EAP NEWSROOM nouvelles@eap.on.ca
cyberattacks reported by other Ontario scho- ol boards in 2024, highlighting an ongoing challenge for educational institutions across
the province.
not to use UCDSB’s social media pages for communication until the issue is resolved. This incident follows a series of
Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) students returned to class- rooms on Monday following the holiday break without internet after a “cyber incident” knocked out the entire school boards access. The disruption, which began on Sunday, Jan. 5, impacted network access across all 77 UCDSB schools, including elementary and secondary schools across the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, Cornwall, Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry, Lanark, and Leeds and Grenville. Staff members have no access to the internet or email, and the My Family Room portal used by students is also offline. The school board has confirmed that police are involved and that they are working with cybersecurity experts to assess the extent of the impact and restore network services. At this time, there is no evidence that personal data has been compromised. The UCDSB emphasized that schools remain open, and classes are proceeding as usual, despite the network outage. As of Monday night, Jan. 6, internet access remained down. Parents and guardians are advised to contact their child’s school directly for inquiries or to report absences, as other communication channels, including email and the My Family Room portal, are currently unavailable. Families are also being asked
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Une année de festivités pour célébrer le 200e anniversaire de l’Ancienne Prison de L’Orignal a commencé le 3 janvier. Ce site historique, en activité de 1824 à 1998 et aujourd’hui transformé en musée, est un symbole important du patrimoine local, tandis que le palais de justice adjacent continue d’être en service. Cette année marquante intègre égale- ment d’autres anniversaires importants, notamment les 175 ans des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) et les 350 ans des origines de la région en tant que seigneurie coloniale française en 1674. Ces célébrations mettent en lumière les riches racines historiques de la région et son engagement envers la préservation du patrimoine local. Classée site patrimonial en 2007, la prison de style géorgien se distingue par sa façade en pierre et son dôme central. De nouveaux projecteurs, récemment installés, mettent en valeur l’architecture embléma- tique du site, renforçant son rôle au cœur de la communauté. Tout au long de 2025, divers événements
The Old Prison of l’Orignal will celebrate its bicentenary in 2025. This regional cultural monument is the oldest prison in Ontario and the second oldest in Canada. (File photo)
célébreront l’histoire et l’héritage du site, avec des mises à jour disponibles sur les
Tous les rêves sont possibles !
École élémentaire catholique Curé-Labrosse (ST-EUGÈNE) /HMDQYLHUɋK École élémentaire catholique 3DXOb9Ζ (HAWKESBURY) /HMDQYLHUɋKɋ École élémentaire catholique Saint-Grégoire 9$1./((.+Ζ// /HMDQYLHUɋK (bilingue) École élémentaire catholique Saint-Jean-Baptiste /ȇ25Ζ*1$/ /HMDQYLHUɋKɋ
Les élèves du CSDCEO RQWOHSOXVKDXWWDX[ de diplomation GHbODbU«JLRQɋ
École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury /HMDQYLHUɋK
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