
A message from Grenville-sur-la Rouge Mayor John Saywell

2012 – A Call for Cooperation

policies and priorities needed to guide



municipal managers in planning and

attributable to the skill of our new General

discord at the Council of Grenville-sur-la-

prioritizing their work:

Managerwho is anexcellent teammotivator

Rouge. However perspectives for 2011 are

- What criteria should serve to

and who knows how to hold his directors

far from worrisome.

prioritize investment in one or another of


The year 2011 began with our financial

our roads?

In2012 it’s at theCouncil level thatwe are

base cleaned up and a coherent budget

- Is it desirable or possible someday to

going tomake a lot of progress. With staff at

platform. An important list of discrepancies

have a municipality without debt?

Town Hall that have now proven their

compiled by the auditors over the yearswas

- Howmuch arewe prepared to invest

capacity to deliver results, councillors now

almost completely resolved. We are ending

in villages to reach a high quality of life for

need to let go of micro-managing daily

the year with an operating surplus, a

families, kids and elders?


reimbursement of over $100,000of olddebts

- Do we want to become a sleepy

planning. By encouragingmore interaction

andover $600,000 invested in infrastructure


with the public, we will be able to identify

improvements. Most importantly, we have

our own business and employment?

for 2012, the first budget prepared entirely

- What role should the public play in

by the staff at Town Hall before submission

municipal planning?

to council for review and approval. On top

- Has the time come to relocate the

of that, the operating budget will be

Town Hall onto our territory?

accompanied for the first time by a detailed

Warden’s agenda

These are some of the pressingquestions,

capital works budget, tapping into over 3

the answers to which will define the future

milliondollars ingrantmoney for roads, fire

Establishing stronger tieswithPrescott-

of our villages in the mid term, and which

halls-holding tanks-hydrants, parks and

Russell’sneighbours isoneof thepriorities

are required to focus the work of our

heritage buildings.


employees in the short term.

The hiring in 2011 of a new public works

St-Amour ashebeginshis one-year termas

One thing is certain. The law does not

director was the turning point towards

warden of the united counties.

provide for seven mayors to monitor and

rationalizing the town’s activities, affecting

St-Amour says, “On the economic front,

control the daily operations of the Town

our infrastructure: clarifying job

I wish to ensure the stability of the new

Hall – onlyone. This is not a questionof ego,

descriptions, improving work processes,

tourism organization, further the

but rather of coherent management. The

fillingvacant positions andplanning capital

development of the Ottawa River in

law does provide for six councillors to plan

works for the next few years.


the destiny of the municipality through

Hiring our fire service lieutenant as a full

of Argenteuil and Papineau, promote the

general policies and bylaws. This should

time director enabled the municipality to

Larose Forest, and work on strengthening

not be a work of the ego either, but one of

move quickly on meeting the new regional

our ties with our neighbouring counties of

democratic reflection and communication.

performance standards for fire protection

Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. With

Weneed towork together, eachwithinhisor


regard to infrastructures, I plan to continue

her respective role, and all together in the

fire fighter training, fire hall and hydrant

improving our road network and begin the

common interest of our constituents.

network planning, as well as additional

environmental assessment for thewidening


of Highway 17. Generally speaking, I aim to

prevention activities.

and success in our work for 2012.

pursue efforts toward fairness for farm

In the urban planning department the

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

property tax rebates, find a solution to the

municipality is in the process of complying

to all!

problem of uncollected fines, and explore

with the MRC’s new Regional Plan and the


response time on permit applications is




Mario Cyr Sales Representative Cell. : 613 677-0588

Iannick Champagne Sales Representative Cell. : 613-677-2179

CONGRATULATIONS MARIO! It is my esteemed pleasure to introduce Mario Cyr, the newest member to the “RE/MAX Supreme Dream Team” of highly respected and honourable real estate sales representatives. Mr. Cyr is a family man and is the loving Papa to 3 children. He is an educated man, a graduate from Cité Collégiale of Hawkesbury with a business administration degree. He is very active in our community and is known as a gentleman. He enjoys driving and loves speed. He will be quick to help you. Mr. Mario Cyr is no stranger to the Hawkesbury area. He is well respected and well known for his honesty. Mario is a confident, clear thinker and bursting with energy. Mario has a reputation of being very successful and goal oriented. He is an entrepreneur in his own right having several prosperous businesses in Grenville, Quebec. Furthermore, he has been practicing real estate in Quebec and now brings his experience to our region. Mario is a man who will get the job done.

FÉLICITATION IANNICK! J’ai rarement eu la chance de rencontrer une personne avec un tel enthousiasme et aujourd’hui, j’ai le privilège et la joie de vous présenter cet homme remarquable qui joint les rangs de l’équipe Re/Max Supreme Dream Team, M. Iannick Champagne. M. Iannick Champagne est un homme de famille et a deux enfants. Il est très talentueux et expérimenté dans de nombreux domaines de la vie. Né dans la région et ayant fréquenté l’école secondaire d’ici, les résidents de Hawkesbury le connaissent bien en raison de son travail comme directeur de département d’un important détaillant pendant 15 ans. Pour Iannick, aider les gens et interagir avec les autres sont ses priorités. Facebook est une passion pour lui et il voudra certainement être votre ami. Iannick est très intelligent. Il est de la nouvelle race d’agents immobilier qui sont autorisés et en Ontario et au Québec. Il croit que plus un agent est éduqué et dédié à sa carrière de professionnel immobilier, plus ses clients en profiteront. Lorsque vous aurez besoin d’un agent immobilier, l’énergie et l’intégrité de Iannick sauront rendre vos objectifs une réalité! Je suis très honoré qu’il se joigne à notre équipe ! CONGRATULATIONS IANNICK!

I am very honoured that he has joined our team! Looking for a top quality real estate salesperson? Contact Mario Cyr! FÉLICITATIONS MARIO! Je suis très honoré d’accueillir M. Mario Cyr comme membre chez RE/MAX Supreme Dream Team. M. Cyr est un homme honnête et papa de 3 enfants. Il est diplômé de la Cité Collégiale de Hawkesbury où il a obtenu un degré en administration d’entreprise. Mario est un homme d’affaires connu qui s’implique dans notre communauté. Il est confiant, vision clair et éclantant d’énergie. Mario est propriétaire de quelques entreprises à son actif à Grenville Qc., il connait le succès. Agent immobilier au Québec pendant quelques années, il nous apportera son professionnalisme et son expérience dans notre région. Vous cherchez un agent sur qui vous pouvez compter et à qui faire confiance? Mario saura vous aider.

I have rarely had the chance to meet an individual with such volcanic enthusiasm and yet today I have the privilege and joy to introduce to you this mountain of motion man as the latest member of the Re/Max Supreme Dream Team, Mr. Iannick Champagne. Mr. IannickChampagne isafamilymanandhastwochildren.He isverytalentedandexperienced in many spheres of life. Born in the region and attending high school here, Hawkesbury residents already know him well due to his 15 years employed as a department manager in a large retailer. Iannick’s first love is to help people and relishes successful interactions. Facebook is a passion of his and he certainly will want to be your friend. Iannick is very intelligent. He is of the few new breed of local realtors that are licenced in both OntarioandQuebec.Hebelievesthemoreanagent iseducatedanddedicatedtohisprofessional real estate career the more his clients will benefit.When you need a realtor, Iannick’s energy and integrity will make your goals a reality! I am very honoured he has joined our team!

1005 Country Road 17, P.O. Box 302, L’Orignal ON K0B 1K0 Office : 613 675-1110 Fax : 613 675-1113 RE/MAX SUPREME INC., Brokerage

John Clouston, Broker of Record 613 872-1110 cell.

John Clouston, Broker of Record 613 872-1110 cell.

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