King's Business - 1928-06


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

June 1928

What is Becoming of the Christian Home? B y R ev . J. T. L arsen Chicago, III.

“Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the FAM ILIES that call' not on Thy name" (Jer. 10:25). S OME is the sweetest and oldest name in the his- f tory of men, for it is associated with such names as mother, father, wife, children, and finally with heaven as our eternal home. One person can live in a house, but it takes two or more, to make a home. God instituted marriage from

There are subtle enemies of the home today. The Christian home is in grave danger o f total disruption through the opposing forces at large and within the home today. C urse of D ivorce and C auses Divorce is the great enemy o f the home. Lack o f un­ derstanding, lack o f love and harmony, a lack of for­

bearance and longsuffering, in­ cluding the sinfulness o f human nature, account largely for the divorce evil. Another reason is the fact that divorce laws o f the various states are far more len­ ient than the law of Christ ac­ cording to Matt. 5 :32. With over 3,000,000 divorced people in the past 25 years, in the United States, affecting over 5,000,000 men, women, and children, and in some sections from one-fourth to one-tenth of all marriages ending in divorce, it ought to be enough evidence of the havoc that the divorce evil has accomplished in this country. Alcoholic liquors, drugs and cigarettes are seriously affect­ ing the homes of America. It was reported that about 25,000 homes were ruined by liquor in America every day, in pre-pro­ hibition days. In our day boot­ leg liquor is sold even to high- school boys and girls. American people now lead the world in the sale of drugs, and in the number of drug addicts. Many young girls smoke their ciga­ rettes with the boys. The commercial amusements of today which are injurious to the moral, physical, and spirit­ ual welfare o f adults and chil­ dren, are deadly enemies of home life. When one considers the fact that millions of people,

the earliest history o f man. God H i m s e l f married the first couple. Home is older than our modern civilization, and civili­ zation will break down when real home-life passes away. Home is generally consider­ ed a place of rest, peace, joy, hospitality, study, meditation, and sociability. Husband really means “ band o f the home.” He is to be the head o f the home (Gen. 3 :6 ; Eph. 5:23) and to bind together the home mem­ bers into one harmonious group. He should be the priest o f the household, and at times the mother may substitute for her husband. For wife m e a n s “weaver” and truly the wife can weave together the v a r i o u s threads o f home-life better than any man. She is her husband’s helpmeet, and is to work in co­ operation with him in every proper sphere o f life. Woman is equal to man in her own sphere; but she is not equal to man in man’s sphere. Let a woman keep and maintain her God-given place and let man keep his God-given sphere in life. M arriage and D ivorce There are four chief reasons for marriage: to be in the will of G od ; because of real love one for the other; because of the propagation o f the race,

especially young people and children, spend most o f their evenings (and late into the night) at vulgar shows, mov­ ies and passionate dances, we cannot wonder that homes are disrupted. When young people are permitted the use o f automobiles to go where they please and to park in secluded places at night and engage in familiarities which would not be tolerated in true love or a Christian home— we cannot help but say that the automobile is a great tool o f Satan and that these practices are the enemy o f the home. One minister in a small city, with whom the writer was conversing, stated that he counted fifty cars standing alongside the curb (over the city), wherein young people

which God has commanded; and for the service that may be rendered to society. On the other hand, there is only one true cause for divorce, which Christ stated in Matt. 5: 32, namely, the sin o f fornication or adultery. If the mil­ lions who have sought and may seek divorce on other grounds, would remember this, and act accordingly, there would be thousands of homes spared from disruption. “ The Crown of the Home is Godliness, The Beauty of the Home is Order. The Glory of the Home is Hospitality, The Blessing o f the Home is Contentment.”

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