King's Business - 1928-06

June 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

prevent its being useless, so do I thus unbend my mind for the same reason. Mrs. Jameson’s “ Sacred and Legendary Art.” M issionary S ayings Nothing earthly will make me give ,up my work in despair,.;—David Livingstone. Prayer and pains, through f a i t h in Jesus Christ, will do anything.:—John Eliot. The work of winning the world to Christ is the most honorable and blessed service in which any human being can be' employed.—C. F. Schwartz. Christianity is • a religion which expects you to do things.—Japanese Sayings. JVhat are Christians,-.put into the world for except to do' the impossible in the strength of God ?—General ■S. C. Arm­ strong. W e are the children o f the converts of foreign missionaries; and fairness meansi that I must do to others as men once did to me.-—Maltbie D. Babcock. All thii. world Us my itarislol—Iohn Wesley. I am in the best service for the best of masters and upon the best of terms.—■ John Williams, The highest service to the citizens and the ideals o f a nation can be realized-only by living Jesus’ way o f life. The truest patriot is the one who most completely incarnates the attitudes and practices of Josus.H-Kirby Page, American, 100%. Mary Antin, a four­ teen-year-old Jewish girl in. a Boston school, felt that Boston Harbor, Crescent Beach, Chelsea Square were all hallowed ground to her. She could sing, “My Country, ’tis of Thee,” and feel it as she felt that God was her Father. In her book she tried to interpret this "America to other young people. She said: “ The young people o f America will either accept the crown offered as rules o f the America of tomorrow, or they will grub and wallow among the rubbish, mud and mire, when they might be kings and queeng.—The Expositor. The Fourth of July marks an epoch in the world’s history. It marks the birth of a free nation, with all that implies— a nation in the,'existence, of which the oppressed of all lands rejoice, and of which every true American is justly proud.—Selected. The best patriotism is loyal service. There are so many ways every citizen may serve his country.. The first thing is to be law-abiding. No nation has more righteous laws than ours: They are based on the decalogue, and we are serving God best when we obey the laws most faith­ fully and are happiest ourselves. Where begin? At home with yourself, and then see that all over whom you have any in­ fluence do the same thing. Example goes a great way in influencing others and establishing our own authority.—Selected. July 1, 1928 America First—In What? Prov. 14:34. Psa. 33 :12. C hoice N uggets

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