T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
June 1928
McPhersonism rise or fall. Without judging Mrs. McPherson, Joseph Smith, or other cult leaders, I say that the re ligions and gospels they have founded are no better or worse than the founders themselves. My object is not to judge these men and women whether they be good or bad. I call attention to the Fact that a Bad man or a Bad woman cannot found a Good gospel, and to claim to be a GOOD man or a GOOD woman, is to claim equality with God. “ There is None that doeth GOOD, no, not one,” (Psa. 14:3.) My Bible distinctly states, “ There is None GOOD but one, that is God.” (Mark 10:18.) As for myself I can only say that I am a poor sinner saved by the Grace o f God. The author is a physician and a Bible student. He gives the first.portion o f his book to constructive statements con cerning the Holy Ghost and the Bible. The material is chiefly Bible texts joined together, not always with the truth to be taught held clearly before the reader’s mind. No fault can be found with the author’s theology. The attack upon the teachings o f Pente- costations, etc., is largely deferred until Part Two is reached. Here the assault is ttiade with no mincing of words, and the modern movement is linked in essence with Montanism, Gnosticism, Catholicism and Mormonism. To one who believes in the teachings under discussion, the book may not be convincing, because o f the severity o f the attack and because the' charge o f over statement will be lodged. However, from the standpoint o f the Scripture and o f reputable medical science, the author scores heavily. In his major argument he makes his case. The book is marred by inexcusable typographical errors and is evidently from the pen of one who is a busy phy sician rather than a writer of books. -—H. W. K. —o— Our Modem Judas Fifty years ago Roswell Dwight Hitch cock in his incisive way declared: “The Judas Iscariot of Christianity is Christendom itself. At first, Christianity had no Christendom at all behind it—had only the incom parable personality and teachings o f Jesus o f Nazareth. There was then no Christian England, forcing opium on China; no Christian America, driving Chinamen across the continent from San Francisco to New Y ork ; no sailors, Greek, Catholic or Protestant, defiling every sea port o f every continent and island. If Christendom were only Christian really, how much_ longer would China probably be Confucian? or Japan Buddhistic? or India Brahmanic ? or Turkey Moham medan ? These are painful questions; painful and humiliating.” —o— Valiant "He who would valiant be 'Gainst all disaster, Let him in constancy Follow the Master,
Two Distinctive New Books The Bible Under Fire The Scandal o f the Cross By John L. Campbell, D.D. By Edwin McNeill Poteat, D.D., LL..D.
For those who are “perplexed and be wildered” by the modern attacks on the Bible, here is a firm and convincing an swer. Dr. Campbell, who has the Chair of Bible, Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tennessee, vindicates the historical accuracy of the Bible, asserts the trustworthiness of the great saving doctrines of Christianity, and exposes the unscientific .character of the evolu tionary theory of the universe. Dr. Robert Dick Wilson of Princeton Theo- . logical Seminary has contributed an introduction. Bound in full cloth, 285 pp., $2.50
An answer to those who would deny the efficacy of the cross of Christ. With scholarly exactness and utter simplicity of statement, Dr. Poteat shows the sig nificance of Christ’s death in terms of a moral universe, through the forgiveness of sin* He answers the arguments of those who have expressed aversion to the Christian estimate of the cross, such as those of Tolstoy, showing at last- “ the loneliness and bitterness of a heart that can never forget its refusal of the infi nite love.” Bound in full cloth, 189 pp., $2.00
Order from your bookstore or from the Publisher. Write for complète catalogue of Religious Books.
we could desire that thè publishers had not thought it necessary to include intro ductory material by noted' ministers some o f whom are pronounced Modernists. .The work o f Mr. Stirling in assembling choice comments from the greatest Bible ■ expositors ! and fitting' quotations from others, will be greatly appreciated by the student. This work makes ùp the bulk o f each volume. However, each volume is introduced by two distinguished con tributors—one who writes a critical study o f the Book under discussion, another who emphasizes its spiritual value. Some o f these introductory articles are sound and helpful, but it is deplorable to see the opening article on Genesis by Dr. E. Griffith-Jones given over to the Modern istic position. He declares that Genesis is of composite authorship and that modern criticism has “ effectually and forever dis pelled the traditional idea that it was writ ten by Moses.” He asserts that the w rit! ers have woven together myths, legends, traditions, r scraps o f folklore and folk songs, fragments o f individual and family biography, striking personal episodes, etc. That Genesis is a reliable and scientific history he emphatically denies. We need' not say more. The comments assembled by Mr. Stirling are for the most part helpful and from safe teachers. W e are sorry to see so fine an undertaking marred by introductory material which at once puts interrogation marks into the thinking o f students unprepared to cope with the arguments. Enlightened Bible students could find the comment section o f very practical service. Each volume is priced at $1.25. —B. — o — D. L. Moody—A Worker In Souls By G amaliel B radford This is a really valuable analysis of one o f the greatest personalities of the nine teenth century. While it says many things with which the friends of Moody and those o f us who believe most in what Moody preached and stood for, do not agree, it is an illuminating and sympa thetic study of this great man. It also brings out the fact that the writer himself seems to yearn for the thing Mr. Moody
had. He also recognizes that Mr. Moody was a most careful and wise molder of souls. The book begins and ends with the in sistence that God is the one universal need of all humanity and that that need was never more pronounced than in Amer ica today. He says, “ If God does not exisjj the universe is but a wilderness of barren horror. I f He does exist, life should be but one long effort to know Him and be at one with Him. Separation from Him is the most terrible punishment the mind can conceive. . . . It may be that in the future others will have different w ays'of overcoming this separation from those that appealed to D. L. Moody. But it will not be denied that in his day none worked more passionately, more lovingly, and more successfully to bring God to man and' man to God.” Doubleday-Doran Co. ($3.50.) —J. M. M. — o — Getting “ It" By T. B. Cox, M.D. GETTING “ IT ” ( Pentecostalism, Mc- Phersonism, Divine Healing. Their Er rors and Dangers laid bare under the Scalpel of a Medical Doctor). The scope of this booklet of seventy- two pages is but expressed in the author’s own statement which follow s: The purpose of the booklet is to show that “ IT ” is not HE, by showing who HE is. To prove that McPhersonism built upon “ IT ” is not a new religion; that the new “ Four Square Gospel” of the .new leader, Aimee Semple McPherson, is the same Gnosticism taught in the Second Century by Montanus, the progenitor of the Catholic church; that this same reli gion has been taught in The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints since the time Joseph Smith received “ IT,” the divine Revelation and the plates o f gold, from which he translated The Book o f Mormon. All false cults are built around leaders who are false Christs and false prophets, not Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles. A stream cannot rise higher than its source, nor a religion higher than its founder. Upon Mrs. McPherson must
There’s no discouragement Shall make him once relent His firm avowed intent To be a Christian.”
— Bunyan.
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