King's Business - 1928-06


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

June 1928

Come, Let Us Reason Together HE Atheists continue to laugh at those who be­ lieve that this world in which we live was de­ signed and created by a Personal and All-wise God. Few who are acquainted with the findings o f science, will in the present day dispute the state­ ment that this world had a single cause,- for the unity which pervades the universe has been completely estab­ lished. Furthermore, the number of atheistic scientists who deny that the single First Cause was supernatural, is very small. Natural causes always act the same under the same conditions, but it is admitted today that the power which created the world must have been a free force, a force which was capable o f voluntary choice in originating the world at a certain time, and such a force must clearly have been supernatural and is, therefore, better described by the personal pronoun “ He” than by the word “ it.” Free will and ability to design, do not belong to inanimate objects or to natural forces. Is there evidence that the Creator designed the uni­ verse? By design is meant voluntary action, combined with foreknowledge o f the results that would follow such action. Did the world result from blind force and evolu- tion, or was it originated by One who had a plan in everything and who foreknew the results o f His actions? The whole world, is full o f the marks of design and the obvious inference is that there was a Personal, Intelligent, and all-powerful Designer and Creator. We conclude that a clock has the marks o f design, since its many parts are put together f o r a purpose. They are so shaped and arranged as to produce motion and this motion is so regulated as to point out the time o f day. Had any part been differently shaped or arranged, there would have been no motion and the whole would not serve the purpose o f telling time. T he L ogical C onclusions There are two conclusions that must be reached. The clock, at some time, had a maker. The maker must have understood its construction and designed every part o f it to carry oiit one specific purpose of telling time. The fact that all the members o f the Atheistic Associa­ tion never saw a clock made, or never knew anyone cap­ able of designing and making one, would not alter the argument. No thinking person could doubt the existence of such a person, or the fact that, whoever he was, he built the clock for a specific purpose. ' Suppose the clock had the power to reproduce itself! Would this have any effect upon our first conclusion? would we say'that because it had the property of multiply­ ing, it had no designer and creator, but had merely de­ veloped itself to begin with? No, indeed! It would only increase our admiration for the skill of the one who made it and so designed its works that it could reproduce. Even though we had ourselves never seen a clock except one that was reproduced by a previous one, the thinking person would not be weakened in the conviction as to the exis­ tence of a clock-maker, somewhere, sometime. Common sense would tell us that the clock did not design itself to begin with and someone must have made the first one. Who does not know that there are countless objects in nature which bear absolutely conclusive evidence o f having been designed? Furthermore, the unity that'everywhere exists in nature— the fact that all its parts work together toward beneficent ends in so many ways—proves that if

Intellectual Mush The 4 A ’s in their annual bulletin refer to Modernism as “ intellectual mush.” For once they are logical. Get the following;ijj“ liVhoeyer, rejecting the. Fall of Man, accepts Evolution,:should stop preaching Christianity. The de­ scendants o f apes don’t need a Saviour, What sense is. there in preaching one to them? The downfall of Chris­ tianity is presaged in the passing of Hell, which inevitably drags Heaven with it, since the two have the same founda­ tion. If the one is figurative, so is the other.” Bible Comically Illustrated There seems to be no limit to the blasphemy o f the modern Atheists. The Truth Seeker announces the pub­ lication o f a book “ The Bible Comically Illustrated.” This collection o f “ humor” will cost you only: $3.50. Advertise­ ments declare that the Bible will be covered from Genesis to Revelation, all the principal incidents being depicted in comic cartoons, and a page o f text will accompany each sketch. “ A perusal o f this book,” says the advertisement, “ cannot fail to destroy the superstitious regard for the Bible now held by deceived Christians.” W e fancy all the Atheists will be buying these books to distribute among the church members. Hard Sledding in L. A. The bootlegging o f Atheism among high-school and college students in Los Angeles has not been meeting with much progress according to the daily press. A girl Athe­ ist, Queen Silver, claims to be the organizer o f “ The Devil’s Angels.” However, one George Henry, janitor of a rooming house, claims he organized it years ago. Both o f them, when visited by reporters, admitted it had been tough work in Los Angeles to arouse any interest. Ingersoll’s Little Prophecy Ingersoll, rolling into Denver on the train, prophesied that in fifty years there would not be fifty Bible believers in that city. The fifty years are up, with one to spare. More than 100,000 copies o f the Scriptures are sold in Denver every twelve months. Thirty million copies a year. That is the present demand for the Scriptures. What Are We Doing About It ? The mails are daily carrying thousands of Atheistic tracts to all parts of our country. Literature of the 4 A ’s is being distributed in our schools and at our homes. T he K ing ’ s B usiness published two leaflets answering their tracts. They were offered free to our readers. Some have distributed many of these leaflets, but the great majority ^apparently are still asleep to the fact that Satan is sowing his seed on every side. Can we not even get rid of the tracts, when they are offered free? Who will go farther and enable us by their contributions ■ to publish and cir­ culate other needed leaflets along these lines ? Let’s get busy!

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