King's Business - 1928-06


June 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Prayer is an agency in patriotism: “ Pray for the peace o f Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee” (Ps. 122:6). True patriotism puts prayer for one’s country above every other agency for its progress and protection. God is the God o f nations. “ He putteth down one and setteth up another.” ': If we would cele­ brate wisely our national Independence Day, earnest prayer for our country and for all who rule over us will fill a large portion o f our time and thought for that day. Try this method of celebrating the “ Glorious Fourth” this year, and’ you will find that patriotism is close akin to re- ligionS-Selected. A Japanese kindergartner says.: “While the games were in progress^we were inter­ rupted by a knock at the door. As it opened who should be ushered in but a dignified Buddhist priest. He had come a long way to visit the American school. His unexpected appearance, with his

S ayings of S ome of O ur G reat S tatesmen

priestly skirt, his Aaronlike beard, nearly two feet long, together with the Prince Albert coat, raised just a little ripple of excitement among scholars and teachers too. But something important was on his mind, and as he rose to speak there was silence. His -message was this: ‘I Have two daughters. One I am bringing up in the religion o f her fathers, a Buddhist. But I have heard much about Christianity, and now I have brought my other daughter, Ko Min. I wish to enter her in this school—to have her brought up as a Christian. Then can I judge which of these, two religions is better!’ ” Would we in America pass that test, which is also, the one Jesus set up?— Congregationalist. Justice is the fundamental and almost only virtue of social life, as it embraces all those actions which are useful to society.—Selected.

In spite o f our complete divorcement of church and state, quite in harmony with our religious freedom, there is an important relationship between church and nation, because no nation can prosper, no nation can survive if it ever forgets almighty God. I have believed that re­ ligious reverence has played a very influ­ ential and helpful part in matchless Amer­ ican achievements and I wish it ever to abide. If I were to utter a prayer for the Republic tonight, it would be to recon­ secrate us in religious devotion, and make us abidingly a God-fearing, God-loving people.—Warren Harding. Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor o f your liberties; write its precepts on your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence o f this book we




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