King's Business - 1928-06

June 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


Miller is pastor o f two Baptist Churches at Floral and Latham, Kansas. His ad­ dress is, Floral, Kansas. —o— A baby boy was born to MR. AND MRS. GEORGE JEFFERSON, 1441 Cherokee Ave., Hollywood, on January 8 th. Mrs. Jefferson (nee Alice Collins) was a student 1925-26, and Mr. Jefferson graduated in 1926. — o — MR. AND MRS. JACOB BERGEN (nee Martha Harms) ’25 and ’26, are the parents o f a son, born February 6 th, at Ransom, Kansas. — o — Friends o f MISSES LULA AND ED ITH M cNUTT will be sorry to hear o f the Home-going o f their father last autumn at their home in Green Springs, Ohio. —o— MISS ELLA G. BENNETT’ 20, has received her missionary appointment to Guatemala under the direction o f the Cen­ tral American Mission. She has for four years been engaged in independent work in Guatemala and has been greatly blessed in it. — o — }E SSE HENRY PARKER, ’26, has been enjoying his first year at the Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary. He expects to spend two more years there and then possibly go .out into Sunday- school work. MRS. PARKER will be re­ membered as MISS MARY B. HOOPER. A fine baby boy, whom they have named James Edward, came recently to bless their home. — o — BOYD W . ALSUP, ’26, P. G. ’27, is another B. I. man pursuing his studies in preparation for more effective service. Apparently he has not forgotten what the Institute meant to him. In a recent letter he says: “ I will never cease prais­ ing God for having led me to B. I.,' for it has meant more to me than I can tell. It was there I learned to know and trust God more.” • —o— NICHOLAS A. THOMAS ’25, is in Simcoe, Ontario, caring for a brother who - is ill. He still looks forward to the time when God will open the way for him to go back to Hellas, the land o f his birth. He longs to be among those who are preaching the Gospel to the nine million people there who have so little opportun­ ity to hear the Good News. RACHEL WOOD , ’24, sends us the accompanying p i c t u r e from Shanghai. Those in the picture are as follow s: Back Row—left to right CURTIS ELLIOTT ’24, J O H N YONG, DAVID CAMPBELL ’24, MARGUERITE N A U G H T O N CASTO ’26, FRANCES DOWNS ’24, *ARTHUR D U F F , MAGDA­ LENE BERTHOLD SUTHER­ LAND ’24, HAROLD CASTO ’26; Front Row—RACHEL WOOD ’24, DR. FRANK KELLER, MRS. KEL­ LER, IRMA DUDROW ’26. MARY CHEN ’25, should have been in the group but was away from the city in evangelistic meetings.


Mr. and Mrs. Pietsch In the East REV. and MRS. W . E. PIETSCH (nee Mildred Hanna, former Evening School student) closed their work in the Church o f the Open Door April 1st. They left for the East the evening o f March 28th. Their plans include evangelistic meetings in the eastern part o f the United States, with openings in England' and on the Con­ tinent to follow. After January 1, 1929, Mr. Pietsch will be available for engage­ ments throughout the West. The Church o f the Open Door office will gladly handle correspondence looking to such arrange­ ments. —o— Nichols-Hepburne Wedding The Knox Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, was the scene of a very pretty wedding the evening o f April 9th, when MISS HOPE M. HEPBURNE ’25, be­ came the bride o f MR. ERNEST- E. NICHOLS ’24. The occasion became the opportunity for a B. I. reunion. There were many o f the Alumni and former students present. They, with many other friends, extend' heartiest congratulations and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols are at home at Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders Will Visit Us Word' recently received from Rev. Alex R. Saunders contains the news that he and his good wife expect to leave England about September 1st, returning to China via America. He expects to arrive in New York September 8 th, proceeding to Phila­ delphia,' Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Los Angeles. W e look for him in Los Angeles about October 17th, and during his visit o f about two weeks, we trust he may have many openings in nearby churches. He expects to begin the journey to China about November 10th. — o — Wintersteen-Hoffman Wedding MISS ELLEN V. HOFFMAN ’20, was united in marriage to MR. CARL H. W INTERSTEEN on Easter Sunday evening at the First Swedish Baptist Church in Los Angeles. The church was crowded with Mrs. Wintersteen’s friend’s, for it was her home church. Mr., and Mrs. Wintersteen have been working for the last six years in Bolivia under the Bolivia Indian Mission. They expect to sail for the field at the end of their furlough in July. In the meantime they are filling calls for speakers. Mr. Wintersteen has a fine stereopticon lec­ ture on the Bolivian work which he gave recently at the Bible Institute o f Los An­ geles Student Missionary Union Meet­ ing. They are also seeing through the press the new Quichua Grammar upon which the missionaries have been work­ ing for several years and which, it is be­ lieved, will prove o f great help in getting hold of the rather difficult language. — o —

Nicholls-Miller Wedding A very pretty wedding was solemnized in February at Thames, New Zealand, in which MISS EILEEN L. MILLER be­ came the bride o f MR. STANLEY T. NICHOLLS ’23, P. G. ’24. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls left New Zealand for Noya Sco­ tia, March 13th, and' are now at work in River John. Mr. Nicholls is pastor of one o f the churches there. — o — General News REV. and MRS. K. OWEN WH ITE (nee PEARL WOODWORTH ), o f the First Baptist Church of Ocean Park, are the proud parents o f STANLEY OWEN WH ITE , born April 3, 1928. Another name has been added to the list o f pros­ pective students. — o — MAE HUNTLEY, ’25, Bethel Deacon­ ess Hospital, Newton, Kansas, Feb. 15, 1928: “Want to give you news o f the Biola and' Moody Reunion at Tabor Col­ lege at Hillsboro. We felt right at home, and after shaking hands with friends, 33 o f us were seated to a three-course chick­ en dinner. Between courses and while the girls served they had a program, testimon­ ies, choruses, etc. Amanda Heidebrecht ’25, was on the program for a solo. Biola folks present were Harry Neufeld, P. G. ’27, Henry Wall, Marie Klassen, ’23, Ma­ rie Regier, ’22, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schmidt, Mrs. Marvin Linscheid, ’22, nee Dora Bar­ tel, Dr. Marie Siemens, ’20, who has fin­ ished her medical course since, Pauline Schmidt Unruh, besides us Bethel folks (Marie Lichti, Edith Giesbrecht, Nina Metty, Helen Lapp). I am sure we will never forget our fellowship together. ” —o— MR. AND MRS. V. A. NELSON (nee Signe Arntzen, student in 1925), 2637 E. 16th St., Oakland, Calif., are the proud parents o f a fine boy, Glenn Allen, who arrived at their home February 28th. — o — FRANCIS MILLER, ’24, and wife are very happy over the arrival o f Bertrand Paul in their home on December 12th. Mr.

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