King's Business - 1928-06

June 1928


T h e . K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

a Bible to take with him that he may continue his studies o f God’s W ord.” How a Whole Family Was Brought to Christ Our Institute work in the shops óf Los Angeles con­ sists not only in preaching to the men and the visitation o f the sick, but in conducting, at the request of the men, cottage prayer meetings. Mr. Stuchbery, the Superin­ tendent o f Shop Work, has! had the wonderful privilege o f taking the little organ along and holding prayer meet­ ings in a number of the homes of shop men, and God has been wonderfully blessing. ' “ A woman came to me,” says Mr. Stuchbery, “ asking me if I believed that God answered prayer, to which of course, I said I knew He did.” She said, “ You know how hard my husband is, and do you think the Lord could save him? For the doctor has jüst told me, unbeknown to him, that he is dying with cancer of the stomach, and cannot possibly live more than six months'.” They made a covenant before God that they would pray that he might be-savéd. The worker visited the home five or six times before having, the opportunity of defi­ nitely speaking’ to him about his personal relationship to Christ. The opportunity came, and the Holy Spirit led and convicted him of sin. He said “ yes” to the pleadings of the Master. The next week he asked if the worker would not come over and have a little family prayer meeting and sing him some of the old-time hymns. Mr. Stuchbery was in the hospital a few hours before the man passed away, and he said, “ Mr. Stuchbery, how glad I am in an hour like this to know my Saviour ! Now if He wants to call me home I am ready to go.” Right after his funeral his widow became very sick, and she again invited the worker to administer the Lord’s supper and hold another cottage prayer meeting. This time she had the family of married children around her bedside, for it seemed as though the Lord was going to take her, too. She called Mr. Stuchbery to her bedside in the middle of the meeting, and with tears running down her cheeks, said, “ I am ready to go home tonight, but I have one desire in my heart, that I might know that my children will meet me in heaven.” The children were told of their mother’s wish, and after prayer Mr. Stuchbery had the joy of seeing the son and three daughters weep their way through to the kingdom of God, and tell their mother that they would meet her up'there. Selections From Our Radio Mail “ I am blind, and denied the privilege of reading, find Radio KTB I a great blessing.” “ Your station means much to me, and if I could help by telling stories on your children’s hour please call on me.” “ We enjoy all of your broadcasts, especially the inspir­ ing music.” “ I am not a person of means, but am glad to help further your good work as I am able.” “ Thank you for broadcasting the Spanish hour; our hearts aré just as hungry as anyone’s for your message.” “ I do thank our heavenly Father for all your messages; they are a real uplift.”, ■ “ I am an aged member not able to attend church; your station means much to me.” “ I have been following your station almost since you first went on the air.” “ I am keeping in a notebook many of the good things I hear over KTB I.”

B A N D I T S ! As we go to press, word comes by cable from Dr. Frank A . Keller, superinten­ dent o f our Hunan work, that the leader o f our Evangelistic Band No. 9 and six evangelists have been taken by bandits who demand $30,000 ransom. The de­ mands cannot be met. Our workers and students have spent a full day in prayer. God ’s will be done!

“ Enclosed please find fifteen dollars; ‘the Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad.’ ” Recent letters bear the postmarks o f Providence, R. I . ; Flushing, N. Y . ; Milwaukee, W is .; Yakima, Wash.; The Dalles, Oregon; and Fruitland, Idaho. KTB I is now on the air thirty-four hours a week, an increase of fifty per cent over our previous schedule. Added features are the Biola Children’s Club at five o’clock daily except Saturday and Sunday ; and a noon­ day period from 11 :40 until 12 :35 from Tuesday to Fri­ day inclusive, at which time are heard readings, dialogues, great poems and great chapters, vocal and instrumental soloists, the chimes, and Prof. A. A. Butler at the organ. W e contemplate a Radio School for the summer months; important remote control broadcasts, and other features to be announced later. The new Studio and Operator’s R oom are in process o f construction, and will be in use before long now, assur­ ing an even better reception of our broadcasts locally and at a distance. How a Chinese Idol Was Robbed of Praise A few months ago the evangelists of one of our Biola Bands in ’ China called at the home of Mr. Wu Ming Kuei. Mrs. Wu was at home and when she learned their errand she told them that she had been afflicted with a very sore foot, and that she had made a vow to a certain idol that if her foot was healed she would faithfully carry out the details of her vow. Her foot was healed, perfectly. At that very time there was in her home a scholar, an elderly gentleman o f eighty-two years, who had a repu­ tation for writing beautiful Chinese characters. Mrs. Wu had invited him to come and write out a tribute of praise to the idol, .which she intended to paste up in a prom­ inent place on the wall of her main room. Our evangelists began talking to the aged scholar, told him of the wonderful saving grace o f our Lord, o f the utter folly of trusting in mere worldly superstitions, and of the eternal home of the soul. The old gentleman burst o u t - “ Why, I never understood this before,” and ex­ pressed his determination to investigate it thoroughly, and some books were given to him. In the meantime Mrs. Wu had been listening intently; she was convinced o f the truth of the Gospel and of the folly of what she was about to do. She decided not to have the laudatory words writ­ ten to the idol, but instead accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour. A warm friendship was formed, and both the aged scholar and Mrs. Wu made daily progress in the Gospel.

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