King's Business - 1928-06


June 1928

T h e I K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

am sure he must have been in the hands o f fhe devil. He has always been a good son.” The answer of the judjge is noteworthy. Addressing him­ self to the youth, he said: “Now, young man, don’t you get it into your head that the devil is responsible for your predicament. It was your fault and not the devil’s, so you can’t shift the blame onto him.”




J une 14, 1928 Text: Lk. 24:27

Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus By Dr. Wm. Evans The gifted author has given a fine Scriptural argument for the truth of the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. He answers critics’ arguments with th e Sword of the Spirit— “ It is written’*—and leaves no other conclusion but that the Bible as a whole must be accepted if any portion is accepted as true. You will surely want to read this book. Paper 60 cents; Cloth $1.00

Dr. Moorehead once told o f bringing a dissected map of the United States hpme with him from one o f his journeys and giv­ ing |t; to his little daughters to play with. “ See if you can put it together, children,” was his laughing suggestion, as he tossed it in a confused heap on the floor. It chanced that the two chil­ dren,: o f six and eight years, knew nothing whatever o f geog­ raphy, and they were soon discouraged with their efforts. But this happened to be an advertising map, and the enterprising indi­ vidual who put it out had caused his own picture to be placed on the reverse side. As the younger child was giving up and start­ ing to run away, the older called, “ Come back, sister, there’s a man in it!” And with this new key to the puzzle the children soon called their father and triumphantly showed him the map perfectly constructed. The Bible is like that little map—“ There’s a Man in it.” His presence is felt very early in its narrative, and later on He dominates it as the Matterhorn dominates the landscape. When we make Him the key, the mysteries of knowledge are unveiled and we have found the. secret of successful Bible study. It should be our practice to expect, at every earnest look into Scripture, to see the glory o f the Lord mirrored there, I .$•£. . J une IS, 1928 T e x t: 1 Cor. 13:13 Robert Louis Stevenson had a remarkable power o f attract­ ing people to himself by the very magnetism o f his personality, ns well as the kindliness of his behavior. One day, when the cook was away ,1 Stevenson told another servant, Sosimo, just to bring him a little bread and cheese for lunch to his writing- room. But to his surprise he was served with an excellent meal— an omelet, a good salad, and perfect coffee. “Who cooked this?” asked Stevenson. “ I did,” said Sosimo. “Well, then, great is your wisdom.” Sosimo bowed and humbly corrected him, saying: “ Great is my love!” The following incident happened recently in a boys’ corn club. One of the boys went to a local farmer who had some very fine corn and asked him for two o f his best ears. The man gave the boy his choice. As the boy started home, he hesitated, and then he returned the corn, explaining that some o f the boys had destroyed two ears which he had set aside for his exhibit at the State Fair and that he had come to get-some to replace those. “ But I guess I won’t take ’em,” he continued. “It wouldn’t be quite square, would it, for me to put two ears of your corn in my exhibit?” And he walked away empty handed, according to Ralph A- Felton, who tells the story. J une 16, 1928 Text : Deut. 11:16

The Modem Triangle By S. J. Bole Meeting the scientist and philosopher on their ow n ground, the author produces evidence which such teachers too often ignore, and chall­ enges their conclusions on the grounds of reason and fact. Every college and high school student should read this book. Evefly home should have a copy. It is a genuine eye- opener to a terrible pitfall. Cloth $2.00 Why I Am a Christian By Dr. A. C. Dixon Read this book yourself, and put it into the hands of as many of the unsaved as pos­ sible. The author not only tells why he is a Christian, but gives irrefutable reasons why everyone should be a Chris­ tian. If you want something to stimulate and renew your faith, send for this book to­ day. Paper 50 cents

Knowing the Scriptures By Dr. A. T. Pierson This book represents the ac­ cumulated fruits of years of study, experience, and zeal in the Master’s service. It is a storehouse of rich things for all who are interested in Bible study. Add it to your collec­ tion of helpful, inspiring and instructive books. 460 pages; Cloth $2.50 Why I Reject the Helping Hand of Millennial Dawn By W. C. Stevens A scathing arraignment of Pastor Russell’s false teach­ ing, which fearlessly exposes his claims to the searchlight of God’s Word. You need this book—and your friends need it — to become thoroughly posted on the claims and errors of this pernicious teaqhing. Paper 50 cents Is Salvation Safe? By Keith L. Brooks

The Bible and Spiritual Life

By Dr. A. T. Pierson This helpful volume will do much toward deepening the spiritual life of the reader. It clearly shows that for all the cravings and. crises of man’s moral and spiritual life, the Book of God is the exact pro­ vision, satisfaction and guide. 438 pages; Cloth $2 50 Is it possible for a convert­ ed person to fall from grace and “ get unsaved’’ ? Can a child of God become a child of Satan? The author gives a splendid exposition of the pas­ sages of Scripture that touch on this subject', and he settles the question clearly and un­ mistakably with God’s Word. Paper 25 cents If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc.

BIO IA BOOK ROOM Bible institute, LosAngeles, Calif.

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