T ïx e - ; K m is g ’ s' B U.S i n ' ës s
lune, 1928
stead' of killing the Gospel by his cruelty he was carrying it to other cities and towns. Saul went to the chief priests and asked for letters permitting him to bind with chains all who believed in Jesus, and bring them to Jerusalem to be punished and killed 'if they would not forsake Jesus.' God loved Saul and wished to show him his mistake. ' When Saul was on his way to Damascus he had a very strange experience. Would' you like to hear about it? It is in the ninth chapter of Acts. I will read it to you. (With open Bible read verses 1-9, giving life and action to this wonderful scene.) Saul had great power,, and was going to Damascus to use that power against the Lord and those who loved H im ; but God showed him it was useless to fight against Him. If a boy or. girl laughs at another because he tries' to do right, he fights against God. When Saul saw the light, he at once asked' the Lord who He was and what He wished him to d'oi You see he wished to know the right as soon as he knew he was wrong. Saul was very sorry for what he had done, and he prayed very earnestly that God would forgive him for his wicked work. God is always w illing-to- forgive- all who repent of.,their sins. ¿('(Finish this interesting sto’fy, showing that it costs .something-, to become, ¡a. true/.Christian.) The moment Jesus called to him, Saul knew "that'Jesus Wanted’ h im ’to do some thing. Jesus calls to everyone o f us. We cannot hear his voice, but know it in our hearts, and- from the Bible. "' Let.us all .dose our . eyes and,, speak right to Jesus and ask as.Saul did, “ Lord, what wilt thou have me ao ?” He tells us what to do if we really Want to know. How many are ready, like Saul, to do what Jesus:asks us to do? (Teach: M.-V. and urge decision for Christ- with older Primary and Junior boys and girls.) -•• S A V I . EE 'S AVIO UR What shall I do, Lord?—Acts 22:10.
sat in the Methodist church with the tears running down his wrinkled face. “Thus while the light holds out to burn, the vilest sinner may return.” Is it too much for God to bring even Clarence Darrow down upon his knees in the A Damascus road? Let; us pray to- that end. Saul Becomes A Christian. Acts 9:l-19j 2 ^ - 1 6 ; DC o r , 15:8. Memory V rrre.—“ BelieVfe. on the lo r d Jesus Christ and thou., sbalt be saved.” Acts. 16:31. Approach. —Show fhe-.ñhjMren •a beau tiful china vasej or cup-.añjdia.lump o f soft clay. Explain to them hf>.\v. the vase or cup is made—mold the" clay into a cup or
- "Ananias: at first: found some >excuses for hot going' to:Sanl. iLefcns not tryito inform the Holy Spirit. If He impresses us to go to one about his soul, let us be assured. God will'take care 1 of us. ..N otes for Y our B ible ; • Acts 9 r “ Breathing out\threatenings Connect up. “ fe prayeth" -in v. 11, God. put a new kind. o f . breath in him. : : Acts 9:2. Saul laid violent hands upon Christians.' Cf..;v. 17, ¡where Ananias ¡laid helping hands upon" Saül.»j'.-hv' s Acts 9 :5. “ Who art. thou, Bord ?" ■; The salvation question: Cf. v. 6 , “Lord, what wilt thou have me^io do ?” The service question whichTslsure to • follow, i,-. 'A ets,:.9:16. “He must.-suffer fo r vase, show that it may be made into any desired shape. The artist makes the. dish, paints *-thc :•design* upon it, puts it into his.pven and Mhe!’nea¥ nafdbhT'itj puts the beautiful ' gloss upon it and: it is fit for use. So God takes us, .molds us until our hearts are soft,, then, He puts His own image up on: lis and His Holy Spirit prepáfes its for His service—makes us “vessels meet for the Master's-usé:” -He 'cannot do-this un til We come to Him and are willing that He should.make of us what .He wants us to bé¡ ( Primary Teacher.)» • Lesson,.¿'(pry.-'-TWhen: the good man .Stephen:'was, stoned tq, death, what did Sgpl dq? ,What, kind ,o.f a i;spir.it did Stephen, show .‘toward. fhcféé.. who were causihg' him great' pain? "Today we have súctUa':hap'py Story"óU Sbúí.J The be ginning is sad', but it has such a beautiful ending. Saul could not forget the happy and brave death o f Stephen, who gave his life •because he loved Jesus too well to deny H im . . .o • Saul continued to persecute the Chris- tians. because his heart was fu ll.of hatred for Jesus' and all who followed Him. ¡His .eruel .persecutions,,had (driven most o f . the Christians away from. Jerusalem, and they wer,e;,spreading the-Gospel wherever they went.; This-made Saul angry, because in »■'SvfeS’iÇîi ¡¡6= Legal Form of Bequest I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of thé State of California____________________ ..— ,b .¡.¡. g .. ........ ■---------------------------- Dollars, and L direct the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be a sufficient discharge pB . if® ¡I ■ » ! to my executors in the premises. [Seal]___ ;______ _____ .______ m ) . ■ -
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