June 1928
T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
have long desired to see. Billy led to the slaughter. The American Atheists are do ing everything possible to block his work. ¿That is one good proof that the Lord is still using him. ♦ * * The Immanuel Herald, printed- in Los Angeles*-,’ proposes the printing o f a di rectory of divorced and remarried Holi ness preachers and., evangelist?.’1AThe ed itor is making up a card index for an jecclesiastical directory, segregating the Christian workers ’ who are living in un- iscriptural relations. .He asserts that the number of Pentecostalists who are in this situation is astounding. He is asking his readers to hptify him of case,? of this kind. Seems to us he’s getting into a pow erful lot o f work—and after all, what will be accomplished in the end ? It’s an old story with the Pentecostalists, and they don’t seem to care. * * * For a number o f years the Baptists and the Methodists have been running. neck and neck in the race for numbers. A few weeks ago the Baptists claimed' that the first place had been definitely won by themselves. T h e y ‘have about 11,000,000 members, taken the world around, but the latest report shows that the Methodists have sprinted ahead of the Baptists, with a total membership of 11,789,185. * * * Herbert Asbury, because he is a descend ant of the famous bishop by that name, -wins himself a place in The Literary Di gest by making himself a prophet of doom for the Protestant churches. He says the Fundamentalists “will gradually be ab sorbed by the Roman Catholics, despite the abject horror with which the devout Protestant now regards the Pope, for the Church of Rome will offer the last refuge for those who would preserve the super stitions which •are the fundamentals of Christianity.” . This is indeed enlighten ing, although we confess the- leaning of Fundamentalists toward the R o m a n Church had not particularly attracted our attention up to this time. * * * The Christian Science Church is stronger in California than in any other State in the Union, according to figures compiled by the Department of Commerce
You’ve noticed that .a great man seldom tries to- terminate the, interview quickly if you are telling him how wonderful he is. * * * Ninety per cent .of Africa is now pene trated by commerce, but only ten per, cent has been reached by the Gospel. Who ever expected, to see the day when a man would scold’ his wife for dropping ashes on his office floor? * * * “ The futility.,df prayer is vouched for by' scientists who never tried it,” says the Los Angeles Times. * * * Church Management is authority for the following: “ Only twenty-four mem bers ’o f the House and four members of the Senate are known to have no affilia tion with a church. Methodists lead with ninety-four in the House and thirty-two in the Senate.” * * * Arnold negro was. sent to the hospital, and one o f the nurses'put a thermometer in his mouth to take his temperature. Presently, when the doctor made his rounds, he said: “Well, Mose, have you had any nourishment?” “A lady done gimme a piece o f glass to suck, boss, but I’se still powerful hungry.”’ The Sunday School Times prints the foregoing and gves it the heading: “Modernistic Nour ishment.” * * * A bet between a senator and a House member resulted in a census being taken o f smokers among women employed in the Senate and House, office buildings. It revealed that 19 per cent o f the women stenographers and clerks in the former, smoke, as, compared with 16 per cent of the women in the House office building. * * * It is difficult to comprehend the patience of God in tolerating some of the blas-^ phemous statements and actions of men today. A paper carries the story that one Paul Diebel, who had been making money out of his stunt of imitating the crucifix ion o f Christ by having himself nailed’ to.’ crosses in various places, was refused per
You’re A ll Wrong Believe as I believe—ho more, no lessp&% That I am right, and only I, confess. That I am right, I know, Because my own convictions tell me so, And to be right is simply this: To be Entirely and in all respects like me. The world would better cease to movex'-i In anyWbther ivay than I ap prove. Sinners would better perish than refuse TIMbe conformed to m y 1 peculiar views.
mission to perform in Vienna because he wplld not give an exhibition to the police to prove, the genuineness'of his act. Diebel said he was willing to perform only if paid for it. At Munich he had remained nailed to the cross BSor several hours, smoking cigarettes and jesting with the onlookers. * * * Billy Sunday says: “My friends, I tell yon when I die, if I die first, I want my wife to send for a tanner and have me skinned. Then I want drums made of my ol’ hide and send men down the streets of this country beatin’ them. I want my wife to tell everyone: ‘My husband still lives to give the devil the best run he can for his money.’ ” The St. Louis Labor comments: “We should advise Billy to proceed immediately to the stock yards in East St. Louis.” The devil’s followers
Less Talk—
More Walk The old fable o f the young bear who was puzzled to know how to walk has a suggestion for humans. Said the young bear to his mother : “How can I learn to walk? Shall I move my right paw first, or the left? Or my two front paws together, or the two hind paws? Or all four paws at once?" “Leave off talking about it and walk!" grunted the old bear.
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