King's Business - 1928-06

June 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s ’ B u s i n e s s

cpiild look through its lucid depths and see the seaweed rooted on the rocks beneath. And' the life o f the soul, when it is like a small, measurable lake, is easily disquieted, and little disturbances toss it into convulsions, But when the soul knows God, when it recognizes its vast relationships, when it feels the tidal flow of the Infinite within the waters o f the breast, it has the secret o f a great calm, and the little things leave it undisturbed. When the soul knows God it can be still.”


The Revival at Broad Lane

J une 21, 1928 T ext: Psa. 51:17

By Kate Drew A charming and delightful romance in which the charac­ ters are all finely drawn. It breathes the sweet story of the Gospel of God and it will inspire you to call upon God to “ revive His work in the midst of the years.” Cloth $2.25

Rev, Hay Aitken related a very striking incident o f Evan­ gelist D. L. Moody. He said: “ I shall never forget a solemn time that I had with him long years ago, just after his wonder­ ful evangelistic campaign in London in 1875. He and I were talk­ ing about his approaching return to America, as we sat to­ gether in a summerhouse in the grounds o f Mount Alyn, the home of Liverpool’s greatest philanthropist, Alexander Balfour. With an earnestness that I vividly recall,’ Mr. Moody said: ‘I want you to pray for me; for the eyes of the world are on me now, and oh, if I should make any sort o f a slip! Just think how poor old David gave great-occasion to the enemies'of God to blaspheme.’ ‘Yes,’ I added, ‘and they haven’t done with blasphem­ ing God about that matter up to this day.’ ‘That is so,’ he re­ plied, and then he added with the deepest feeling-—I think the tears were in his eyes as he said it—-‘Oh, my dear Aitken, I’d rather die than lose my testimony!’ Thank G od,fee has died without losing his testimony, or even having it in any way im­ paired by any moral failure or inconsistency; and while,.even in these great days, many affected to regard him with suspicion, and even contempt, I apprehend that there are few human beings this wide world over o f those who have heard Moody’s name that do not now regard his memory with profound respect.” During a visit to Toronto, Rev. W . Y, Fullerton told the story o f a young man who was refused as a missionary. In the year 1916 he applied to an English Board to go forth on foreign service. The doctor gave him a very black sheet and consequently the Mission Board said they could not send him. This decision did not discourage him and fill his soul with sourness. He determined to be a missionary even though at home. He went into business to make money for missions. ‘ In 1917 he sent to the Mission Board 75 pounds; in 1918, 480 pounds; in 1919, 1,900 pounds; in 1920, 1,024 pounds fun 1921, 2,500 pounds; in 1922, 3,000 pounds; in 1923, 3,500 pounds; in 1924, 4,425 pounds; in 1925, 4,908 pounds’; in 1926, 7,403 pounds. What a record for a man who was .too. sick to be a missionary-^ 29,215 pounds in ten years! There are many ways o f doing missionary work. The im­ portant thing is to do it the way God has appointed for us. J une 22, 1928 Text; Job 17:9

Under Whose Wings By Zenobia Bird An intensely interesting book —one that will open your eyes to a new appreciation of the fact that God’s wise hand will lead His obedient children in the right pathways. Be sure to order this new book. Cloth $1.75 Cynthia Stands Fast By Florence Nye Whitwell Dr. R.. A. Torrey says: “ I have had the joy of reading ‘Cynthia Stands Fast’ and I re­ gard it as an unusual book. The work has -been done with remarkable tafct arid ability. I hope the book will have a large circulation.” Send for your copy now. Paper 75 cents; Cloth $1.25

Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson Not a single dull moment in this powerful, quick-mov­ ing, fascinating story. It is full of romance, adventure and thrills. Also it brings the reader face to face with Jesus Christ as Saviour, and empha­ sizes the “ must” of the New Birth. Cloth $1.75

In the Twinkling of An Eye

Fine Gold By Josephine H. Westervelt This missionary romance of South America is both a story book and a travel book— full of thrills and profusely illus­ trated. A book you will enjoy from start to finish. Be sure to read this story. Cloth $1.50

By Sydney Watson A clever, always entertain­ ing story that you will enjoy reading and re-reading. Also a splendid'book to awaken the sinner or careless Christian to a realization of the fact that the coming of the Lord draw- eth nigh. Cloth $1.75

J une 23, 1928 Text : Col. 4 :2

Three little children, about six, four, and three years o f age, were playing together, when, disagreeing about something, two of them became rather sullen and refused to go on with their play.

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