King's Business - 1928-06

D r . J ohn M . M ac I nn is , Dean D r . R aleh A tk inson R ev . J ohn H. H unter R ev , W illiam H, P ike R e V. A lan S. P earce R ev . A lbert E. K elly D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C has . E. H urlburt R ev , A lva J. M c C lain

R ev J ohn A . H ubbard P rof . H . W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter R ev , II. C , T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge D r . H , W . B oyd M rs . A lma K . M oss P rof . R aymond C onner D r . B. G. P inkerton

C hristian M . B ooks R ev K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred .A . B utler M iss F lorence C haffee

D r , F. J ean H olt D r . R oss A . H arris D r . J oseph J acobs D r . M argaret M orris J


•IThe Sunday School Times in its issue o f May 5 says that the teachers o f Th e Bible Institute o f Los Angeles sign every year “ one o f the soundest and most carefully formulated doctrinal statements ever drawn up.” : ^ The Sunday School Times then calls upon all its readers to earn­ estly pray that the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles may be restored to the Faith. il Th is is an assault upon the moral integrity o f every member o f the faculty. H ow could Th e Sunday School Times have said more plainly— ‘ ‘ These men have compromised” ? •I Such an unjust and subtle attack will, we are sure, be deeply resented by hundreds who know the members o f our faculty inti­ mately, and we believe that those who stand for common honor among men, to say. nothing o f “ the victorious life,’ ’ will register, strong protests. •I The Sunday School Times in the same issue mentions the Man­ aging Editor o f this magazine by name as the author o f misrepre­ sentations. Th is is being construed as an attack upon his moral character and an apology is being asked by scores o f friends. *1Th e attack upon our Institute has resolved itself into a one-sided battle o f mud throwing. I f men must throw mud, they should remember that they cannot keep their own hands clean.

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