King's Business - 1928-06

7 Une 1928.

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Thé Men’ s" Giee 'Club-1eft the Bible Tnsti- , .tute at 12":iOv P. ,M.,- March 23, . o n 1 their \ iannual (fre-Èaster/trip. Thé Club qf twenty- j five men,' infcludirig thé* director, were gone j fifteen daysytonching at the" leading towns-' . up...the. far north, as, Lpdi.,. coming J down the coast after spending a wonderful day in Oakland and San Francisco on Sun­ day, April;,lj cjosing ¡the :tripi at.-Santa Bar-? bara, April 6 .. From ' day to -day ■there 'was- manifest •token of God's 1 presence'ih the lives o f the ; men, in"their tm-ity of spirit and 'their power and persuasiveness in' song' and' testimony. A,Thé- Club appeared' in” -tWenty-three d if-' ferent communities and. sdng twenty-eight ; times,‘distributed thousands ;1 o f tracts and Gospels and had frequent opportunity for personal work, resulting in a number of - ■conversions;.'' " -A Thé Trip was a pronounced success in every way and God’s- protection arid guid­ ance were manifest every day. ' - to their mission station in Corumba, Mat- to Grosso, Brazil. We wish them God­ speed' on the journey and as they take up the work again. —9 ~ ’ E. EDWIN PAULSON ’23, has been Treasurer of The Students’ Association at Princeton Theological Seminary this past year, while A. FRANK FAUCETTE ’21, P. G, ’22, has been Chairman of the Missionary Committee o f the same organ­ ization. , —o— CHARLES E REUTER ’IS, is. con­ nected with the Jefferson High School of I,os Angeles,, and is superintendent of the Florence Avenue Methodist Sunday school. —o— ■ C. A. LAYNE ’27, has been ordained, and he and MRS.-LAYNE (nee THEL­ MA A. MOON ’23, P. G. ’24), arp serv­ ing the Lord at;Yerffio, Ua-liibrnia'. ' —o— MRS. MARY DTE1TL ’24, Evening School, .Crawford, Nebraska, is being blessed in her Bible Class work Sunday mornings and one afternoon a week. The Sunday class, became so large it was necessary to divide; it and form a new class, the pastor, Rev. Johnson, taking a part of the :members. —o— EDWIN BONANDER ’25, is serving a Baptist Church in Drayton, North Da­ kota, with an out-station at Eagle point, Minnesota. He is also .Vice-President of the Swedish Baptist Conference o f North Dakota. GEORGE MAGNUSON ’25, is grad­ uating from the Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, this June.

The Women’s Glee Club, under the direction o f Herbert G. Tovey, conducted a pre-Easter weelf four o f some of the southern towns of California. Dr. Maclnnis, the Dean; journeyed with the Club for the purpose :oi giving an inspira­ tional address on-the “ Cross .of Christ” at each o f the Club appearances. The, programs were given in the form of Passion Week services,'entirely sacred, and fervent in spirit. The Club appeared at Riverside, San Bernardino, Redlands, and Sierra Madre and was enthusiastically received’ by all and ipvited to return. The singing o f the ladies was excellent, and we believe that such trips as these are a great blessing to, singers.^ apd listeners alike., ,

MARTHA C. PONHERT ’ 13, writes out of the difficulties of the present situa­ tion in China, that at her station. Ping Shi Chen, Hunan, they are opening Bible schools; this spring for only men . and women. She is giving her time largely,to prayer and evangelistic work in the coun­ try. She requests that we pray for her that she may go through with Hifn at any cost. , -—o— - F. ERNEST DIEM ’21, writes to the -Alumni Association: “W e are experience ing much blessing, sowing the precious seed on the Brasil Paraguayan frontier. Though we see comparatively little fruit, we are not discouraged, knowing, that we shall reap if we faint not. Unrecep- tiveness to the Gospel’ undoubtedly* con­ stitutes the greatest hardship we have to encounter. But we consider it a privilege because it forces us to our knees and to deperid more upon the Holy Spirit.” —o— MISS ALTABELLE HELLER ’19, of Victor, Iowa, has been engaging in evan­ gelistic meetings' during the spring. She sends greetings to, B. I. graduates and friends. —o— JACK TYLER ’23, Evening School, with his wife and son, is on a ranch at Acton, California. His work keeps him in the city during the greater part of the week. Saturday and Sunday he has op­ portunity to give time to his Christian ser­ vice as Superintendent o f the Acton Pres­ byterian Community Sunday School. He extends a very cordial invitation to visit them at the ranch. 2 o— REV. AND MRS. JAY O. BOVEE T4, have, since their graduation, been en­ gaged in evangelistic work both in North­ ern California and West Washington un­

Glee Club Goes East Our Men's Glee Club will make an extended trip East this sum­ mer, leaving June 13. Route- Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Mis­ souri. Arrive Chicago latter part o f June,' -Wheaton College June 29, .Winona Lake-'Assembly July .21 On to Michigan and Ohio. Return , via Lincoln Highway through Denver, Colo. Look for Biola Big Bus

der the direction of the Northern' Bap­ tist Convention. The blessing o f God has rested upon their efforts and they are happy in the work. —o— We wish it were possible to reproduce a snapshot just received of B. I. folk at Carupano,. Venezuela, at work' with the Orinoco River Mission. W e recognize MRS. AMEL ANDERSON ’24, MRS. VAN EDDINGS, DOROTHY GARRI- ,SON . ’24, . MRS. DONALD TURNER (nee‘ FaithliHoilirigsWorth-.’21), •LOR1N- DA WA-RREN ' *24; M en --left to right, MR. AMEL ANDERSON, JULIUS RAPLEE ’24, VAN EDDINGS ’13, DONALD TURNER, ARTHUR TUG- :GY ’22. Mrs. Turner writes i.'SOn almost ;every Hand the work on the-field is pro­ gressing splendidly. How precidus it is to see progress in spite o f the opposition of Satan’s power.” —o—- Si By the time this item is read REV. AND MRS. ALEX R. HAY (nee Mar­ garet Stuart ’21), and small son will be on their way after furlough in America

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