
Another "tremendous

“All hell



broke loose”

attempt to encourage the public to help

In the May 2 federal election,

two years. In April 2010, Sue Delorme, the

with the probe.

Conservative Glengarry-Prescott-Russell

owner of the Sue Magoo’s bar, died after a

As Alexandria tried to deal with the

Go to the O.P.P. You Tube channel at

MP Pierre Lemieux celebrated his third

fire broke out above the Main Street

death of a young mother and her three

campaign win. to view the video.


children, investigators tried to determine

“What a tremendous victory in this

If you have any information about this

Woman killed in hit

the cause of a devastating blaze on East

riding,” Lemieux said, as he and his wife,

crime callCrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477

Boundary Road August 19.

Audrey, raised specially-crafted mugs in a

or Detective/Constable Dan Fedele at 613-

Maxime Cholette, just 22months, passed

and run

toast to another electoral success for both

632-2729. Persons giving tips to Crime

away at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern

himself and his Conservative colleagues


At the end of the year, Ontario

Ontario. His mother, Sarah, 22, and her two




for a cash reward. Crime Stoppers does not

Provincial Police investigators were


“Everyelectionwewinbyagreater amount

subscribe toCallDisplay.Your callwill stay

still trying to find who was responsible

were killed in the early morning fire. The

(of votes),” the returning MP said during a

anonymous and your presence won’t be


the hit-and-run death of 18-year-old

onlyremainingsurvivorof theblazewas the

media scrum. “It’s very humbling. They

needed in court. Tips can also be sent via

Jessica Godin, of Embrun, whose bodywas

children’s father, Martin Desjardins, who

(voters) can expect continued hard work

text message and e-mail. For more

found September 24 in Fournier.

suffered serious burns.

from me.”


The victim was last seen alive September

Brian Sliepenbeek, who lives a couple

The numbers




22 between 7 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. She was

housesnorthof the fire scene, said, “Mywife

G l e n g a r r y - P r e s c o t t - R u s s e l l

foundby a Fournier resident September 24 at

ran over to help. I called 911. Then all hell

Pierre Lemieux, Conservative 28,144 (49%)

Gang makes

about 2:20 p.m. onDuParc Street, adjacent to

broke loose.” Rachel was one of the first

Julie Bourgeois, Liberal 17,698 (31%)


people on the scene and, at the request of

Denis Séguin, NDP 9,613 (17%)

as a result of injuries that may have been

firefighters, tendedtoMartin,whohad leapt

Sylvie Lemieux, Green 2,055 (3.7%)


sustained in a motor vehicle collision.

out of a window to escape the blaze. This

Jean-Serge Brisson, Libertarian 194 (0.4%)

Investigators are using You Tube in an

was the second fatal fire in Alexandria in

Voter turnout : 57,704 of 84,347 voters (68.4



Earth moves all

Hawkesbury was in the national news

when the former CIBC branch manager

pleaded guilty to helping rob the Main

the time

Street bank in 2009 and to helping a gang

that carried out home invasions and

Earthtremors that rattledEasternOntario


and Western Québec are not a rare

France Maurice was sentenced to six

occurrence. Tremors happen in this district


on a regular basis. The only difference with

court toher involvement in theDecember

the March 16 quake was that people felt

23, 2009 armed hold-up of the CIBC. She

Earth move.

pleaded guilty to a total of five charges,

Onaverage, the regionexperiences 100 to

Judge Robert Pelletier sentenced her to

150 small earthquakes every year.

four years for the bank robbery and two

The epicentre of the March 16 tremor,

more for a Hawkesbury home invasion.

which shook the region at 1:36 p.m., was

She received one-year sentences on theft

located six kilometres southeast of

of credit cards and criminal breach of

Hawkesbury, in the St-Eugène area of East



Serving her time in Joliette, Maurice

The depth of the earthquake was 12.8

will be eligible for parole within a year.


Her sentencing ends a lengthy legal

No significant damage was reported and

process that beganwhensheand tenother

none would be expected for an event of this

members of the group, many of her

size, says Earthquakes Canada.

Merci à Johanne Portelance pour avoir fait appel à nos services et pour son assistance dans la réalisation de ce merveilleux projet.... Merci à Liette Valade pour son aide généreuse également... Merci à M. le maire René Berthiaume et aux conseillers municipaux de la Ville de Hawkesbury pour la confiance qu’ils ont mise en nous... Merci à Larry Bogue et Corey Assaly de la COMZAC pour nous avoir permis de créer la nouvelle image du père Noël et pour nous avoir encadré dans la réalisation du char allégorique. Merci à Carol Mongeon d’avoir accepté d’incarner ce merveilleux personnage et surtout d’avoir été notre “vrai” père Noël. Merci à Fredérick Miner pour son aide précieuse, sa disponibilité et son dévouement... Merci àPaulaAssalyduCentre culturel LeChenail pour cette inestimable donation de cadeaux pour les enfants... Merci à Loïc-Arnaud pour son aide appréciée... Merci à Diane pour les merveilleux chocolats chauds le soir du défilé... Merci à nos trois lutins : Manon Labelle, Lorraine Séguin et Jacinthe Labelle, pour leur spontanéité et leur joie de vivre. Merci à la choralede l’amitiéetMoniqueSéguinpour labelleambiance... Merci aussi à Chantal, journaliste du Carillon, pour le beau reportage sur cet événement... Et surtout, merci à vous tous qui nous encouragez à aller encore plus loin dans ce beau projet! Grâce à vous, nous sommes en mesure de réaliser ces événements et nous avons déjà hâte de vous annoncer ce qui suivra en 2012. Joyeuses Fêtes à tous! Dominique Carrière et Ovila David Huard Le Jardin des Pionniers

relatives from Brownsburg-Chatham,


were arrested in February, 2010 in

from Ottawa to Lachute, to Fiske’s Corner.

connection with a series of nine home

Steven Waite loses

invasions and robberies committed

between November, 2009 and January,

battle to cancer

2010 in Hawkesbury, Alfred, Mirabel,

Vankleek Hill and Ste-Anne-de-Prescott.

A funeral service was held May 20 for

Inspector Steven Waite, commander of the

Prescott County Ontario Provincial Police


detachment in Hawkesbury, who lost his

battle to cancer Saturday.

The 48-year-old Hawkesbury native is

survived by his wife, Diane, and two

children. Steve Waite started his policing

Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131


career with the Hawkesbury Police Service


in 1985.


Dalco employees

among creditors

About 20 Dalco Concept employees are

without jobs, and large sums of unpaid

wages, after theHawkesbury firmwent into

VEN. À 6H30 ET 8H30 LUN. AU JEU. 2 AU 5 Jan. À 7:00

receivership in July. Production at the

Tupper Street factory stopped in early July

after the company was forced into


One former worker, who has found a job

elsewhere, relates that former employees

were owed several thousand dollars.

Cement plant


FRI. DEC 30 AT 6:30 & 9:00 MON. TO THURS Jan. 2 to 5 AT 7:00

In October, a group of residents began a

campaign against Colacem Canada’s plan

to build a cement manufacturing plant

southwest of L'Orignal. The company says

the new industry, slated for a site on the

north side of County Road 17, will feature

the latest in production and environmental

Ville de/Town of


VEN. 30 DEC. À 1H30

Cement Manufacturing Plant must clear Quebec Grenville

several hurdles before it becomes a reality.

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