King's Business - 1928-06

1 K i n g ’ s - B u s i n e s s


June 1928

T - h

J une 17, 1928 T ext: 1 Cor. 16:13

| | > « » 'V ■« -« J ■ ML. E)Ç>C>]KS THE “ SOMETHING DIFFERENT”

Grant’s famous despatch from Spottsylvania, “ I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer,” graphically illus­ trates the persistence and tenacity o f the man. Immediately after the Battle of Shiloh, it is said that Gen­ eral Buell began criticizing, in a friendly way, what he termed the bad judgment that Grant showed in fighting with the Ten­ nessee River in his rear. “ If you had been beaten, where could’ you have retreated, General?” asked Buell. “ I didn’t mean. to be beaten,” Grant replied. . f “ But suppose ybu.:had been?”: . ■ “Well, there were all the transports to carry the remaiiis b K the command across the river.!’ • “ But,‘General,” urged Buell, “your whole number o f trans­ ports could not Contain over 10,000 men, and you had 50,000 engaged.” “Well,” said Grant, “ if I had been beaten, transportation for 10,000 men would have been abundant for all that would be left of us!” A group of candidates were being examined in Korea. Among the missionaries in charge o f the service was a sweet young woman from Wellesley., She, feared to frighten: ■and embarrass an elderly Korean woman by difficult questions, so, placing her arm across her shoulder, she said quietly, “'Tell me a story about Jesus.” And the Korean woman Jyith face aglow began her simple recital. She came to the Calyary scene, , She told it all bravely till the time when the nails were driven into His feet .and hands, and she broke down utterly, and with sobs and broken voice she murmured, “ I can’t tell that part. It breaks my heart.” Oh, for a larger realization of Calvary !i Oh for a heart broken with the thought o f the anguish, of, our blessed Lord’ ! The stqry is told of an Englishman who died in the poor- house; he had just a few acres o f land—not enough to support him. After he died the new owner dug a well on it, and at a depth o f 65 feet he found a vein o f copper, so rich that it meant a little fortune. If the man who died had only known o f that vein he need not have lived in poverty. Yet there are many who are just as ignorant o f the great riches o f salvation. They pass through the world and never dig down into the great vein of blessing which the Saviour has left within their reach. , '■ I J une 20, 1928 T ext: Psa, 46:10 “ I remember walking across the intervening mile between Loch Lomond and Loch Long,” says Dr. JowettA “ Loch Lomond is an inland lake, and when I left it, its waters ¡were disquieted and boisterous, lashing the shores with angry waves. Loch Long is an arm o f the sea, and its waters were perfectly calm, and I J une 18, 1928 T ext: .Mk, 15:22-25 'J une 19, 1928 T ëxt : 1 Pet. 1:3-4


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