King's Business - 1928-06


K I N G ’ s


June 1928


erection o f a small hall with book room in the front. Thus unmistakable proof had been given that in this new ven­ ture the Lord’s leading had been followed. On May 8, 1919, the new Gospel Hall and Reading Room, completed and furnished, seating one hundred and twenty people, were opened and dedicated to God by a series of three days’ special meetings. , .The hall was constantly crowded, and as time went on it became moré and more evident that extension was neces­ sary, and for this need the prayer of faith pp>uld be offered. It Occupied one of the most strategic positions in that great city, in a locality well calculated for reaching men, but there was also an immense female population in the homes all around at the rear o f the busy business, streets, and for them there was’ no provision. God’s ’ resources are put to the test .only when the impossible is attempted, so al­ though there did not seem to be even the remotest possi­ bility o f getting any more property adjoining ours, the promise of God was laid hold o f for th^ supply o f this need, and friends in all parts-of the world join us in this' fellowship o f prayer. G od ’ s B lessing U pon the W ork U ^ , -A Six years later one. o f the finest Gospel pi-paehijig cen ters in the whole o f China was dedicated to (fod. tor the daily proclamation of the Gospel, the site an<á the funds having been given in direct answer to prayer, Rrayér. had been concentrated on a Tea House immediately;, at the rear Of our premises, as being the only possible-.plan' fpivex- tension, but it had been a going concern for upwards of eighty years, and the occupier gave not the slightest indi­ cation of closing up: Suddenly the propért^ ¿á&af into the market, and the Lord having already plrbyided tlje money, no time was lost in securing it. About ihat time a post­ card was received from an honored mernber o f the China Inland Mission London Council to say tliat he was much interested, and was praying about the Tea House prop­ erl}-, which he believed would be ours before the postcard could reach us, and it was even so. A very remarkable thing was that there seemed to be no reason ftfr the occu­ pier to sell, for he at once opened another Tea House a little way down the same street. Bujt the thing unmis-,. takably was of God. God certainly had done great things for us, and could the wisdom o f our return to China! even be doubted ? There is now a Gospel Hall with a total seating capacity' for at least five hundred men and women, a lovely sunny courtyard with reception rooms for women, a fine'read-' ing-room for men, twenty-three feet by thirty-five feet, an enlarged book room for the sale of books with shop front on the main street, and besides living rooms for Chi­ nese workers, there are two main entrances from different streets, one for men and the other for women. When we knelt by our bedside in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at the parting o f the ways, did we mistake the leading when the Lord said, “ Go back to China” ? Let the signs that followed be the answer. Like many others, we have been on furlough on ac­ count o f the upheaval in China, and although, with our physical infirmities, and after forty years of strenuous work, retirement might be justifiable, it is not thought of, and we look forward to a return to China in the autumn (1928). The coming o f the Lord draweth very near. Time must not be. lost, and with three hundred million

in China alone who have not yet heard, we must devote our time and energies to the promotion and guidance of a forward movement by Chinese workers into the regions beyond,, that every creature nia-y hear, at least once, the good news of. salvation. What does this mean to you ? Scattering Scriptures in Latin America S c o r e s o f missionaries in Central and South America were heartened by the “ Good-will Visit” o f Colonel Charles A . Lindbergh the past winter. We believe his visit has opened the hearts of many to a better appreciation o f the United States, her aims and ideals. Is this not a golden opportunity for our missionariés to tell the people about the Bible? Should not our ambas­ sadors;' for Christ in these Latin-American lands have “ good-will” copies of Gospels and Testaments ? The Scrip­ ture ^(i our ©wn land. The home field’ is still a needy one and the work is growing constantly.. But just now while thë^bprs are open and the missionaries in our Lsister repübhës aye asking for “ the seed which is the Word of God,” should ive not supply it in.a generous manner? Ten dollars wilLfurnish thirty-five Testaments and one hundred Gospem in Spanish, and only eternity will reveal the value of such an investment. Slapped In the Face ■A man said, “ For years when I have bowed down in private prayer a certain incident in my life has been slapping me in the face.” The speaker was a man above eighty years of age.' He was a man of wealth. He had given thousands to missions and the cause of education. He was a liberal man. But there was a little sand on the journal, which caused a slight friction. This is his story as related with his own lips. “ Years ago I bought some hay from a neighbor. It was weighed and I gave the man the totals. Before the account was settled the man died. I went to the administrator and asked if he had any ac­ count against me, and he found nothing and I gave the claim no further attention. The matter has put a shadow on my life for years and has hindered and impeded my spiritual progress. Tomorrow morning first thing I am going to the widow and settle the account in full.” Best of all, he did it. A new light broke over his face. The controversy was over. He had liberty again. His testi­ mony rang clear and true. That which had been slapping him in the face was gone. Way of L ife” made plain and is also the “ Daily Portion Edition” which has

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