon thè Eternal Rock— God and the words He has delivered to those who love Him. Rutherford said : “ I lay my head to rest on the b o s o m o f Omnipotence.” Dr. Cumming said : “ The tree o f peace strikes its

June 19.28


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our warning in these days. Only let us see to it that we hold to Scriptural methods and terms in answering error, that we are absolutely fair in our representations, and that at all times our motive is not simply the downing of an opponent but the triumph o f the truth of God. The Milk Diet E hear much in these days about the milk diet for convalescents and certain physical disorders. Milk W

roots into the c r e v i c e s o f then everlasting Rock.” Have we grasped the fact that the first step to peace has to do with the M IND ? Skeptical and depressing thoughts invade the mind, perplex the reason and rob the heart o f all peace. Let memory become the treasure house of God’s promises and you begin to appropriate o f that peace bequeathed to all Christians by our risen Lord. Out o f it, the heart life is fed when the famine season comes. The H EART is “ fixed, trusting in the Lord.” We may at­

is, as we all know, especially adapted to infants and per­ sons suffering from weak digestion, nor is it ill-adapt­ ed to persons in robust health, provided they do not depend too much upon it. The writer of Hebrews knew a church that had to be put upon a milk diet, and according to his diagnosis, they Could not expect ro­ bust spiritual health on such a limited menu. This church was becoming apostate and he recommended, as a check to this process, a deep, pro­ found, faithful exposition of the advanced truths of Scripture, which he char­ acterizes as “ strong meat.” “ When fo r the timé ye ought to be teachers,” he says (Heb. 5:12-14), “ ye have need that one teach you, again which be the first principles o f the oracles of God, and are become such as have need o f milk and not o f strong meat; For everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word o f righteousness, fo r he is a babe.” Are we not facing some­

tain this peace precisely in proportion as we yield the mind to His will by giving up our own will and by “ leaning hard” upon God’s Word. W e have no promise of freedom from all sorrows; no promise o f continual success and prosperity, but we do have the promise of heart’s ease, without which prosperity is no boon and with which all sorrow and persecution may be made sweet. “ S t a y e d upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest, Finding, as He promised,» perfect peace and rest.” Contaminated Christianity F ROM the very first some studied to pervert the Gospel o f God’s grace and make “ another Gospel” out of it, while retaining many of its original terms. Then it was the Judaizers; today it is the rationalistic theo­ logians who would make a few corrections. How can one who :has experienced the power of the eternal Gospel be true to his Lord and not sound out the warning in the very words of Scripture -. “ I f any man preach another gospel unto you than that y e have received, let him be ac­ cursed.” Such words do not

OH ! OH !

Anonymous Letter Writer Traced!

The editor o f the Greenville Advocate has traced this bird back to his origin. H ere is what he says: “ W e are somewhat interested in evolution '., Bearing in mind that it is only a theory and not an established fact, we are willing to acknowledge that some human beings are justified in supposing they sprang from some lower order o f creation. “ One example may be brought to color this conclusion, v is: that o f the] anonymous letter writer. W e think such a person would be fully justified in claiming descent from the poisonous serpAit or loathsome centipede. Not a very happy .'existence, it is true, unless happiness can be found in bringing annoyance fo r others. The anony­ mous letter writer, as well as the malicious liar, must work in the dark, naturally, unwilling that any one should know o f his fellow being’s crime ■—must also work in constant fear o f discovery , There is no perfect crime, and every criminal leaves a clue. The process o f elimination will draw its cordon around a few . “ The want o f motive will allow others to be fr e e ; and the lens will soon focus, on the criminal — thenceforward to live friendless and alone.. Birds o f a feather flock together, but no bird will be found willing to,.flock with the anony­ mous letter writer or the chronic or malicious liar. I f such a person had a conscience, what a mis­ erable existence■he would have living with it.”

thing of the same condi­ tions today ? Can we expect to impress men with the fact that the Bible contains truths higher than human thoughts—-that it reveals di­ vine realities which no man could invent, if we neglect too much the teaching o f its profound truths ? Is not the church in many quarters slipping back to the point where it can take nothing but milk? “ Strong meat belongeth to them that are o f full age, even those who by reason o f use have their senses exer­ cised to discern both good and evil.” There are grades o f spiritual discernment. Some church members, as much as they may have heard about Modernism, do not seem to recognize it when' they meet it. Why is this ? They have known too little about the advanced truths o f Scripture. They have not been taught in the deeper things. In the late war, when the poison gas assaults were made, the safest ones were those who could perceive the first faint traces o f the gas, and put on their masks before the cloud settled. None were so alert to these fumes as

please some people, but as the apostle himself added: “I f I pleased men, I should not be the servant o f Christ.” ' It is necessary to constantly reiterate such warnings, and sometimes, because of prominence gained by leaders o f heresy, to use their names. A tourist in Oregon stopped at a roadside spring for a drink. The sign said: “ This is contaminated water.” Calling to a passerby, the tourist inquired, “ What kind of mineral water is this? I never heard o f this kind!” The owner of the spring decided to change the sign. Thereafter it read: “ This water is rotten, not fit to drink.” Every one seemed to understand that. In dealing with contaminated doctrine, it is necessary many times to speak in very plain terms o f those who are poisoning the wells of salvation. Let there be no let-up in


June 1928

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those who had been breathing plenty of good fresh air. One reason church members lack the discernment of error today is, we believe, because they have not exercised their spiritual senses. They have not partaken regularly o f the truths of the high altitudes. This may be largely due to personal neglect o f Bible study, yet preachers also should be aroused to the danger of giving too little attention to the exposition of the Word. No church can long thrive on controversy. While a high pitch o f enthusiasm may for a time be kept up, more than one pastor’s successor has found it necessary to put a supposedly well-instructed church back upon the milk bottle. To individual Christians may we point out the fact that we are commanded to grow in knozvledge as well as in grace (2 Pet. 3:18) ? Too many have'remained suck­ lings. A believer should grow in capacity so that he would desire fuller and higher teachings. Christian teaching advances from the simplicity suited to the young convert to the deeper Christian philosophy suited to the full-grown stage. It is one thing to grow in grace, and live a sep­ arated life ; it is quite another to advance in the knowledge o f the deep things of God’s Word. W e pity the man who has a head crammed full of Bible knowledge, with no growth in grace to balance it. Should we not feel equally alarmed about those who think a consecrated life an evi­ dence of spiritual superiority, 'while they still feed upon the milk bottle? The church today needs to be stirred up "to go on Unto perfection” (Heb. 6 :1 ). There are not enough meat-eat­ ing Christians, and too many ministers have lost sight of that old-fashioned rule o f preaching:— -“ They read in the book o f God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading” (Neh. 8 :8 ). . Speaking of “ Uncovenanted Mercies” AS we have understood the teachings o f the Roman - t V. Church, it is considered that only Catholic priests hold office in the line of unbroken succession from Peter (the first pope— ?? ?) and that the grace purchased by Christ’s death can flow only through the hands o f the Roman priesthood. The “ infusion o f grace” is said to be through the sacraments and administered by the “ only true church.” Now it must have been manifest to Roman Catholics throughout the centuries that hundreds and thousands outside of their church have had heart experiences of the grace of God; W e have Often been puzzled to know how they would account for this tremendous.-“ overflow” of grace to people who could not for a moment tolerate the practices of Romanism. This seems to have been a ques­ tion that has arisen in the minds o f some Catholics, for The American Church Monthly, a Catholic paper, has re­ cently attempted to answer it. Can there be any reality in the spiritual life of Protes­ tants ? Are all outside of the Catholic Church completely cut off from the influences of His grace? The editor thinks it would be saying too much to answer the first question in the negative and the second in the affirmative. Here is his course o f reasoning:

“The authorized way by which the grace, o f God comes to men,” he declares, “ is through the seven sacraments o f the one church He has instituted, and a Catholic is'quite within his rights in refusing to receive Holy Communion at the hands of anyone who is not a regularly ordained priest whose orders come from a bishop in the apostolic succession. We should' never condemn the spiritual life of others as being unreal or false, however irregular or invalid any sacramental ministrations to which they are ac­ customed may appear to us.” Then comes this striking admission: “ Those who do riot believe in the priesthood maxi, for all we know, receive the grace of Christ quite as fully as those who are conforming to all the requirements o f the Catholic Church. It is not for us to dictate to Christ how He shall dispense the merits of His redemption to pious and believing souls."', Those who, through no fault of their own, do not understand the Catholic religion, yet are living up to what light they have, may be safely left to the uncov­ enanted mercies o f God.’’ That explains it! Alas, how profuse have been these “ uncovenanted mercies of God” to popeless and priestless churches o f the world! This Catholic editor is hewing close to the line o f Scripture truth when he grants that if we live up to our light, we may yet pull through without the help of Romanism. " I f we walk in the light as H e is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood o f Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 Jn. 1 :7). By what “ light” shall we walk? "Thy word is . . . . a light unto my path” (Psa. 119:105). Had we nothing more than the Epistle to the Hebrews, the way­ faring man could quickly learn for himself that there re­ mains no more sacrifice for sin, and no more priesthood, and the way into the heavens is open unto all who come unto God by Jesus Christ. Let our Catholic friends read in their own version of the New Testament the terms of God’s Covenant, and they will see that His grace is covenanted to "whosoever be- lieveth ” and with no mediator, other than Jesus Christ Himself (1 Tim. 2 :5 ). (Since the above was written there has come from the press a hook entitled “ The Belief of Catholics” by Father Ronald Knox. One thing he insists on is that there is no salvation outside of Rome. “ Catholics believe,” he says, “ that there is no other religious body in the world through which salvation can be procured.” However, he goes on to explain that some are “ Roman Catholics without know­ ing i t ” ) ; Why the Bible is “ Foolishness” to Some H ERE is a paragraph from an Atheist paper which is quite widely circulated among the young people ,of our land, and the editor o f which is one of those more enlightened individuals who looks with pity upon the poor mortals who have found comfort and help in the Scrip­ tures :

“ On a rainy day with nothing to do, I picked up that old Jew book called' the Bible and waded through two sections known as Isaiah and Jeremiah, and if it is possible to waste one’s time in a more foolish manner, I know not how unless one reads the book o f revelations. There is nothing of importance , to be found in any o f them, and why they have been preserved for so many centuries is a mystery. The man who can feed his mind on such meaningless jar­ gon must be classed with fools and imbeciles, for, there is where he belongs.”

“ It is an underlying principle of Catholic theol­ ogy that Christ, being God, is the absolute Master of His gifts and of the manner of their distribution. We cannot pretend to determine how he shall dispense His blessings.

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June 1928

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knees, his difficulties all forgotten, crying, like Thomas, “ My Lord and my God !” This is not to say that perfect discernment will in­ stantly be given all believers in all things. There are de­ grees of discernment, dependent upon our soul habits. The study o f spiritual things after conversion, faithfulness in prayer, watchfulness against sin, and one’s habit o f liv­ ing with reference to the truth he already knows, all affect the spiritual vision. However, prior to regeneration, men are spiritually blind. Upon meeting God’s conditions, the book that was to them like a writing in a foreign language, becomes at once one they love and trust, the essential truths o f which they are able to comprehend and feed upon with satisfaction. “ I Am NOT to be Quoted!” A GENTLEMAN of our acquaintance received a letter from a very prominent Christian leader. It con­ tained some very “ juicy information” about another Chris­ tian. If there was truth- in the assertion, the man under fire should have been removed from his position. The recipient o f the letter felt that some very drastic steps should be taken, but, to his disappointment, he found this “ P. S.”:— “7 am absolutely N O T to be quoted.” But you know how it is ! The recipient could not but share such a choice morsel, but in repeating it, he was very careful to say: “ I know this is authentic because So-and- So said so, but he is NO T to be quoted!” After the story had been passed about in this way for a time, with all the sidelights which each conveyor was able to throw upon the matter--—o f course, all being very careful to stipulate that Mr. So-and-So was “ absolutely NO T to be quoted,” one brother got hold o f it who failed to catch the “ P. S.” Being a rather conscientious student o f the Bible, it occurred to him that the proper one to whom to repeat this information was.the Lord. He did so, and the Lord (perhaps not having been told about the “ P. S.” ) seemed to tell this brother to go directly to the man most concerned, on the basis o f Gal. 6:1. He did so. And they had a good laugh. The story had been told about the wrong fellow ! None of the others who had picked up this juicy mor­ sel had ever come to him about it, How could they ? It would be violating a confidence. Had not So-and-So stipu­ lated f!‘T ctm absolutely N O T to be quoted” ? So on and on the story goes until some day it will come up against the Judgment Seat o f Christ and all who helped to spread it will be reminded that God has kept books and that they must give account for every idle word. sN/c. Religious Respectability J ESUS landed hard on the religious respectability o f His day. He assailed the cultured, educated, refined, religious leaders and pointed out that they were on the road to hell, leading others into the pit in spite of the fact that they car­ ried Bibles. “ Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteous­ ness o f the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom o f heaven” (Matt. 5 :20 ). They were the clergy and bishops of the day. Imagine some reformer of today rising up and saying, “ Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the theo­ logical professors, bishops and ministers, ye shall in no case be saved.” Would such a man be nailed to a wooden

Genesis Up-to-date Dr. Norman Macleod, the great Scotch preacher, once attended a meeting o f scientists in which the meteoric theory was discussed. He seems to have been greatly stirred by the assumptions o f what is. called advanced thought, for he made a speech whose wit charmed if its logic did not convince.-' He afterward wrote to a friend that "perhaps the men o f science would do well, in. ac­ cordance with these last results, to re­ write the first chapter o f Genesis in this way : “ 1. The earth was without form, and void. “2. A meteor fell upon the earth. “3. The result was fish, flesh and fowl. “4. From these ■ proceeded the Brit­ ish Association. “5. And the British Association pronounced it all tolerably good.”

Heb. 4:12 tells us the Bible is a “ discerner,” literally “ ct critic.” It is the highest critic and criticizes' those who attempt to criticize it. Why is the Bible such a foolish mess to the highly educated individual who writes the above? Here’s the answer :—

1 Cor. 2:14: " The natural man receiveth not the things o f the Spirit o f God; fo r they are foolishness untof him: neither can he know them, for. they are spiritually discerned."

The writers of Scripture were fully aware that their teachings would be branded as “ foolishness” by a very large part of the human race. Why? Because they were setting forth spiritual truths, which only the spiritual mind can discern. It is not strange that unregenerate scholars can make nothing of the Scriptures. They waste their time in dis­ cussing spiritual topics since they are not born of the Spirit of' God.............. ' . ' . Unaided human reason cannot discover the deep things o f God ( “ Eye hath not seen”— 1 Cor. 2 :9) nor apprehend them by any artistic vision. They are not to be learned in the discussions o f philosophers ( “ nor ear heard” ). Neither can any natural poetic insight find them ( “ neither have entered into the heart of man” ). “ The Christian on his knees sees farther than the philosopher on his tiptoes.” Here wè have the real reason why many untutored peo­ ple are looked up to as spiritually wiser than many who are very learned. They know by vital experience thè power of God in the life, and have a spiritual discernment that goes to the roots o f our spiritual problems. , We would not discount higher learning, nevertheless it remains true that one may "know grammar and lack grace ; may be scholarly without having saintliness ; may be educated, yet unable to edify others. They have not the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2 :10 ). The Spirit of God alone can quicken the intelligence to apprehend divine things. He mediates between the mind of God and the mind of the believer. The Holy Spirit brings a man like doubting Thomas into the very presence o f Christ and causes all his doubts to vanish in a moment. How many a man, full o f doubts, when brought to the place of accepting God’s salvation, has arisen from his

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cross or would he just be cartooned and roasted alive in the liberal press? But think o f the conditions. Religion was polluted. The Sadducees were denying many of the teachings: o f the Word. The Pharisees exalted their traditions above the Bible. The scribes and priests were simply^ going through dead formalities, and fooling the people with their elaborate religious system. They had “ the form o f godli­ ness without the power thereof.” There was no salvation in the whole thing. These men who professed to carry the keys o f the kingdom o f God are met by a Carpenter from Nazareth who tells them that they are just pretenders, mimics, draw­ ing fat salaries, but without the Spirit o f God. This same Carpenter predicted that ere He should come in the clouds,; these same conditions would exist again, even to the point that “ were it possible the very elect should be deceived.” Are we living in those days ? Are the prominent religious leaders/“ turning away their ears from the truth” ? Can they “ endure sound doctrine” ? Are they “ ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge o f the truth” ? Do they speak “ great swelling words o f vanity” ? Do they “ deny the Lord that bought them” ? Do they “ speak evil o f things they understand not” ? Have they departed from “ the doctrine o f Christ” ? Then, “ beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before o f the apostles o f our Lord Jesus Christ, how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time; but ye, beloved, build yourselves up in the most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost." Does any man in our day dare to say one word against a bishop or a popular preacher ? Beware. Jesus was killed. You will not escape at least public ridicule and severe rep­ rimands. Yet must we “ earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered.” W e must insist that those who have not the righteousness o f God which results from ac­ ceptance of the finished work of Jesus Christ upon the cross “ can in no case enter into the kingdom o f heaven”- ^ whether bishop, preacher, elder, deacon, doorkeeper, or just plain church attendant. T he K ing ’ s B usiness . In these days when we have been passing through fiery trials because o f misunderstandings and a well-organized and financed opposition, God has been very good to lay it upon the hearts of so many to ex­ press their confidence and to encourage us to put our best into the work of Him whom we love and whom we serve. “ The copies of your magazine,” writes Miss Emily L. Oakley, “ are the most readable, spiritual literature I have ever seen; somehow the truth is served up more tastefully and entrancingly in your paper than any other. One wants to keep them to read and read. May God richly go on to bless all your publications.” Frank R. Doore says: “ I know o f no paper that gives such tremendous value. If you asked a dollar a copy, it would pay a minister to get it.” “ I should indeed be very sorry,” says H. M. Gruar, “ to miss a single number. I missed one number last year and felt lost until I could get it. There are really too many good things. I prefer the K. B. to any other magazine. It is all the reading a Christian needs and keeps one well- posted. I appreciate anything coming from the Institute because I know it stands firmly for the whole Bible.” Heartfelt Thanks to Our Readers! W E are deeply grateful to rtiany o f our readers who have written so helpfully o f their appreciation o f

Mrs. W . J. Grant says : “ I appreciate more than I can express your treasure of a magazine. I would rather give up all other magazines than T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It fills a great place in my life and brings me joy and satis­ faction.” v E. V. Whatley says: “ Owing to your editorship of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , I became a Bible teacher and my whole time and life is now devoted to my Lord and Christ. I must thank you for your gift.” The editor of Word and Work says in a recent issue o f that paper: “ Picking up the latest issue o f one of our exchanges— T he K ing ’ s B usiness — and looking over its columns, we were deeply impressed with the bold stand and firm posi­ tion they have taken against all modernism and atheism. Modernism is asserting , itself in such subtle ways these days, the children o f light need to have eyesalve and keep a keen vision. “ We were so inspired by the spirit mainfested in the different items that we felt like picking up the warning message and broadcasting it still further.” One o f our editorials was:,reproduced following this item. That’s When He’ll Come McCheyne once said to a group of friends, gathered for evening converse:— “ Do you think Christ will come back tonight?” One after another they replied:— “ I think not.” McCheyne then said very solemnly:—J“ Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye t h in k not the Son o f Man cometh.”

Me Bonnie Scottish Mither Oh, me bonnie, Scottish Mither, ’ Tis long since ye’ve gang away To the highland o f the “Highlands Where the heather blooms fo r dye; In the land o f the Immortals, With the clan where y e belong ,— Bide awee and I ’ll be with you, Join ye in the Patmos song. ■—Charles E. Dunn. (Written after reading “The Bairn’s Prayer”—below)

When I lay down this nicht to sleep, I gie my soul to Christ to keep, I wake a-noo, I wake a-never, I gie my soul to Christ forever.

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have long desired to see. Billy led to the slaughter. The American Atheists are do­ ing everything possible to block his work. ¿That is one good proof that the Lord is still using him. ♦ * * The Immanuel Herald, printed- in Los Angeles*-,’ proposes the printing o f a di­ rectory of divorced and remarried Holi­ ness preachers and., evangelist?.’1AThe ed­ itor is making up a card index for an jecclesiastical directory, segregating the Christian workers ’ who are living in un- iscriptural relations. .He asserts that the number of Pentecostalists who are in this situation is astounding. He is asking his readers to hptify him of case,? of this kind. Seems to us he’s getting into a pow­ erful lot o f work—and after all, what will be accomplished in the end ? It’s an old story with the Pentecostalists, and they don’t seem to care. * * * For a number o f years the Baptists and the Methodists have been running. neck and neck in the race for numbers. A few weeks ago the Baptists claimed' that the first place had been definitely won by themselves. T h e y ‘have about 11,000,000 members, taken the world around, but the latest report shows that the Methodists have sprinted ahead of the Baptists, with a total membership of 11,789,185. * * * Herbert Asbury, because he is a descend­ ant of the famous bishop by that name, -wins himself a place in The Literary Di­ gest by making himself a prophet of doom for the Protestant churches. He says the Fundamentalists “will gradually be ab­ sorbed by the Roman Catholics, despite the abject horror with which the devout Protestant now regards the Pope, for the Church of Rome will offer the last refuge for those who would preserve the super­ stitions which •are the fundamentals of Christianity.” . This is indeed enlighten­ ing, although we confess the- leaning of Fundamentalists toward the R o m a n Church had not particularly attracted our attention up to this time. * * * The Christian Science Church is stronger in California than in any other State in the Union, according to figures compiled by the Department of Commerce

You’ve noticed that .a great man seldom tries to- terminate the, interview quickly if you are telling him how wonderful he is. * * * Ninety per cent .of Africa is now pene­ trated by commerce, but only ten per, cent has been reached by the Gospel. Who ever expected, to see the day when a man would scold’ his wife for dropping ashes on his office floor? * * * “ The futility.,df prayer is vouched for by' scientists who never tried it,” says the Los Angeles Times. * * * Church Management is authority for the following: “ Only twenty-four mem­ bers ’o f the House and four members of the Senate are known to have no affilia­ tion with a church. Methodists lead with ninety-four in the House and thirty-two in the Senate.” * * * Arnold negro was. sent to the hospital, and one o f the nurses'put a thermometer in his mouth to take his temperature. Presently, when the doctor made his rounds, he said: “Well, Mose, have you had any nourishment?” “A lady done gimme a piece o f glass to suck, boss, but I’se still powerful hungry.”’ The Sunday School Times prints the foregoing and gves it the heading: “Modernistic Nour­ ishment.” * * * A bet between a senator and a House member resulted in a census being taken o f smokers among women employed in the Senate and House, office buildings. It revealed that 19 per cent o f the women stenographers and clerks in the former, smoke, as, compared with 16 per cent of the women in the House office building. * * * It is difficult to comprehend the patience of God in tolerating some of the blas-^ phemous statements and actions of men today. A paper carries the story that one Paul Diebel, who had been making money out of his stunt of imitating the crucifix­ ion o f Christ by having himself nailed’ to.’ crosses in various places, was refused per­

You’re A ll Wrong Believe as I believe—ho more, no lessp&% That I am right, and only I, confess. That I am right, I know, Because my own convictions tell me so, And to be right is simply this: To be Entirely and in all respects like me. The world would better cease to movex'-i In anyWbther ivay than I ap­ prove. Sinners would better perish than refuse TIMbe conformed to m y 1 peculiar views.

mission to perform in Vienna because he wplld not give an exhibition to the police to prove, the genuineness'of his act. Diebel said he was willing to perform only if paid for it. At Munich he had remained nailed to the cross BSor several hours, smoking cigarettes and jesting with the onlookers. * * * Billy Sunday says: “My friends, I tell yon when I die, if I die first, I want my wife to send for a tanner and have me skinned. Then I want drums made of my ol’ hide and send men down the streets of this country beatin’ them. I want my wife to tell everyone: ‘My husband still lives to give the devil the best run he can for his money.’ ” The St. Louis Labor comments: “We should advise Billy to proceed immediately to the stock yards in East St. Louis.” The devil’s followers

Less Talk—

More Walk The old fable o f the young bear who was puzzled to know how to walk has a suggestion for humans. Said the young bear to his mother : “How can I learn to walk? Shall I move my right paw first, or the left? Or my two front paws together, or the two hind paws? Or all four paws at once?" “Leave off talking about it and walk!" grunted the old bear.

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in a survey o f all religious denominations in this country. California now has more than three times as many Christian Sci­ ence church® with twice as many mem­ bers, as Massachusetts, the State where, the Mother Church was founded by Mary Baker Eddy. W e might add that our State also boasts the largest number o f Buddhist temples. In Boyle Heights, Los Angeles', is a section which is said to be the largest Buddhist center in /th e United States. There is a temple there (one o f about a dozen in Los Angeles) which has over 2,000 men in its member­ ship. On its literature you will finiTthe hymn, “My Jesus, I Love Thee/’ but with the name Buddha substituted for Jesus. The cost of this temple was $250,000.. * * * Things must be in a bad way when Dr. Shailer Matthews, who will never be a ® cused' o f being a Fundamentalist, warns the official leaders 'o f the Sunday school movement, at their recent convention in Chicago,- that they are ||fcortC!|aKhg, God behind a smoke-screen of ..psychology.” On the other hand, Prof. F. S. G North­ rop o f Yale recently told the annual con­ vention o f the Religions:/ Education As­ sociation that the world must look to an inductive philosophy o f science for a solution o f the “problem of religion.” “We must search out those facts of sci­ ence which bear upon the theory of the nature o f things,” said the professor, “to determine- whether the universe as we know it today provides any concrete meaning for the claims o f religion. If the result is favorable, our aim must then be to put religion into a form in which its claim will be intelligible in terms of the facts o f science.” Will these men ever come to see that it is nothing but the warm, glowing mes­ sage o f the crucified and risfen Christ that can save the day «for the churches? We hold, furthermore,: that the proclamation of His personal second advent is a mes­ sage ordained for the times in which,;we are living, and one of the greatest means o f arousing men to prepare to meet God. life 35,000 to 1; Reinforce the One! In Mormon land i s ’ a beautiful valley, 40 miles long, with 35,000 people in 34 places, and only one minister! The people are nearly all Mormons,/who will not at­ tend Christian church services, and hence MUST be evangelized by a traveling auto work, visiting them in their homes, hold­ ing special Gospel services on the street, etc. The Utah Gospel Mission is doing this urgent work, and last summer and early fall, had 11,000 people at its meet­ ings in this very valley, besides visiting

3,350 homes* using Carefully 48,000 pages of special printed matter, selling Bibles, etc. Mormonism of both kinds sends out over 1,000 emissaries a year, drafted with­ out salary, staying two years or more;: and getting nearly 10,000 of our pflple as con­ verts. The Mission asks for only TEN able, devoted adaptable men to take the real Gospel to these people, to live in Gos­ pel auto or team wagons under careful in­ struction, for at least one year, with all expends provided. About 125,000 square tnilCkj o f the United States present these temditions./ Men 'Who might' go are de­ sired to sefd details ,at once about them­ selves, including r e fe r e n c e s /^ The Utah Gospel Missi'ofi; 9277 Amesbury Avenue, Cleveland, O h ioill Eight Good Reasons The Christian gives eight Scriptural points against the use o f tobacco, as fol­ lows':: ^ First—It is n ot/lor the .glory o f God. “ Ye are bought with a price/" therefore glorify God in your bodwj and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Cor. 6:20). Second—It brings on disease o f the heart and canèçr o f the tongue. H f any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy” (1 Cor. 3:17). ./.Third—It is expensive and the money wasted. “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? (Isa. 55:2). / - Fourth—It is infringing on the rights of others by contact with them in its nauseous^ sickening odor. ,/ ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbpr as thyself’’/(GuL 5:14). Fifth—It is a wrong example to set be­ fore the young. “ Let your light so shine before men, that they may1see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16).,:./ Sixth- -It is,1a filthjÇTiàKit., “Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness.of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear o f God” (2 Cor. 7:1). Seventh—The habit .once formed brings one -into _bondage. “Whosoever com- mitteth sin is the servant of sin” (John 8 :34.) , . 1 : ; EightF—It causes unnatural desire, and leads to intemperance. “ If ye live after the flesh, yé shall die. To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey” (Rom. 6:16) 9:13).' I :, I ■ aïs Couldn’t Find the Song A very clever German anatomist, who, : was also an atheist, declared that’ he would not believe in manW'soul because he had never discovered such an organ in the bpdy. A friend remarked to him one day : “A ;cat listened with admiration to the song of a nightingale. Ambitious to learn the secret of that entrancing music, he caught the sweet singer and tore it to pieces; yet, to his surprise, he found no musical organ present.”

T h e y S a y . . .

Frank H. Simonds in American . Review o f Keviezvs : “ I do not see any escape from the colfelusion that Europe is moving toward another catas- . trophe. . AndMit is moving fn that direction because,Igo far, it has proven impossible to3|e- J^pomplish anything in adjusting the complicated tangle of' dis- |?pputes /which divide nations. It might be,, said, H paradox, that the greatest danger of war is caused by. the fear of war among many peoples.” ■ * * * David Lloyd-Gieprge: “If Christian mission!/ fail, the rest ( S EHhad better close lip shop. The ' missiptiaty» pro­ gram r.eprese||ts the/most’ sUc- . cessf® enterprise for the rec­ lamation of mankind that the modern world has ever seen.” ♦ * * ■Nelson ( B . G ),W ezJl|nS “ All your sinJSjmay be for­ given .’and feever trouble you ,againRhlesS'ly« run fo il o f­ fice.” - * * * Secretary, o f Commerce, ' Hoover : ifilP'he .10 ways to:''evil in the tim lgof Moses have increased to 10,000.” • * * * Bishop Freeman, Washington!/. '; “This is the most dissatisfied period in human history.” ♦ * * Cincinnati Inquirer : ,. “ This would be a terrible .world for a lot ^ « p e o p le if everything was the same price and they.couldn’t have things better thaS other folks.” Jjs sit * lames T. Adams, {in Harper's Magazine) : “ Basing my prediction on the unchanging nature o f man’s* deepest cravings throughout history, I do believe that sci- , ence will some day cease, to be the sole method o f interpret­ ing the universe and'that sci­ entists will cease to be th|;| high priests whose words are the sole .authority as. to" what men -can, and cannot believe about themselves and their environment. I believe that science,:: cannot permanently , satisfy the whole of man’s na­ ture, and I believe the ‘intel­ lectual climate’ will gradually alter again—as it has so man;§|i times—and ' science, althougipj an indispensable tool, will lose -its present high station as the sole interpretation o f the whole universe.”

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